
intro to You

Dear _____,

I wanted to remember us the way we were, and when we first met. I wanted to remember all the triumph and glory that came from me finding You, and all the horror and sorrow that lead You to me. I wanted to remember it all because I can never see You again, and I am grateful that I documented exactly what happened, the night I first felt You, because though I cannot relive this, You can.

No, for me life will carry on, and my story has come to end. For You, the romance can always be restarted and the love can always reawaken for You, but not me. I have continued on from here.

If you have come across this letter before, then I am sorry for the way things ended the first time. All you can do is live it again and pray that this time things go much better for us. All in all, I always loved You.

Love always,

The never-constant me.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm trying something a little different. I hope you guys enjoy the ride.