Status: currently have writers block but these chapters were all pre-written.


Outnumbered 9

We went one night without any attacks. When everyone was awake we all met in the cafeteria for breakfast. Good thing all the electricity, gas, and water was still on. We needed showers, outlets to charge our phones, and heat to make warm food. For breakfast Jane made everyone bacon, eggs, biscuits topped with either gravy, strawberry jam or grape jam, and buttered toast. We conversated with each other, as if we weren't in danger of diseased monsters at all. I liked these conversations. But when it came down to it, we had to gear up and keep guard of our hide-out. The school was three stories high. Derrick, Charlie, and Jacob took watch over the lower level where all the entrances and exits were. Selene, Jane, Malina, and Kendl were on the second floor with most of the staircases, elevators, and classrooms. The rest of us took watch over the third level, with the last set of staircases, elevators, auditorium, and last few classrooms.

Everyone took their places, weapons loaded and ready for attack. While most of the lower level windows were boarded shut, we decided to leave the third level windows bare since we wouldn't be up here much and the zombies wouldn't climb this high. I gazed outside the windows of the art room. In the distance I watched as some of the creatures travel through the fields in a massive group. Some would trip over others in a clueless manner. I could hear their endless groans and roaring.

I hadn't noticed Alice beside me until she spoke, frightening me a little on the inside.

"Look at them. Running around like they rule the damn world. I would shoot them all right now if I wasn't a coward." she said in a shakey tone, probably on the verge of tears. "I can't stand this. We shouldn't have to live like this."

"You're right, Alice." I replied.

"How long do you think it'll last?" she asked, her gaze locked out the window.

I looked at her and answered sullenly, "I wish I knew."

Alice nodded and bit her lip. "So...this is what happened to Bobby?"

"Yup." I nodded. "I'm sure there were more before him. Maybe his parents..."

"Maybe..." she agreed. "If they did, I'm sure they felt bad. Maybe all of them still have human feelings. They can't help what they have become and what they have to do..." Her voice trailed off sympathetically. Then she shook her head and her voice turned angry. "It's just so wrong. How did this start? Who would do this? Was it on purpose, on accident...? I just want answers-"

"We all do, Alice."

"Then, instead of hiding out, why don't we go out there and try to search for answers?"

"Because maybe the bastards who engineered this shit turned into one themselves! Ever think about that?!" I snapped. She was taken aback by my raised voice and looked at me with wide eyes. I sighed and looked back out the window. "It's not that easy, Alice. This isn't a movie. You can't expect everything to turn out positive and have an easy resolution. I wish it were that way, I'm sure we all do, but it's just not that easy." I whispered the last sentence.

"I understand." she whispered back. Then she eased back and walked out of the room.

Hours passed and Gerard finally walkied everyone, announcing it was time for lunch. Everyone made their own sandwiches and ate a bag of chips with it that the school had stored away. Everyone made small talk, not much laughing and giggling. Mostly awkward silences would follow each sentence. After everyone was done, we all went back to our stations and kept our guard. It was a long day with no attacks. Lance fell alseep a couple of times at his station. Andy would have to go wake him up.

The air conditioning in the school didn't work right, so I had to go change in the girls locker room into a tank-top and basketball shorts. Something I'd usually where on hot days. I got a few looks from Gerard and Andy. And they were very flirtatious looks. I would just blush and walk away really fast, hoping they weren't staring at my butt. I couldn't help thinking about Bobby and the way he always looked at me. He gave me looks that would make my heart flutter and my cheeks warm. Bobby Walters had gorgeous blue eyes and the smile of a lady killer. He had blonde hair that was straight and flipped outward at his jaw. He had an adorable gap between his two front teeth and a beauty mark on the left side of his jawline. And he was an amazing kisser. Well, actually, he was the only guy I've ever kissed. And he was damn good to me.

I missed Bobby. I can't even imagine him being zombified. The sight would be to horrific for me. It was hard enough to accept the fact that he had once been one. I wonder how he died...Did one of the researchers stop his heart on accident when the were doing their tests? Did Bobby try attacking them and an officer shot him down? I wanted to know the answers that too.

And then I had the strangest thought...

At dinner time, we kept all the lights off to make it seem like no one was here, but lit a few candles to see just a little. I asked for Gerard to sit with me away from everyone else. I had something important I wanted to discuss with him.

"Remember when we were searching the biology lab the other day?" I said, lowering my voice enough so that it wouldn't echo off the cafeteria walls.

"Yeah, I remember." he replied quietly, shrugging his shoulders in question.

"Well maybe we should go back."

"What do we need to go back for?" he asked curiously.

"The cameras. Er, a specific camera." I didn't want to sound desperate, but I explained before Gerard could ask. "I wanna find out how Bobby died."

"He was a zombie and they killed him. Why would you even care anymore, Marcie?"

"Well, he was my boyfriend. I do love him..." I said, reminding him I still had feelings for Bobby, now that I was aware that Gerard liked me that way.

"Ohm..." Was all he said.

"So, will you go with me?" I asked after a short silence between us. Everyone else was talking and laughing amongst themselves.

Gerard stared at his dinner and pressed his tongue to his cheek. He shrugged and replied, "I guess I'll go."

I smiled and was overcome with excitement. I reached across the table unexpectedly and hugged him. It took us both by surprise. I pulled away slowly and laughed it off. He smiled bashfully, I couldn't really tell if his face was red in the dim candlelight.

"When do we leave? I mean, don't we have to tell the others?" he asked, keeping his eyes on his food.

"Oh, crap! I guess we're gonna have to tell them. Or..." I emphasized the "or" and raised an eyebrow slyly at Gerard. He looked up at me confused and raised an eyebrow in suspicion.


"We leave before they wake up, leaving a note in our place. Keep our walkies with us in case we have an emergency. Sound good or what?"

"Sounds risky. I don't doubt that my mom wouldn't come after me. I know her all too well." he said grudgingly.

"Even in the situation we're in?"


"Sounds like my dad. So, I understand."

"I'd come after you." Gerard said looking me in the eyes and smiling bashfully. I returned the shy smile.

"Thank you."