Status: currently have writers block but these chapters were all pre-written.


Outnumbered 8

When morning came, Charlie woke us all up. Everyone folded up the blankets, used the bathroom, and began packing things in the cars. We took the two month supply of water bottles that were stored in our pantry, the three loaves of bread we had left, cereal, crackers, and what ever other dry foods we had. We would stop at everyone's house to pack up foods and other living supplies we needed and could fit in the cars and trucks. Charlie's trunk was full of loaded weapons and covered with a tarp.

After everyone's kitchen and bedrooms were nearly wiped clean, Charlie led everyone to the neighborhood high school I've been going to for three years now. Along the corn stalks Jane and I spotted a few of the infected, walking along the road in the heat of the morning sun. A couple tried following us, but collapsed in the middle of the road in the heat.

"If they were that smart, they'd know to stay out of the sun." Jane said.

"Those were a couple of dumb ones." I said. "I'm sure there are more in hide out until the sun goes down a little. Then they'll be out to hunt."

"Guess we'll have to hunt them before they hunt us." she said.

We parked in the school garage after we searched it for zombies, quickly and carefully unloading the cars and trucks. Jacob, Derrick, and Selene took care of boarding up the windows and doors. My friends and I stored the food in teacher's desks, storage closets, and file cabinets. Jane, Malina, Kendl, and Lance searched the many janitor's closets for walkie-talkies. They found success.

Once everything was done, we sat together in the cafeteria and had dinner while listening to one of the hand-held radios for news updates. The disease has covered half of Texas already and is working itself into the water supply with some of the zombies drowning in the rivers, lakes, bayous and the gulfs. Their mass numbers aren't enough for the army themself to exterminate. They've developed clever wits and have learned how to outsmart us. Guess Gerard's zombie flicks weren't all that correct when they portrayed zombies as mindless creatures. They might be disoriented, but they're not dumb.

Lance shut off the radio and shook his head. "What do y'all think will happen if they can't stop this?" he asked.

"Wipe out the entire human race with nuclear bombs." Gerard said automatically. Everyone looked at him questioningly. He shrugged and said, "That's what happened in one of the zombie films I watched."

"Shit. I'd rather die that way than become one of those diseased freaks." Derrick replied.

"I want to die a natural death." Alice spoke up timidly. Her head hung low, making her wavy, red hair curtain her face. "No zombies, no nuclear bombs. Just the sound of my weak, old heart giving out."

"I think we'd all like that." Kendl said, hugging her daughter.

"I've always imagined myself dying with the one I love." Seth said, gripping Athena's hand. She smiled and kissed him.

"I've always imagined myself dying in a zombie attack." Gerard said jokingly. No one took it lightly except for Charlie and I. We laughed. The rest either rolled their eyes or shook their heads.

"Gerard, that was not appropriate." Selene said, scowling at her son.

"Selene, he was joking." Jane said. "It was a harmless joke."

"Harmless? Look around you, Jane. I don't find hiding out in a high school scared for my life and my son's life very funny." she retorted. Jane shook her head and patted Gerard's arm in sympathy.

"We all knew you were joking, hun." she said to him. Selene rolled her eyes.

"So, what do we do now that we're here?" Andy asked Charlie.

"Wait for further news on what's going on. If we come across anyone who's still human, we take them in. We come across anyone infected, we kill 'em. As simple as that." Charlie explained.

"What makes you think we're fit to take in anyone?!" Selene exclaimed. "We barely have enough to keep ourselves alive for three or four months!"

"Lower your voice, Selene." Malina said calmly.

She stood and walked out of the cafeteria instead of talking back to anyone. Gerard sighed and walked off after her. Everyone was quiet until they were both out of the room.

"Can we feed her to the zombies?" Athena said first. Kendl whacked her arm with the back of her hand.

"I understand why she's upset." Derrick said. Everyone nodded in agreement.

As the sun went down, Charlie gave everyone a gun and ammunition. There were boxes and boxes of guns and ammunition.

"In case any zombies break through the boards and locks, we'll shoot 'em. Easy as that." Gerard said, aiming his shotgun at a wall and then lowering it.

"No time for remorse." Andy said loading his handgun and shotgun.

"I don't feel comfortable seeing my boys with guns." Malina said in a shakey voice. Derrick came to her side and hugged her comfortingly.

"I don't feel comfortable seeing any of them with guns, Malina. But it's our only defense." Jane said.

"It's scary." she replied, beginning to cry. Lance and Seth hugged their mother.

We set up our sleeping areas in the gym, pulling out mats to sleep on. We had our guns beside us on the floor in case of an intruder. Hopefully we wouldn't have any.