Status: currently have writers block but these chapters were all pre-written.


Outnumbered 4

The next morning I woke up to two missed calls and two voicemails. Both from Kerli.

The first voicemail: "Marcie, please answer the phone! There's a zombie thing trying to get in Louis's car and we don't know what to do! It looks just like Mrs. Cooper... Oh my, God, Marcie, Louis and I are so scared right now...-" And it cut off.

Then there was the second voicemail: "Mrs. Cooper just bit Louis! Oh my, God I am so scared right now, Marcie! I'm running home! I need you to come pick me up or something, or just answer the phone so I know you're okay. I need to hear your voice, Marcie, please! I'm so scared! Ahhh! No, no! Please, don't bite me!" And the rest was the same inhuman roaring in the background and Kerli screaming in horror and pain.

I immediately called Gerard and told him everything that happened. He decided he wanted to come to my house and hear the voicemail messages for himself.

"Yep, that's the same sound we heard from Mr. Tenpenny's house." he said after listening to the last voicemail. "And Mrs. Cooper was the first teacher to go missing."

I wiped tears from my eyes and said, "Yesterday, when you mentioned Bobby being like this, I thought about it and I think maybe we should go check out the place they sent hi and see if any of the professors have answers for us."

"Marcie, that, in a way, is illegal."


"Because all of that is none of our business!"

"I want answers, Gerard!" I screamed. "I am not ready to live in fear of a virus that will fry my brain and make me develop a taste for human flesh. This is crazy! It sounds insane saying it outloud, but it's actually happening and I just want to know how to stop this!"

"Marceline, what if those professors caught something? What if they shut down the labs too?" Gerard said.

"Then we'll have to illegally bust in and investigate. I'm ready. And if that's too much for you, then I'll go in alone." I said standing and grabbing my cell phone and purse.

"I'm going with you. But we'll need some kind of weapon. A blunt instrument of some sort, in case we run into any zombies."

"You horror movie nut." I said, smiling and rolling my eyes.

His weapon of choice was a metal baseball bat my parent's keep in case of burgaluries. We brought it, in case of "zombie" attacks.

"You're gonna need a weapon too." he said.

"I don't have anything else." I said.

"Your dad doesn't have, like, a...handgun or anything?"

"You- you want me to carry a gun?! I've never handled one of those!"

"Does your dad have a gun, Marcie? That's all I'm asking."


"Where does he keep it?"

When I didn't answer, Gerard walked across the hall to my parent's room and began searching through their closet. When he found nothing, he searched under their bed.

"I don't feel comfortable with you snooping through my parent's room." I said.

"Aha!" he exclaimed, holding up a handgun he found in my father's sock drawer. "Put that in your purse or something. That's how I see people kill zombies in movies. Ya gotta shoot 'em in the brain."

"Ew. Okay."

"To the research lab!" Gerard hollered, lifting the bat to the ceiling and marching out the room. I slipped the handgun in my purse and walked out behind him, feeling guilty for stealing from my father and fear for what lies ahead of us at the research lab.