
of you

My mother asked about the bruises. I told her what had happened and she held me while I cried about it. For the first time in a long time, I felt safe and wanted and like things could be okay. My mother was a wonderful and caring woman, but she worked too often. She said she would speak to my father about what to do concerning legal matters.

Later that night, Father came into my room. I smiled because he looked sober. He came close and offered his hand. Or so I thought. Instead, he backhanded me and told me I was a disgrace. He said I should never let a bully get the best of me and I was nothing but a 'pussy.'

I cried myself to sleep but it put itself around me like a blanket and told me not to worry. Things will become better in time. I felt it brush the tears from my cheek.
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A few more chapters and we begin part 2!