Status: Finished(:

I Know You're Coming Back

I know your'e coming back....(oneshot)

Rebecca and Alexis were best friends, well more like sisters!
They did everything together, along with there six best guy friends!
They were inseparable! They all grew up in LA, went to school together and they even toured together!

It was April 17, the day the guys played in a town called Abilene!
It had been raining all day and was still raining at 7:00 pm that night, the guys were still gunna play no matter what!
Rebecca and Alexis went to set up the merch booth to show the new girl how things were done and all that!
While they were helping set it up the guys came out playing "undead" followed by "coming in hot" and a bunch of other songs!
Both girls decided to go backstage and watch the boys and so they could give them hugs when they were done!
The girls showed security there ID's and made their way to the stage side!
"Do you feel like someone's been following us the whole day or is it just me?" Alexis asked wanting an honest answer,
"I guess it's just you because I haven't felt like that, just keep your eyes open", Rebecca said turning back to watch the boys finish up!
As soon as the boys were done J walked right to Rebecca And gave her the biggest big ever.
"you did great out there" she told him while standing on her tip toes to kiss his cheek!
"Why thank you" he said leaning down to kiss her cheek.
Rebecca was sitting on the couch next to Matt when she felt her phone go off,
"Jay(: : meet me on the bus in 10(:
Bekk : uh....ok..."
After A few minutes she got up and started on her way to the bus to look for J,
She walked onto the bus and there was nothing but silence!
"Jay?" She said expecting him to answer but no answer!
She walked to the back of the bus and looked in all of the bunks for him, and nothing.
She pulled her phone out of her pocket and dialed his number to see where he was
"Hey you've reached jays phone, I probably didn't answer because I don't wanna talk to you!" She heard from his voicemail before she hung up.
Hmmm that's weird, she thought to herself, he always answers my calls.

She made her way back into the building and walked into the dressing room and just looked at the guys!
"Yo Becca, what's wrong?" Dylan asked knowing something was wrong!
"About 10 minutes ago J sent me a text and told me to meet him on the bus, but he's not there" she said with tears forming in her eyes,
"Did you try calling him?" George asked her,
She shook her head yes.
"I'll call him" Alexis said knowing Becca was worried sick about him!

"Hey youve reached Jays phone.." She hung up,
"Voicemail...." She said as plain as ever.

They all spent the next 4 hours trying to get ahold of him, with no luck!
"Oh my god, JOREL DECKER if you don't answer your phone I'm gunna kill you!" Rebecca screamed into the sky, with tears rolling down her face!
George and Jordon walked over to Becca and just hugged her,"what if he's gone? What if he's gone for good?" She asked them burring her face into the middle of the them.
"Maybe we should call the police?" Matt suggested.


"Abilene police department what's your emergency?" The operator said,
"I need to report someone missing" Becca said holding back the tears,
"Ok ma'am what is your name?" She asked first,
"Rebecca...." She said wanting to just scream at her to find J,
"Ok Rebecca, what's your location?" She asked,
"I'm.....I'm at 1850 S Clack st, I'm at The Lucky Mule" she told the operator,
"ok ma'am I'm sending an officer over there now" she said trying to calm Becca down!
"okay thank you" Becca said before she hung up not wanting to be on the phone with the lady forever.

A few moments later they all seen a cop car pull up in front the bus, the officer got out of the car!
"are you Rebecca" the officer asked her and pulled out his little note pad and pen!
"yes sir" she said just wanting them to hurry up,
"So your making a missing persons report?" He asked her like he didn't give a shit,
"yes His name is Jorel Decker" she said watching him write down his name on the note pad,
"Do you know what he was wearing last?" He asked
"yes a black shirt with the words "rep your hood" on it with a red plaid jacket" she said
"Eye color, hair color, height?" Finishing the last details about his clothing,
"brown eyes, black hair and he's around 5'9" she said with tears in her eyes!
"Alrighty, this is enough to send out a state wide missing persons report! I'm going take down your number in case we get any information" he said while she gave him her number!


