Status: Update whenever possible ^-^

Just One of the Perks

Breakfast and Pyjamas


I woke up with sunlight streaming through a gap in the burgundy curtains. Groaning, I stretched and rolled over in the king size bed. King size bed... I shot up, remembering where I was. Fucking Misha Collins. Rolling out of bed, I looked around the room. Clara had already woken up, and by the looks of it had showered and dressed before she left. She was probably having breakfast with Jensen. The slut. Don’t get me wrong I loved her, but she was a slut. Making my way to my suitcase, I hoped that I had packed my bathrobe. There was no way I was going out there facing two famous, grown men wearing my Spongebob pyjamas. I searched through my case, throwing clothes out in desperation. My robe was nowhere to be seen. Sighing, I silently cursed myself for thinking I didn’t need a bathrobe in a hotel. Because that was our original plan: book two rooms at the Hilton. But no, Misha Collins decided to show up and take us to his freaking house.

Standing up, I made my way to the door. I was determined not to let Misha ruin my time in Vancouver.


Walking out of the kitchen, I was surprised to find Amelia sitting at the table. Wearing bright yellow Spongebob pyjamas. I chuckled and saw her face darken.
“Good morning Amelia. I trust you slept well?” I placed the plates laden with food I was carrying onto the table infront of her. Through her glower I saw surprise and hunger flash in her eyes as she looked at the food.
“Did you cook this?” She took a bite as I sat down opposite her, nodding. “This is amazing!”
“Thanks. I’m glad you like it. I checked with Clara if you had any allergies before I made it.” Slowly, she looked up from her plate, suspicious.
“Where are Clara and Jensen?”
“Jensen is giving her a tour of the city.” I looked at her innocently. Crossing her arms, she leaned back in her chair, staring at me.
“You let her go off on her own with Jensen?”
“Yes, she wanted to.”


His face turned innocent as he took a bite of chicken. My eyes lingered too long on his mouth as he chewed and I looked back up at him.
“Surely you must know that that was a stupid idea.” He crossed his arms and leaned across the table.
“Are you saying that my friend is untrustworthy?” I copied him and looked him dead in the eye.
“I’m saying that they both are, and with Jensen encouraging her Clara is bound to run into trouble.” Misha raised an eyebrow, making me swallow. I hated him but found him so goddamn attractive at the same time. “You know exactly what I mean by ‘trouble’, don’t look so innocent.” He leaned even closer, and it was a small table. Our breaths mingled in the two inches of space between us.
“Clara and Jensen can be fully trusted to do what they think is necessary. I’m more concerned about you.”
“Me?” Outraged, I drew a breath, getting a whiff of his cologne. Before I could stop myself, I licked my lips; he smelt so fucking good. He laughed silently, his blue eyes looking straight into mine.
“My point exactly.” He raised his eyebrows slightly, his pupils dilating. Standing up, I leaned in to his ear and whispered:
“You give yourself too much credit.” I patted him on the shoulder, walking away down the corridor. I was satisfied that I beat him at his own game. Misha still won in the end though. He leaned back in his chair and shouted after me:
“I’m loving the pyjamas!” I turned back around, my face indignant, before marching into the bedroom. Slamming the door, I leaned against it. I had to think of something to wipe that smug grin off his face. Fast.
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This chapter's pretty short, sorry. Feel free to leave any comments and suggestions regarding the plot :)