Status: WIP

The Love Of A Vampire

Chapter Two

Ten years Cooper had walked out of their shared flat and out of Lima for good. They both knew when he left he wasn’t coming back and the day he did, well things were going to get worse. In those ten years he’s gone through six different maids, since Sebastian was a Smythe and Smythe’s never cleaned up after themselves. It was demeaning.

He was currently without a maid, something he wasn’t pleased about, and has spent the past twenty minutes staring at the washing machine. They’ve changed too much and too quickly during his time and he was insistent on having the latest models since he could always afford them. Yet, with the touch screens and different settings, really why would he pre wash clothes? He just wanted them clean! The doorbell decided to ring.

Thankful for not having to decide what to actually do while staring completely blank at the screen for any longer he went and answered the door. If it was Nick he would probably just do everything for him like last time. It was one of the perks of having a freshly turned one as what he considered to be a friend. Unfortunately it happened to be Kurt Hummel.

Kurt Hummel was someone Sebastian met during his travels with Cooper. They both had grown tired of spending time in America, moving around to Spain, Greece, Italy, but most of the time coming back to Paris due to Sebastian’s insistent. It was only when they decided to go to England did they run into Kurt during the 1800s. He was a lone bachelor who received frequent visits from the local lord Adam, which was due to business reason although they both knew the real intentions. He seemed happy, well happy enough. Just not happy enough to turn Adam into their kind. Kurt was sure he would if the right person came along, no one wanted to be immortal just to spend it alone.

The time they spent in England suited Cooper but drove Sebastian insane. Things weren’t as outgoing as in Paris, the culture wasn’t as diverse as it was in Spain. Things seemed settled and calm. Well as calm as they could ignore the poverty, but that was something he had always managed to overlook.

Adam was a sweet man. He was a nobleman in every sense of the word and gave Kurt endless praises. It drove Sebastian insane but always left Cooper cooing. Cooper was a sucker to romance, knowing he wanted it himself but could never admit it. He liked playing the roaming man card too much to really settle down, and why should he? He had forever.

Kurt on the other hand, he was open about how he craved romance. How he wanted timeless love to end the ages, but never did anything to change it. Sure, the time they lived in homosexuality was even thought to be more than a sin. Still, Sebastian felt Kurt managed to fall on his feet with Adam. He was kind, caring, sweet and even romantic he expected to Kurt behind the scenes. In his opinion the feminine man didn’t deserve it. Kurt was snarky, arrogant and condescending and Cooper for some odd reason seemed to adore him.

Sebastian wasn’t sure when Kurt was turned or even who by, but given the strange connection between Cooper and Kurt it had to be the same vampire who blooded Cooper. The connection between them was completely different to the one that Sebastian and Cooper shared, that one was the need to be with each other, have each other’s back. Which was why the distance between them hurt Sebastian, it wasn’t love and to be honest he didn’t want to spend the rest of his life attached to Cooper’s side, but having his presence near him was comforting. Almost family like. And Kurt knew it was affecting him.

So Kurt turning up on his doorstep wasn’t just to tell him when the next Rebellion movement was, it was more to easy his conscious and check up on him. Which would be why he was on his doorstep now, holding the dish of Lasagna as a peace offering.

“The movement is meeting tonight, we’re changing location due to the hunters. They’re not as dumb as you might think they are Smythe, they’ve got a new leader after all,” Kurt mentioned, moving around Sebastian’s home like he lived there.

Kurt had moved over to America after hearing about the werewolf round ups. Living in England after Adam had died was painful, turning to travel as well. He lived in Russia, China, Denmark, even Holland if what he was hearing was true, but never returned to England again. Then early 2000s he returned to America, the first he time he had stepped foot in the country since becoming a mortal man, telling rumours about the werewolf round ups. He wanted to help. He wanted to save anyone he could, and after losing Puckerman to the government, people were ready to fight.

Puckerman was a strong man, even stronger werewolf. Sebastian was always surprised how much determination could come from someone who had such a simple mind, but he was ready and with strong and loyal following. The fight between him and Jesse St James was brutal, neither backing down and it took a bullet of pure silver to throw Puckerman off his game. When he fell, well, things became easy. The fight within werewolves died down and Evans didn’t know what to do to bring it back. Sebastian almost felt sorry for him, if they didn’t smell of dogs.

“What happened to the almighty St. James?” Sebastian asked hopping up on the kitchen counter, much to Kurt’s annoyance. It was his house and he would sit where and however he liked.

“Accident. Apparently one vampire was trying to protect her… mate? I think that’s the word she liked to use and managed to injury his leg. It’s put him out of the chase for life, and he’s stuck doing paperwork,” came the reply, Kurt’s head was stuck in the fridge trying to find a place for his overly large bowl of Lasagna.

“Much be terrible for him.”

“Oh it is, they brought in someone younger, fighter and by the sounds of it more skilled than St James ever was.”

“Talk about rubbing salt into the wound.”

Kurt hummed, finally closing the fridge and walking to stand opposite him, leaning against the counter. “They say he’s been training since he could walk, in those academies they set up to hunt down creatures like us. Graduated top of his class, highly skilled in knives, crossbows and of course guns. He prefers knives I’ve heard, makes things more personal.”

