
of you

I got a high mark on a test today. Mr. Anderson passed back our exams only for me to find a red 100 written near my name. I am a fairly good student but I rarely get perfect scores. I didn't even study for this test, the answers just came to me. I feel pride inside of me and sense of accomplishment. I feel like I could do anything; climb Mount Everest, eat two pizzas by myself, and take on the world.

It feels happy for me and it whispers that it will be with me every step of the way. It will help me when I feel low; it will raise me high enough to touch the clouds and in the night I can take fist-fulls of twinkling stars. I blush at this and desperately wish for a moment that this feeling would manifest physically so that I could hug it and know that I'm not crazy for believing its there.

The otherness assures me that it is indeed real and that will be here for me. It always will be.