A few weeks had passed and nothing,
The guys were debating to tell the fan base or not!
Most of the guys had given up hope and wanted to go back to LA and just tell the fan base!
"you know what, y'all can fucking go BUT I'm staying here and I'm not leaving until I find him!" She said walking onto the bus to grab her stuff,
"Becca it's been 4 weeks and they have nothing yet, were not trying to give up its just we can't stay in Abilene forever!" Danny said trying not to piss her off to much,
"Like I said Daniel I'm NOT leaving until I know where he's at or I find him, Ill fucking live here if I have too" she said putting the last of her things into her suitcase and shoving past Danny off the bus!
"And where do you think you will stay?" He said running in front of her,
"I'll find a place, I'm not leaving, end of story!" She said continuing to wherever she was going.


She had been walking for what seemed like miles when she finally came to a days inn hotel, she walked into the lobby and to the desk,
"Yes ma'am how can I help you" the lady at the desk asked her,
"I need to get a room for about a week or so? And do y'all have Internet?" She said to her wanting to get off of her feet,
"Ok ill need to see an ID and yes we do have wifi here! And the room for a week will be $150" she said smiling, as Becca pulled out her ID and her debt card and handing it to the lady at the desk.
"ok ma'am your ready to go, you'll be in room 22" she said handing Becca the room key!
"Where's the closest Walmart?" She asked hoping it wasn't far!!
"it's just a few blocks to the right and then 10 blocks after that, walking distance" she smiled at Becca!


Back at the bus,
"Guys I don't know if I can let her stay here all alone for God knows how long" Alexis said slowly getting up from the couch on the bus and walking towards the bunks to pack her stuff,
"You can't be serious!" George said waking right up behind her,
"We'll I am so get over it" she said pulling her phone out to call Becca to see where she was at!

Becca: "Yeah...."
Alexis: "Where you at I'm staying here with you"
Becca: "walking to Walmart"
Alexis: "ok ill be there soon"
Becca: "ok bye"

Becca hung up her phone as she walked in the doors of Walmart,
She grabbed a basket and headed straight for the printing paper,
She grabbed about 5 packages of paper when she felt someone come up behind her,
"Why are you buying paper?" Alexis asked her really confused,
"Going to make flyers about him being gone maybe someone will see them and help plus I'm about to spill it to the fan base, I know they will help." She said putting the last of the packages of paper into the basket!
And walking towards the printers and ink! They got a printer and about 20 things of ink for it making sure they would have enough and they got some food for them also!

They checked out and made there way back to the hotel and started getting everything set up, Becca looked at the clock and it read 6AM,
But she wasn't tired at all,and shes wasnt going to sleep untill she had these flyers printed.
She continued making the flyer on her computer with photoshop until it was perfect.
She made sure the printer was fun of paper and ink and hit print!
She opened twitter,Facebook and all the other social networking sites they use to keep in touch with the fans and broke them the bad news! And posted the flyer for them to print and put around whatever towns they were in!


8 months later with still no luck they still hadn't given up on him.
They would call, text and FaceTime him everyday hoping for a reply!
It was Christmas Day, the day Jesus was born, A day of hope. Alexis and Rebecca had there own Christmas tree and presents for each other and J as well!
With Alexis being a religious person she figured with it being Christmas that maybe a miracle would happen today!
Rebecca got woke up by her phone going off about every 2 minutes from people saying "Merry Christmas" she didn't bother to reply, the only way she would reply is if some how they found J that day!

"Lexi wake up." She said throwing a pillow at her to wake her up,
"Mmmmmmm" she moaned not wanting to get up that early,
They both got up out of bed and grabbed one of the few shirts they had left that they made with Jays picture on it!

They had ordered thousands of shirts in all different sizes and had the fans email them their addresses and sizes so they could send them out.

They made there way out of the motel room with 2 bags full of flyers to pass out! They had a lot of new ones too, they had fans send some to Alexis's moms PO back in LA and then she would send them in bundles to them in Abilene!
"Meet back here" Becca said to Lexi
"Yeah what time?" She said about to walk off,
"5 then we can call it a day!" She said waking off into the city.


