Status: currently have writers block but these chapters were all pre-written.


Outnumbered 6

"Louis and Kerli are dead?" Alice sobbed. Athena cradled her and rocked her like a baby.

"And you think we, a bunch of ill-equipt teenagers, can go up against a bunch of flesh-hungry beasts and save the human race?" Andy questioned in disbelief. "You both watch too many movies. I'd rather die out there than follow your stupid survival rules you got from a horror film."

"Be our guest then." I said, gesturing to the door. But Andy stayed put and kept quiet. "Thank you. Now, obviously, we do not have to go over these rules and tips with you guys because you should know just as much as we do."

"Where's my gun?" My father, Charlie, asked, barging into my room.

"Dad, if you'd please sit down, I will calmly explain to you why your gun is missing."

He asked no more questions. He and Jane walked in and sat on my bedroom floor. They spotted the gun in my hand and the bat in Gerard's hand.

"Today we paid a visit to the research lab off the highway and found some pretty interesting information." Gerard explained. "So let's get down to business. Everyone will need some kind of gun. The most wise and useful would be a shotgun. To slow your attacker down, use a bat or blunt instrument of some kind. If you are in anyway up in a threatened position with your attacker, hit or shoot it in the head."

"Is this, like, a Zombie Survival 101 class?" Charlie asked seriously. "'Cause I believe that's what happening here too."

"I believe it too." Jane added. "The kids showed me proof. Pictures,'s crazy. All of it. I can't believe it's actually happening."

"If anyone feels they are too proper to fight against these creatures, than I wish you well on your strategy for survival in this hell." I said as I looked everyone in the eyes, a mean scowl on my face.

As Gerard and I went over instructions, everyone listened intently, asking questions and making comments. I didn't have faith that we could save the human race, just keeping ourselves alive during this epidemic.

Everyone called over their families to our house. We all sat together in the den, windows boarded with wooden planks nailed across them, every door locked and all the lights off. We sat in front of the television and watched the news for information on how much the fever has spread. We also had three hand-held radios handy in case the power was cut off. Cell phones were all completely charged and turned off to conserve the battery.

Within two or three weeks the virus had spread throughout the entire state of Kansas and is making its way into Missouri and Oklahoma. And it was spreading fast. It was only a matter of time before it become airborne. It was already in the people.

"My theory of how it's spreading from person to person is, not just by touching or coughing on someone, but when they bite you, the virus gets into your bloodstream. It spreads fast and starts to shut down your body." Jane said out loud to everyone. She was standing by one of the windows and searching everyone's eyes, twirling the wooden crucifix between her fingers.

"That could just be it." Gerard said. "Good thinking."

"So, where will we hide out if our own home's aren't safe?" Selene, Gerard's mother, asked.

"In a big building. With many rooms and many staircases." Charlie replied, looking at Gerard and I for approval.

"How about our high school?" Seth suggested.

"Perfect." I said.

"Where will we sleep?" Andy asked.

"We'll have to bring some stuff with us, or collect as much as we can salvage. Right now we should be worrying about finding weapons to defend ourselves." Gerard explained.

"I could go to my gun club warehouse and bring some back. I could go right now, with my gun." Charlie said, holding out one hand to me. I pressed the gun into his palm.

"Someone will have to go with you." Gerard said.

"I will." The triplet's father, Jacob said standing to his feet.

"Dad, no!" Alice sobbed, pushing up on her feet and clutching his arm. He kissed her head and pushed her off gently. "Be careful."

"You're gonna need this." Jane said giving Jacob the baseball bat. "Those are the only weapons we have."

"This'll do. Let's go." Charlie said, unlocking the den door and walking out with Jacob.

"I'll go lock the front door and wait up there til y'all come back." Jane said, leaving behind them.

Athena and Andy hugged their sister and sat by their mother, Kendl. Seth sat in a corner beside the couch with his parent's, Derrick and Malina, and his older brother Lance. Gerard sat on the couch with me, and it wasn't until then that I noticed he was holding my hand. I looked at him with narrowed eyes, he smiled.

"What? I can't hold your hand?" he said playfully.

I giggled, shrugged and said, "What the hell, go ahead." And honestly, I liked him holding my hand. It gave me a feeling of security and protection.

And then it hit me. Bobby only made me feel special, needed, wanted, etcetera. He never made me feel safe. I mean, I trusted him like that, but I never felt this way around Bobby. And now that I think about it, I've always felt this way around Gerard. He always tried to protect me from all kinds of things, mostly people. In middle school I went through a chunky phase and always got picked on. People would throw food at me and call me idiotic, yet hurtful names. Gerard got picked on for being chunky too, and for being a nerd, all because he liked to read comic books and draw pictures. He always stood up for me and would hug me when I cried. He'd tell me he'd always be there for me if anyone dared to mess with me. He'd be there to tell them off. And it always made me laugh seeing the preps get confused when he used big words and would tell them how dumb they are.

I've never noticed it, but even now he still tries to keep me protected. He gave me a weapon to defend myself, gloves, and a mask. I would've never thought of bringing any of those.

I leaned my head on his shoulder, closed my eyes, and slowly tried to think of the world before the disease took over.