Status: Update whenever possible ^-^

Just One of the Perks

Coffee and Cameras


Me and Clara buckled in our seat belts and I patiently listened to the stewardess at the front of the plane who was pointing out the emergency exits. Sighing I looked at Clara next to me, who by this time was silently nodding her head to the beat of her music. I swallowed and leaned back in the seat, trying to calm my nerves. We were actually going to Vancouver. I had my dream job at Empire. I was actually able to offer my friend some happiness for once. Who knew, I could even get a raise by the end of this project. But I had to admit, that might have been pushing it. Clara turned around and smiled at me, pointing to the window. Apparently she found it amusing that the plane was taking off. I had to laugh at her sometimes; she was so adorably childish.

Raising my arm, I looked at my watch which I had already set to show the time in Vancouver. If I’d counted right, we’d arrive at 5am, which gave us some time to rest and to get ready to meet the cast and crew. I was going to introduce Clara as either my friend who was a fan (which was the truth) or as an assistant photographer. It all depended if they were nice people. Clara assured me they weren’t jerks, but ever since I knew her I stuck with one rule: never trust anything to do with her obsessions. It wasn’t personal or anything, she just turned pretty protective and exaggerated anything she liked, so it was hard to tell how much of what she said was true. Just in case, I packed my large lens camera in my suitcase.

By the time we were one quarter of the way there Hannah had run through the whole plot of Supernatural twice, and had quizzed me to make sure I understood. To be honest it wasn’t half bad.


I was awoken by a text from Jim reading:
‘I forgot to mention – could you pick the interviewer and their assistant up from the airport? They arrive at 5am. Sorry :)’
I groaned and rolled over, stretching in my bed. It was 2am, so I’d had about four hours’ sleep. It would take about an hour to get to the airport, so I swung my feet over the edge of the mattress and switched on the bedside lamp. Suddenly, I had an idea. I went through my contacts and sent a text to Jensen.
‘You’re coming with me to airport to pick up the interviewer ;)’ I chucked my phone on the duvet behind me as I got up and went to the bathroom. I was making him come with me no matter what. Just because I’m an asshole.


When me and Clara got through customs and collected our luggage, we went to hang out in the Starbucks opposite the arrival lounge. Clara peered on the clock on the wall.
“4:47am. We’re pretty early actually.” I sipped my coffee and looked at her.
“So what do you propose?”
“Well, since we’re getting picked up anyway, I thought we could use our time wisely and check out that book/CD store over there.” She nodded towards a shop called ‘Virgin Entertainment’. I said that was a good idea and Clara rolled our suitcases over there, my hands taken up by my coffee and Clara’s hot chocolate.

As soon as we walked in, we heard Fall Out Boy’s new song, The Phoenix, playing loudly, and we joined in immediately. Clara propped out suitcases by the end of the bookshelf we were standing at, looking at Avengers comics. We started dancing to the song, singing along.
“I’M GONNA CHANGE YOU LIKE A REMIX! THEN I’LL RAISE YOU, LIKE A PHOENIX!” I know I sounded like a drowning cat, but I didn’t care, and it seemed like Clara didn’t either. I walked backwards dramatically, motioning with the coffee in my hand, still singing.
“Release the dove, SURRENDER LOVE!” Clara suddenly broke out dancing, and I started laughing at her bad kicking. The shop assistant glared at us from behind the counter, silently warning us that if we touched anything we’d pay in every sense of the term. Smiling at her, I raised my coffee in salute but accidently spilt it down my top. Apparently Clara thought it was hilarious. I fixed her with my ‘unamused face’, which only caused her to laugh more. She staggered backwards and knocked over her suitcase, still clutching her stomach in laughter. We must have looked so ridiculous, and in a public airport no less.


I parked the car in the car park, finding a spot relatively close to the arrival lounge. Checking my phone, I could see we had about ten minutes. Sighing, I told Jensen, who told me to go check the schedules inside, they might have arrived early. Typical Jensen. He still had his pyjama top on under his coat, and was now leaning against the passenger side door, half asleep. Rolling my eyes, I got out of the car and walked past the automatic doors into the glossy terminal. I just hoped nobody would recognise me. Sitting down, I looked up at the times and saw their plane had arrived twenty minutes early. My eyes scanned the crowds, looking for two guys that would look reporter-ish. I frowned, realising they could just as easily be women. Talking about women, my eyes saw two young women dancing their asses off in the bookstore. I watched them a little longer, and saw one spill coffee on her shirt. The other one laughed so hard she fell and knocked over one of the suitcases. Laughing, I stood up and made my way over there, deciding to help them. Not because I was a pervert or anything, I just liked to do random nice things.

As I approached, the one that was standing looked at me and put her hand over her mouth, trying to be polite whilst laughing. I couldn’t help but join in the laughing; it was so damn infectious.
“Hey there, can I help you up?” I offered my hand to the woman with dark blue hair on the floor. The minute I spoke she looked up at me, and I could sense she knew who I was.
“Misha...” She squeaked and stopped laughing.
“Yeah, the one and only! Can I help you up?” I laughed and kept my hand held out. She nervously took my hand and I drew her to the floor, grabbing the suitcase too. The blonde one with coffee on her top hurried over.
“No, it’s okay seriously we can pick that up.” But I’d already propped it next to the other one.
“It’s fine, really.” She looked at me for a second then shook herself. The blue-haired one was still staring at me. Suddenly, she grabbed the blonde one’s arm, sloshing hot chocolate on her trousers. Coffee-girl seemed to hold back an outburst of anger and replied,
“What is it Clara?”
“Amelia this is Misha Collins.” Amelia looked back and forth between us, confused, and then something clicked. She shoved the coffee into Clara’s hand and held out her own.
“Mr. Collins, it is an honour to meet you. I had no idea you were the one picking us up. I apologise for my assistant, she’s a fan.” She had a sweet English accent.
“Oh, you’re the one Empire sent?” I smiled at them and realised I was holding Amelia’s hand too long. I drew away and got their suitcases. “Well, follow me. I’ll take you to the car.”
“I’ll take this really it’s fine.” Amelia jumped infront of me and took one of the suitcases. I held on tight.
“Please, I insist.” Amelia looked tired as she grabbed her friend by the arm, dragging her towards the exit. By this time a few people had their phones pointed at him, and he quickened his pace. “Ladies if you don’t mind hurrying please.” They picked up their pace behind me.

When we got to the car, Jensen was already awake and opening the trunk, ready for the luggage. Clara nearly screamed, stopped just in time by Amelia’s firm coffee-soaked hand. Jensen just smiled at her. The charmer.
“Please, ignore her Mr. Ackles, my assistant is just a big fan. I promise this won’t happen again.” I turned to Amelia, smiling again.
“Please, it’s really fine, we deal with this nearly every day.”
“Yeah, it’s all okay. Sit her in the back seat with me.” Jensen winked and slid into the back seat, leaving the door open for Clara. I reached into the car and brought out a towel, giving it to Amelia.
“Here you go, you can dry off with this.” She took it, dumping her cups in a nearby bin.
“Thankyou so much. Clara, sit.” She shoved her friend in the back of the car and got in the passenger side. As I sat in the driver’s seat, I chuckled; this was going to be an eventful week.
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Sorry that this chapter was so long, I hope it wasn't too boring! x