It was 4:57 when Becca walked up to the motel door and waited for Alexis to show up.
"Hey I'm here." She said throwing herself into the bed,
Becca pulled her phone out and set it next to her and just looked at it, she eventually just closed her eyes and prayed to God to bring him back or give them a sign.

About 5 minutes of staring at her phone the screen lit up and she jumped with joy hoping It would be J,
Sure enough the caller ID said "Jay(:" Rebecca started to scream before she answered it as Alexis came into the room to see what she was screaming about, Rebecca just jumped and pointed at the phone and she asked J were he was.
"Jorel, oh God, where are you?" She asked right off the bat,
"I'm not really sure, but I need to hurry. What do I do to help you?" He said sounding like he was about to cry,
"Ok after you hang up go to the maps app on your phone and hit the location icon on it and take a screen shot of it and send it to me. I love you J" she said,
"I love you too" he said as he hung up and did what she said, about 2 minutes later she got the picture and she sent it to the officer who had been helping them the whole time and a few moments later there was a knock on the door.
Rebecca swung the door open and pulled the photo up on her phone!
"He called me!!!" She cried
"Who did?" He asked stupidly
"Jorel, he sent him his location kinda from his phone!"
"Ok let me take a look" he said pulling the phone from her hand!
"If he's here in Abilene he's on the North side on I'm gunna say around 3rd street ill get some back up over there now" he said as he ran to his patrol car and got on the radio.
Soon he motioned for the girls to get in the car, they got into the back of the car and he turned on his sirens and spend down the road towards the other side of town.

They got to the other side of town and from north 3th and a 10 block radius had be blocked off and every house had been searched top and bottom. They finally reached the last house that hadn't been searched,
"Now ladies if he's in there the who ever is in the house will be arrested, for kidnapping, and charged" he said as he made his way to the house.

The cops were in there for what seemed like hours, then they had two girls walked out in handcuffs and put into the back of a cop car.
Then the officer who had helped Rebecca and Alexis the whole time walked out with J.

Jorel spotted Rebecca and immediately left the officers side and ran too her, well he tried. He hugged her for the longest time, not letting go and wiping away her tears.
"I wanted you to meet me on the bus for this..." He said leaning down and passionately placing a kiss on her lips, which made her want to cry even more.

Soon the police officer had J get into the ambulance for the paramedics to make sure he was healthy, while the cop car with the two girls who looked to be about 30 or so drove off.

"Do you ladies want to ride in the car while we take him to the station for questioning?" The cop asked as they jumped with happiness!


After a few hours of questioning and watching them book people into jail Rebecca and Alexis got to see Jorel again. Becca made her way over to the chair next to him and grabbed his hand,
"I spent 9 months looking for you, I prayed every day and lost many hours of sleep and spent thousands of dollars for you! I wouldn't trade having you here right now for anything" she said laying her head in his shoulder and a tear rolled down her face.
"Give me your phone!" He said as she got her phone out of her pocket and handed it to him.
He took a picture of them right next to each other and said "let the world know that you're mine" he said smiling at her.
She posted the picture on every social network site she had with the caption "waited 9 months for him, now I have him all to myself<3"


"Why is there so many damn boxes and paper everywhere?" He said as he walked into the hotel room, like I told you I spent thousands of dollars on you, from shirts to flyers and everything, I never gave up" she said grabbing his hand.
"Oh..." He said sitting down on the bed, "I need food and water and a shower" he said making his way to the mini fridge that was in the room, he pulled out a bunch of junk food and like 3 dr peppers and devoured them.


A few days later they were on a plane back to LA, to start over. They 2 women had been sentenced to 5 years for kidnapping and 1 for resisting arrest and 5 more for child neglect. And had there children taken from them.

"Do you remember what happened that night?" Becca asked him while they were lying in bed,
"A little bit of it, like telling you to meet me on the bus and as I was walking into the bus two people grabbed me and I guess used chloroform to knock me out, and I remember waking up in there basement, and watching tv and sleeping the whole time I was there! I had very limited and controlled Internet access but one day I found my phone laying on the dryer and that's when I called you!" He said before he rolled over and snuggled with her and fell asleep!