Status: Happy Easter!

Happy Easter, Austin.

Forever & Always


"Alan, love, please wake up." The sweetest voice stirred me from my sleep. It was soft like vanilla, so smooth. So perfect and yet it was waking me before I was ready to face the day.

"Go away." I mumbled, rolling away and burying my face deep into my pillow, it felt softer than ever.

A small weight was settled on to my back and that soft voice spoke to me again, right by my ear, tickling me with its words, "Now come on, Alan. It's Easter and do you know what that means?"

Of course I know what Easter means. Candy, oh yes, loads of candy. I rolled over and sat quickly upright. Looking over at the owner of the vanilla voice, the gorgeous man before me was none other than Austin, my boyfriend and the love of my life. He smiled and laughed at my actions, leaning over to give me my good morning kiss. I loved his kisses.

"I knew that would get you up. Honestly Alan, you sleep in far too late. That can't be healthy." Austin ranted, slipping out of bed and pulling me along with him.

I trailed behind him slowly as he continued his pointless rant. We had been down this road before. Several times, actually, and this was no different than the last. He was concerned that my sleeping habits meant I was depressed, but I was far from it. I was just tired.

"Since it's Easter, I have a day full of events planned for us. First, your Easter basket." He turned swiftly on his heel to look at me, "Well, go on, find it."

"You hid my basket from me?" He nodded, "But Austin, there is candy in there!"

He snickered and shrugged his shoulders. I sighed, showing defeat and glanced around the room. I had no idea where he could have hidden it. We didn't exactly live in a small house and there were plenty of nooks to hide a basket. I was determined, though, I wanted that basket and I surely would find it. I looked to Austin one final time before dashing off through the house, searching every possible place it could be. I rooted through every cupboard, rummaged the closets, and checked behind every stand and chest. I searched high and low. Not a single nook went unsearched until finally, I had found it. I had reached defeat and had gone to tell Austin that I had given up when I saw it. Sitting plain as day on the coffee table in the living room. It was blue, overflowing with tufts of green Easter grass, and chalk full of candy. Austin was perched on the couch, feet kicked up and resting on the otterman.

"Congratulations, you've found it." Austin said, smirking.

"You cheated!" I accused, pointing a finger and advancing on him, "You moved it because I would have seen it here."

He smiled and stood, coming over to stand in front of me, "It was here the entire time, I swear. You just didn't think to look here because I was in here. I know, You thought I wouldn't hide it somewhere so obvious, but I did."

Typically, I would be slightly upset with him over this, but how could I be? That beautiful basket was finally mine. I ran over and slid down onto my knees, rooting through the basket of treats. All of my favorites were inside. Skittles overload. I absolutely loved it.

"That isn't all." Austin stated, kissing my cheek, "Come with me, there is a surprise in the back garden."

He took me by the hand and pulled me up, leading me toward the back door. I couldn't imagine what he had in store for me now. He was full of surprises this morning. Once outside and under the arch to the garden, I saw something I would have never expected. There were dozens of little plastic eggs littered all through the garden. Some more visible than others and I assumed some well hidden. I couldn't believe it. An Easter egg hunt all for me.

"Here." Austin handed me an empty green basket, "Good luck. Oh, and there is candy in them, by the way."

That was enough intensive to send me off. I maneuvered my way through the garden, swooping up every egg I saw. Some were stuffed down into flower pots, others just lying next to our flowers. Every time I would find an egg, I would shake it, just to confirm there was in fact something inside. After awhile, Austin announced that I had found them all, and I trotted back over.

"I want to open them!" I said, bouncing on my heels in excitement.

"Alan, you've had more than enough candy. It can wait. Plus, don't you want to dye eggs?" He was right, the candy could wait a little while. I already had a stomach ache and I really wanted to dye eggs.

~ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ~

To say the least, I think Austin and I had dyed ourselves rather than the eggs. My hands were blue and green and pink all over. Austin's just the same, but maybe with a tint of orange as well. I'll have to admit, we really had no clue how to dye eggs. Other than the dipping part, we were clueless, but we had a lot of fun.

Austin decided to make dinner for just the two of us and had sent me upstairs to get a shower and to dress "nicely" for the day. So I had done just that. I drew it out as long as possible, hoping to give Austin enough time to finish cooking. I had chosen a pair of tight black skinny jeans and a button up shirt. I didn't own very many dress clothes, so this would have to do.

