
one of one.

Midnight blackness swirled all around her, seeming to completely envelop her form the farther she went. She didn’t know where she was, as she could see nothing to identify her surroundings, but knew that something evil and nasty lurked close. It was a warning that built up from the pit of her stomach and rose to the base of her throat, where it began to send several alarming thought’s through her mind. Death Eater’s. Scavengers. Dementors. Voldermort. All four were things that she didn’t want to encounter while alone in such thick darkness that she couldn’t see a foot in front of her.

Fearing the worst and presuming death, she frantically searched her body for her wand. Nothing. She was unarmed, alone, and with something lurking close in the dank blackness. Her outlook was not looking to good. Paranoia and hysteria rose higher to mix together and form a lethal combination that had her picking up her pace, tripping in her haste to escape whatever was after her. She fell quite often as she tried to find the line of brightness that would inform her of safety and would quickly catch herself on her hands or scramble up before beginning at a run again. All in all, she knew that she wasn’t covering much ground, as there continued to be nothing but haunting shades of black all around her.

A low gurgle sounded from somewhere to her right, causing her head to jerk in that direction. She clambered onto her knees and hand’s from tripping over something that had been resting in her path as another gurgle sounded, this one lasting longer than the first she’d heard just two seconds before. But it hadn’t come from her right, it had come from behind her. She glanced over her shoulder, her entire body beginning to tremble as she remained on her hands and knees. Nothing, though that thought wasn‘t very reassuring as she couldn‘t see at all.

With no wand and likely no chance at being able to make a run for it, she began searching the ground around for anything to use in the way of self-defense. A stick, rock—anything that she could swing or throw would be better than plainly using her small fists. She felt something like cloth as she reached out in front of her, thinking she might be able to use whatever she’d tripped over. She slid her hands farther up the thing, being more and more confused as something that felt like a smooth, slightly hard surface covered in some type of cloth. It was cold, too, she acknowledged, and clearly too big for her to use in self-defense. She couldn’t even seem to find an end to whatever it was and it felt so thick that she doubted she’d be able to lift it up with her limited strength.

Another gurgle-like sound suddenly erupted again, coming from her right again. She paused her blind inspection of the object and quickly snapped her head in the direction she’d heard the first sound as a scared gasp escaped her, still, wavering lips. She squinted into the blackness to try and make out a shape and felt as her eyes widened when she saw something that was a lighter color of black float around her. Her long, mahogany colored hair was brought up off her shoulders and she felt as something barely trailed around her back. Her hands knotted in the material of whatever lay in front of her and she frantically glanced around her as another gurgle sounded. Whatever had been following her was now making its presence known, in a way that was to truly drive her mad; they were teasing her with the noise’s and subtle touches.

Suddenly, as she felt her heartbeat pick up, a bright, blinding light appeared in front of her, causing her to release the strangling hold she had on the cloth and use her arm to shield her eyes from the whiteness. She squinted into the alarming glow, her eyes beginning to water a little from the quick transition from pitch blackness to unexpected white luminosity. Clearly the light was being directed directly into her face, whether to stop her from seeing the person behind the glow or to momentarily stun her, she didn’t know. She strained her eyes by trying to rapidly make them see, moments after she accomplished a quick glance around at her causing her to wish she’d remained in her seconds of weakness.

There were two Dementors hovering just steps away from her on either side, seemingly watching her with increasing impatience. They had been the things that had made the gurgling sounds, lifted her hair, and touched her shoulder. With no wand, she knew she would not likely escape. A laugh came from in front of her, from behind the light that was showing everything but what was casting it on her. There was clear enjoyment in the deep chuckling and that made her body begin to tremble again. Obviously it was happy at seeing her sudden fright increase at the sight of the Dementors and that was something she knew meant nothing good was residing in front of her.

The light was cast down as she continued to stare, wide-eyed and shaking horribly, onto the ground and whatever she’d previously been sightlessly evaluating.

She chanced a quick glance down to see what it was she’d been planning to use as a weapon, only to alarmingly look back down at the body of Harry Potter. He laid motionless, his eyes and mouth slightly open, his leg’s outstretched as his hands were placed atop his chest, as if ready to be placed inside a coffin. She felt as her determination to hold herself together faded and heard as the blood-curdling scream she’d had built up ever since entering into the pitch blackness came out.

“Harry,” she screamed. “Harry, no! No, no, no!”

The cold laugh she’d heard before sounded again as she threw herself upon her dead loves body. The thought that she should try and run, now that light would make her able to see, had burst at the sight of Harry’s pale face and she could think of nothing but the fact that the man she loved was laying cold and lifeless on the forest floor.

A finger was retracted out and hooked underneath her chin, bringing her face up to meet the snake-like eyes of someone she needed to see nothing else of to know who they were. Voldermort was crouched down in front of her, sneering maliciously at her as he stared to press his wand into her chest.

“Killing him was easy,” he whispered. “I’ve never had such joy in all my life, though, this moment might compete for a close second.”

His wand was scaling up her chest and neck like a blade of knife. She knew the outcome of this, it was obvious from the hatred that was smeared all over Voldermort’s face.

“You’re saddened by his death, yes?” he questioned.

She gritted her teeth, managing to thread her fingers through Harry’s as she continued to stare determinedly into Voldermort’s eyes. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of hearing her answer, though she couldn’t stop the tears from pouring out of her eyes.

“Go to hell,” she muttered.

Voldermort’s sickening smile slowly diminished at her words. He yanked her face up, so it was closer to his own, and brought his wand underneath her chin.

“I’ve been there, didn’t quite like it too much, either,” he said. “Maybe you’ll find it different than I, though.”

A screamed erupted, lasting for only a split second before she fell limply upon the body of Harry Potter, their hand’s still intertwined as her dull, brown eyes starred up at his face.