Status: In process!!!! So suscribe and read on peoples :D



*Sam’s POV* (Not Sam Uley. Sam is just short for Samantha)

“Hahaha! Cough it up Jason!” I said getting out of my car running over to Jason to claim my money.

“Yeah yeah…..” Jason said pulling out his wallet and handing me the $50 I won. “I still almost had you!”

“Yeah, in your dreams maybe!” I took the money from his hands. “It was a pleasure doing business with you, and hey if you ever want to get your butt whooped again in a race you know you would never win, you know my number.” I said laughing.

Jason has been my best-friend ever since I moved here to La Push with my step-dad after my mom past away a year ago. He’s like the older brother I’ve always wanted. Along with Embry too but, he’s been pretty busy lately with stuff. He won’t tell me what though. He always tells me I’ll find out soon enough. every time he says that I just shrug it off since he says it all the time.

“Yeah whatever Sam. I’ll beat you one day, just wait for it.”

“Ha, yeah okay!” My phone stared playing Enrique Iglesias “I like it”. “I know who that is” I had a personal ringer for everybody. Usually their was a story behind the song. I answered the phone, “Hey, what’s up Em??”

“Nothing much Sam. Where you at??” He asked.

“I’m on one of the back roads with Jason.”

“Back roads?…oh! Who won??” I love how he already knew what I was talking about. Usually the street races went on in the back roads of La Push. I spent most of my time there racing or watching. I’m a beast when it comes to cars!

“Who do you think?” I couldn’t help but smile at Jason.

“Touche. How much you get out of him??”

“My usual, $50.”

“Nice. But hey I’m ‘bout to go, but I called to ask if you wanted to go to a bonfire on the beach with me tonight??”

“Yeah, sure. What time??”

“7’ish. Pick me up at my house around 6:30.”

“Yes sir!”

I heard him laugh on the line. “Okay see you then. Bye”

“Bye Em.” I hung up the phone and looked at Jason.

“What was that about??” Jason asked.

“Embry wants me to go to a bonfire with him tonight. I said I would. I would ask you but you sir have a date tonight.”

“Hey don’t be a hater Sam cause you can’t hop on the Jace train.”

“Please Jason! If I wanted to hit that I could.”

“WHAT?! Yeah right!”

“Bullcrap dude if I kissed you right now, you wouldn’t be able to stop.” I smirked. Jason has been after me since the day we met. First day of school he hit on me for the longest time, but I finally saw past it and got over it, after that he was pretty cool. Every now and then he’ll hit on me, but he’s calm down with it.

“Do it!! We shall see.” Jason smirked and raised his right eyebrow with an arch, sort of like the Rock does. HA!

I stepped close to Jason. I was so close the if he even bent his head down our lips would touch. I looked up at him and he looked down slightly. I love teasing this kid, I whispered seductively, “You would like that wouldn’t you, but see the thing is… wouldn’t be able to handle me Jace.” I smirked and backed away a little.

Jace stepped forward to where I could feel his breath on me. He looked down, “Try me Sam. I won’t tell you to stop.” He put his hands on my shoulders and his hands started lingering further down to my arms, to my waist, tracing my back up and down, then I felt his hand start lingering further down my backside. I grabbed both his hands to stop before he went any further, but he took this the wrong way and he pulled me closer to wear my body was up against his body and he started bending down to kiss me but just in the nick of time I turned my head to where his lips landed on my cheek.

He laughed and then whispered in my ear, “Your such a tease to me!” He then let me go.

“Wrong sir! You took it the wrong way, and I proved my point.” I smiled.

“Which was??”

“That I could have you if I wanted too.”

“Riiiiight. Well hey I never…wait never mind.”

I laughed and started walking back towards my car to go home. “Exactly what I thought. See you later Jace. Have fun on your date tonight.” I turned to see his cocky smile.

“Believe me. I will.”


I was driving down the road hitting 70. Yikes! Probably should slow down, I thought. I looked down at the clock. 4 o’clock. Just enough time to get ready, take a shower, and relax for a little before the bonfire. I turned to look to the side of the road, within the trees I saw a huge animal run with lightning speed.

“What was that??” I said a loud.
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Woo!!!! And it BEGINS!!!! <3