"Austin, can I come down yet?" I shouted from the top of the stairs.

"Wait! Just one more minute, I swear!" He sounded rushed. Had I not taken as long as I had thought?

Seconds later, Austin appeared at the bottom of the stairs, dressed slightly similar to the way I was. I smiled and descended toward him. He offered me his hand, which I gladly accepted, and led me in to the dim dining room. The lights were down and a series of candles were lit along the table. I gasped, it was beautiful.

"Is it too much? I'm sorry, I-" I cut him off from his rambling.

"Austin, it's perfect." I leaned in to him, pressing a firm kiss to his lips before slipping away and toward the table. Austin pushed past me, pulling my chair out for me like the gentleman he was.

The food was delicious, better than any meal I could ever cook in my lifetime. Austin and I had typical small talk throughout the meal. Just about silly things, nothing too important. He told me how nice I looked and threw out several other compliments as well. I went on and on about how much candy I planned to eat and Austin stated I was going to make myself sick, which was probably true. When we were finished, Austin insisted on clearing the table and told me to go wait for him in the living room.

"I have another surprise for you." He stated as he sat down next to me.

"Another one? Austin, you've been full of them all day. First my basket and then the egg hunt. You just cooked me the most amazing dinner and I'm so full. What else could you have in store?" Knowing him, he could have so much more. He always had little tricks up his sleeve.

"I think your going to love this one." He kissed my cheek and then left the room without another word. Where was he going?

Moments later he came in carrying yet another basket. This one a big larger than the others and I couldn't see what was inside. He placed it carefully on the coffee table. A furry little head poked up from inside the basket. No, it couldn't be. A small, frail, meow came from it, confirming my assumption. Austin had given me a kitten and it was the sweetest little kitten I had ever seen. I looked over at Austin, completely speechless, my mouth agape in awe. I squealed, my eyes lighting up, and picked the kitten up.

"It's a boy. He doesn't have a name yet, I knew you'd want to name him."

Which was true. Even if he already had a name, I'd have renamed him anyways. His little paws were white, the rest of him a soft black. He was so perfect.

"His name is Captain." I stated, staring down at him.

Austin laughed, "Of course it is. I already bought him everything he is going to need, for now, at least. When he's older we can get him one of those personalized tags and a jeweled collar with whatever you want on it."

Yet another reason for me to love Austin even more. He had made today so special, so perfect. I couldn't have asked for a better day.

"Why don't you go put Captain upstairs in our room, so he's safe, and then join me out back for a moment." He gave me a sweet kiss and stood to leave.

"Thank you, Austin. For Captain, I mean. I really love him." I walked off past him and up the steps, talking to Captain as I went, "Daddy is going to leave you in here for just a little while, okay? I'll be back."

I made him a little bed out of a laundry basket and blankets and left him go, closing the door behind me just in case he got out. I wasn't sure why Austin had asked me to join him out back. It was already getting dark and there was nothing left to do. Outside, I didn't see Austin right away, but I soon found him inside the garden.

"It looks like you may have missed one." He stated, pointing toward the arch.

He was right. Directly in front of me, wrapped up in vines, was a small blue egg. The only one I had missed. I plucked it from the vines and smiled, walking over to Austin in the center of the garden. The lights had come on, flooding the garden with the perfect amount of light. It was a beautiful sight, the perfect scenery.

"Aren't you going to open it?" I had completely forgotten I was still holding the egg.

I nodded and popped the egg open. Inside there was a small gold circle. Confused, I pulled it out. Shock hit my instantly, causing me to drop the plastic egg, the ring still in my hand. I looked to Austin, who had gradually descended down on to one knee.

"Alan Anthony Ashby, when we first met, I instantly fell in love with you. Your eyes, your smile, your laugh, all had me spinning, falling head over heels for you. You are my everything, my other half, and my best friend. I know I can come to you with anything and you will never judge. Every moment I spend with you is cherished and I am so honored to call you my boyfriend. I know we have only been together a short time, but it feels like so much longer. I want to spend forever with you. I love you endlessly, Alan. Will you be my forever?"

I was sobbing by the end of his speech. I couldn't believe that Austin had asked me to marry him. To be his and only his for the rest of eternity. I felt honored and blessed. I loved him just as much as he loved me.

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I hope you guys enjoyed this little story I put together for Easter!

This is captain:
