
of you

I got called to the principal today and at first I was terrified. I was sure that I was in trouble for something, though I hadn't done anything deemed as wrongful. But when I arrived, he asked me about the bruises, primarily the one on my cheek. The one from my father. I was backed into a corner with no way out; if I tell them about the kids in the car, I'll just get tormented for being a tattle-tale and if I tell about my father, I might be sent away.

The principle urged me to be honest and I told him I would be, but he couldn't see the struggle inside of me. I couldn't hate my father for what he did to me; I deserved it. Same with the kids in the car. I should have stood up for myself. It's all my fault.

It told me to be honest as well. It told me that this might be my silver lining and I smiled and lied anyway.

"I just had a nasty fall, that's all."
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