
of you

When I came home today, my principal Mr. Torrance was sitting on our living room couch. My eyes were wide, I am sure, because our first meeting had just been the other day. He was chatting away with my mother about my grades and how good I was doing. They were sipping sodas and eating chips, but not my father. He sat in the recliner and glared at me as I walked in.

We both knew why Mr. Torrance was here. He wasn't stupid, he could tell what was going on at home, though I hadn't actually said anything about it. He only stayed for an hour or two, just saying he wanted to 'meet the parents of a genius' but I knew better. He watched me out of the corner of his eyes and he assessed my home. He analyzed my parents behavior and my father's and I's chemistry. When he left, he departed with a frown.

I went right to my room and locked the door. The otherness hugged me and I felt safe, but after awhile my father was yelling at my mother and I lost it. I couldn't be consoled any more, but it tried anyway, and I am grateful for that.