Status: Active :)

My Favourite Pair of Sneakers

Are One of a Kind

I woke up next to Ethan and that was a gift. I wish I could wake up and see his gorgeous face every morning. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps. Ugh. I don’t want to wake him.

But I think hearing his voice can make up for it.

So I nudge his shoulder and whisper in his ear, “Ethan.”

He hums in response.

“It’s morning; wake up.”

He hums again. “’M’okay.” He yawns and rolls off the bed, “I’m up, I’m up.”

“Do you wanna go out today?” I ask, hopeful to spend more time with him.

He turns around after pulling on a new shirt, “Hm? Oh, sure.” He changes his pants. “Where do you want to go?”

I shrug, “I don’t know, anywhere is fine with me.”

“Okay.” He walks back over to me on the bed, “Do you want some fresh clothes?”

I sigh, “Please?”

He laughs and walks over to his closet. He rummages through them a bit before tossing some at me.

Blue jeans and a white tee shirt. Wonderful. But they’re Ethan’s clothes…

So I put them on and follow him downstairs for food before we go out.

Then we end up simply walking through town. Ethan is keeping my mind almost completely occupied, so when I go to cross the street, I’m not paying the least bit attention, and had not seen the car that was about to zoom by. So, I started to walk out onto the black tarmac laughing at some story Ethan was telling me, when his eyes suddenly get as big as saucers and he cries out.


Ethan reaches out and grabs the back of my shirt collar. He yanks me back into him and folds me into his arms. We’re both breathing heavily and our eyes are filled with fear and relief as he looks down at me and I look up at him and we simply stare into each others’ eyes as we calm down.

There’s something in there… I can feel it… There’s something he’s not telling me…

What is he hiding?

Too soon, though, he breaks the eye contact and allows me out of his arms.

“Thank you… For saving me…” I say nervously.

He smiles, “It was nothing – well, not nothing, I mean… You’re welcome.” He chuckled nervously.


It was definitely more awkward after that, but the feeling slowly went away as the day progressed.


Later that day, Ethan took me to lunch. I insisted that I pay for my meal, but he wouldn’t have it and paid while I was distracted.

Thanks, I guess…

We hung out for a little while after that, and when the sun started to set, he walked me home.

As we stood on my doorstep together, he gazed at me longingly, as if he wanted to do something but wasn’t sure if he should or not.

But then he gave me a tight hug and said, “Let’s do this again sometime soon, okay?”

Ethan pulled away and I smiled and nodded at him.

He smiled back before turning and walking away, across the street to his own house.

Dazed (but not at all confused) I went upstairs and headed for my room, but was first caught by Cody, who was coming out of his room.

He smiled when he saw me, “Hey Lou, how’d the play date go?”

I laughed at him, “Play date? Um, it went great. Thanks for asking?”

He nodded vigorously at me, “Any time. Hey, you wanna play some COD?”

I smiled at the prospect, “Hell yes!” I ran past him yelling, “Move over, bitch!”

He laughed, “Hey! That is no way to treat your loving older brother, now is it?”

I shrugged and chose my controller, “The truth hurts.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Happy April Fool's Day!!!
But this is no joke, thankfully!
(I'm sorry about the random switch from present to past tense. I got lost in the moment, so I kinda just took it and rolled with it.)
A big thank you goes out to all my readers and subscribers. Thank you for having faith in me!!! <3
I love you all.
(But maybe I could get a few comments? Please?)
Maybe y'all can comment and tell me if you found the 2 references in this chapter!