“He sounds like a psychopath. How are you getting this information?” he asked, suddenly curious. Evans wouldn’t have ways to get this information, he was far too clueless and well, dim to learn how to manipulate people. It must be a trait in all wolves, he was yet to meet one he thought could function using more than two brain cells at once. Puckerman was getting there but he was still lacking. Santana, she could get information out of anyone, but since she was known to have her outbursts and so keeping her away from hunters was just to be on the safe side.

“I have my ways…”

“Oh? This wouldn’t have to be with a certain human would it?” he teased, watching the blush decorate the porcelain skin. “Honestly what is it with you and those breathers?”

“Shut up Smythe. Just be ready for six okay?” he instructed, pushing himself off the counter and leading himself out. Sebastian rolled his eyes at his antics, he knew how to get under his skin and loved it.

Six rolled around and Sebastian was leaning against the wall. The movement had moved to the basement of Lima Bean. Sebastian wasn’t a fine, the spot was too local, too busy, too much the social point of the small town. Sure going in and out wouldn’t draw attention but being lead to the basement was going to look suspicious. Still he was here, waiting for someone else to join him. They’ve been told to travel in pairs since a month ago a member got jumped coming out of one of the meetings and hasn’t been seen since.

However something, more specifically someone caught his eye. He was new, well built with broad shoulders and a tightly set jaw. His hair showed signs of an old military cut but had grown out of the strict style enough to push the fringe into a quiff. His jawline was sharp and his eyes seemed to be sharper, looking around his surroundings with precision. He was gorgeous. A thick scarf was wrapped around his neck when he walked out of the coffee shop, while the man was in deep conversation with the petite blonde woman beside him. Whatever they were talking about seemed serious and intriguing. Then something caught the man’s eyes, still his conversation and looking over at Sebastian. Those piercing eyes calculating him, being under the strong gaze made a shiver run over his body causing the man to smirk before going back to his conversation and not even glancing back to Sebastian, even though he was sure he could feel his eyes burning holes into the back of his head.

What the hell was that? No man had ever made Sebastian feel like he should be the self conscious one, that he was the small insignificant one and only worthy of someone’s time when they decided. And all from one look? He shook his head and walked into the coffee shop, not caring that he arrived alone. He ordered himself a coffee to take his mind of it all and made his way down to the basement when another nameless member arrived.

The meeting was like any other, people bitching about hunters, people crying over the fact they don’t have any freedom, vampires wanting to know where their new feeding ground was, werewolves angry about how no one seems to care about the round up anymore. They were right, as far as Sebastian was concerned, the roundup happened just under ten years ago and now it affected everyone. It wasn’t just about them anymore and if they wanted things to change they needed a leader.

“I agree,” a voice said. It was lightly and looking over at Sebastian with a grim yet determined look on his face. Did he say that out loud? He must have. “This affects everyone. Werewolves. Vampires. Even humans. Yes I know most of you hate us, but not all of us are like the hunters out there. We don’t see you as monsters, we want to help and surely having other humans defending you would help your cause? It would make you seem human.”

Sebastian ran his eyes over the kid, how he managed to look past him he had no idea. His bright hazel eyes when he spoke, the small bowtie placed perfectly in his collar that managed to make him look adorable but drop dead gorgeous at the same time. His hair might have a little too much gel in there that it looked wet, but it oddly worked with him. He was short, his trousers hanging round his ankles while the tip of his shoe just brushed the floor. Looking over he saw how fondly Kurt was looking at him and it clicked, he was the little human Kurt seemed to be swooning over.

“Blaine Anderson right?” he asked him, cutting off his speech and grabbing his attention back. Instantly he felt Kurt’s eyes glaring over at him, the clear sign of telling him not to. Beside him he heard Santana’s muffled snicker as she leaned back in his seat. “Kurt’s been telling me about you. How motivated you seem to be for our cause, however the one thing he failed to mention was how you’re practically sex on a stick. Kurt, where have you been hiding him? The perfect little poster boy.”

Seeing Blaine’s cheeks flush and watching him get flustered made this meeting for him. Kurt coughed, wanting the attention back to him and away from the look Sebastian was giving Blaine. The calculated but admiring eyes, the smirk accompanied with the soft biting of his bottom lip. Kurt had watched many men fall into his trap and he be damned if Blaine joined that long and bottomless list.

“Blaine and Sebastian are right, we need to adopt a leader. One with a clear head and someone we all trust. However it won’t become a dictatorship, it will still remain a democracy just for the people of the outside world we need someone to look like they are taking charge. Having someone who could make snap decisions would help as well. Think of someone you would like to put forward and we’ll have a vote next time we meet.”

There were sounds of agreement and people started to wander out. There was one thing Sebastian knew and he did not want to put forward as leader. He didn’t need that much attention, he received enough of it as it was and leading a group, making life decisions was far too much pressure. Plus he made more important things to think about, mostly like seeing how flustered he could get Blaine and the name of the man he saw just an hour ago. With a face like his, it was a mystery to Sebastian how he was still nameless.