Sequel: Enchanted


The Gang's Together Again

Abi stood in front of her vanity, placed in the far back corner of her closet, putting on the many bangles she felt were needed to spruce up her outfit. Two weeks had passed and now a large group of people from back in the city were in Whitby ready to spend a week with the couple in their new home. Only a few of their friends knew about the house and, most importantly, the engagement, due to the posts on Twitter, but there were still a few that were in the dark. Abi had finished putting on the clanky jewelry and was reaching for her shoe when she felt a pair of arms settle around her waist and a pair of lips settle onto the base of her neck.

“Are you almost ready?” James asked, moving his lips to hover just an inch over her skin before placing a few gentle kisses up the rest of her neck until his chin was placed firmly onto her shoulder.

“Almost,” Abi said, making eye contact with his in the mirror in front of them. “I just have to slip on my shoes and grab my bag.”

Picking up her hand, James ran his thumb over the ring that was currently, and permanently, resting on Abi’s left ring finger before smiling to himself. “Okay, I’ll be waiting down in the living room and then we can head out,” he told her, kissing her cheek before heading out of the closet and their room and general, giving her the privacy he knew she needed and wanted.

After slipping on her flats and dabbing some perfume onto her wrists, Abi grabbed her purse before shutting the lights off in both her closet and the bedroom that she shared with James. Before walking out of the house, she made sure to arm the security system before shutting the door. As Abi walked down the sidewalk to the driveway, she couldn’t help but turn around and smile. Living with James in Pittsburgh was great, but knowing that she owned something with him put her mind, restless about their future, at ease. Abi couldn’t believe what happened in the past two weeks; the engagement, the house hunting, finding the house, buying everything they needed, moving it in, it was all so crazy.

Abi woke up to the ringing off a phone. Reaching out for hers, she could see from her squinted eyes that is wasn’t her phone that was ringing. “James,” she said, poking him in the side of his ribcage. “James wake up, your phone is ringing.”

Abi huddled underneath the blankets to avoid the noise, but she was still able to hear James’ hand smack multiple times off his nightstand before he found his phone.

“Hello,” James said in a groggy voice. “This is he,” he said again, before listening to what the voice on the other line said. “That’s fantastic, we’ll be over to sign everything later,” another pause, “Okay, thanks Karen.” After the call ended and James put his phone back down, he burrowed himself underneath the covers until he was face to face with Abi. “Guess what baby.”

“What,” Abi said half asleep, praying that he would stop talking so she could go all the way to sleep.

“We got the house,” James said leaning in close to whisper in her ear.

It took her a second, but Abi threw the covers off of her and sat straight up in bed. James followed quickly after her before gathering her in his arms.

“Did we really?” Abi asked, unshed tears filling in her eyes.

“Yeah, baby girl, we did,” he said as he kissed her forehead.

“Oh, James, I’m so happy! Everything is falling into place for us. I love you James.”

“I love you too Abi, and I can’t wait to spend of my life with you.”

After they signed the papers saying that they officially owned the house, their lives go completely crazy. There was furniture to buy, rooms to paint, and clothes to unpack, but once it was done, Abi and James couldn’t have been happier.

Going through the house, James took a picture of each room so that he could send them to his parents. On a quick whim, he opened his twitter app and typed out his tweet before sending it out.

@jneal_18: Sneak peek into the mine and @aBEEgail_’s new Whitby house

The drive to the restaurant was short, only about ten minutes, so Abi and James were able to take their time walking into the restaurant. Abi enjoyed the sun warming her skin and James enjoyed the fabric from Abi’s skirt rubbing against his leg. Even with their slow pace from the car to the back room that they reserved, they still got to the table before any of their friends. They only had to wait about three or so minutes before the heard the sound of heels pounding of the floor of the restaurant. The sound of heels was followed by the squeals of the girls who rushed over to Abi, pulling her from her seat and into a hug.

“We missed you so much!” Catherine said, giving Abi’s side a squeeze.

“We missed you of course, but we missed so much in general,” Vero told, one hand around Abi’s side and the other holding Estelle to her hip. “Now show us the ring,” she demanded.

Giggling, Abi lifted up her left hand and let the diamond sparkle in the overhead light. Neither of the girls could say anything, so Catherine let out a low whistle and Vero started to cry.

“Holy shit!” Abi heard from behind, before turning to see a tall, blonde giant named Jordan Staal standing align with her back and peeking over her shoulder to get a look at the ring.

“Jordan!” Abi yelled, jumping as best as she could into his arms. When she realized that it was either hug her departed best friend or rip her skirt, she settled for a less intense hug and a kiss to his cheek. Pulling away from him, Abi then gave his wife of two years a hug before throwing her into the group hug with all of the other girls. “I missed you all so much, thank you for being able to come today,” she said before they all broke apart to take their place at the table.

Throughout the lunch James saw the worry and curiosity on his fiancée’s face when she realized that two of their very best friends were missing from the table. Leaning in, James kissed her cheek before whispering, “Paul called about fifteen minutes ago. He said there was an accident on their way in and that it was pretty backed up. He estimated that they would arrive around ten tonight, so I told him that we would celebrate once Mackensie goes to bed.”

“Okay,” Abi said as she leaned over to give him a kiss, before giving him another one on his cheek and then wiping off the excess lipstick. “I love you James.”

“I love you too Abigail.”

Going back to her meal, Abi picked up her phone after she felt it vibrate against the table. Picking it up, she saw that she had a text message from Heather. Opening it, she found a picture of her and James from just a few seconds ago when she was kissing his cheek. Knowing she couldn’t pass up the opportunity, Abi saved the picture before opening her Twitter app. Typing out the tweet and then attaching the picture, she hit send when she was finished.

@aBEEgail_: So blessed that I get to be in love with my best friend, @jneal_18!
♠ ♠ ♠
.. well, it's been forever, like normal.
I do apologize, it seems like I'm always abandoning this story, but I can promise you I'm not.
This year is my SENIOR YEAR, so I'm trying to make the most of it.
I can promise though that you won't have to go another month without a chapter.
Thanks to Chantelle & Kailey for commenting!
*crossing fingers that i get more than two comments*