Status: i like all sorts of hetalia yaoi parings

All Matthew Wanted Was Alfred's Love

Matthew loves Alfred

Alfred walks into the kitchin with his head phones on. I stoped the water running in the sink.
"H-Hi Alfed." I said weakly and waved to him. Alfred looks around untill he see's me at the
sink doing the dishes. This hurts my heart a little each time someone skips over me like this.
"Am I really that much like a ghost" I thouht bitterly to myself
"Oh hi Matthew" Alfred said, waved , then walked to the refrigerator to grab a snack. I went
back to cleaning the dishes. After a few seconds I hear walking but dissmiss it as Alfred walking
up the stairs. Then I feel big strong arms wrap around my waist. I turn to slightly to see Alfred.
"A-Alfred what.....are you....doing." I whispered sadly at his abnormal behavor. When Alfred heared
the sad tone in my voice he turned me around ever so slowly and kissed me full on the mouth.
I was shocked, but when I regained my normal sences, I pushed back Alfred back a little harder
then I ment to. When I saw Alfred sitting on the floor I ran upstairs and sat on my bed crying, very
sighlently Alfred opened up my bedroom door and sat at the edge of the bed. I just peeked over my
knees to see Alfred have had a worried look in his eye's. This only made me cry harder.
"Matthew tell me whats wrong, you never tell me anything!" Alfred exclamed trying hard not to
cry. I hate how he know's me better then my self, I hate how he is so selfarragent twords others.
Dispite all that I still....I still love...him.
"No it's not me you want, I'm just a stand in for Arthur." I srcreamed this at him and looking him
directly into his eyes daring him to prove me wrong.
"Yes me and Arthur had did have sex before, but we where drunk and had no idea what really
happened the night before." Alfred said gently and patted me on the head softly, confortingly.
He then kissed me and I suddenly didn't care anymore. I opened my mouth for him and he explored
the inside of my mouth like an exploring animal. I slowly took off his shirt and pants, and vise versa,
untill we where only in our boxers. Alfred slowly pushed me down onto the bed untill he was on top
of me. He took off my boxers off, and I giggled wildly. Then he pulled his down with a quick suggsesion.
Then he went into me,slowly , carefuly. Then faster and faster until it hurt so bad I cried out in pain and
pleasure. It was quickly over and I felt a little sad at that thought. We slumped onto each other breathing
hard. I couldn't help but think that mabey this is love. My heart beated painfuly fast at the thought and
I just smiled...
♠ ♠ ♠
I like ALMOST all of the hetalia yaoi couples