
of you

His palm had collied with my face and I was knocked to the floor. I clutched my reddening cheek, let a few tears roll down my cheeks but I did not sob. I did not speak. I shut my mouth because I knew I deserved it. Father had a long day at work and I shouldn't have bothered him.

But when I sat up on the floor and Father retired to his recliner, I felt it. It was an overwhelming feeling; not a feeling of my own, just a general feeling. It seemed to be an invisible entity of some sort but what do I know? It was some sort of essence that seemed to feel sad. Horrified and sad. It wrapped itself around me, long unseeable arms to cradle me in my time of pain.

It felt nice and it felt like home.

That was twenty minutes ago and I am still intrigued.
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Oh yeah, updates will probably be frequent.