No More

I'm too tired.

You know what I’m sick of?

Waiting. I’m sick of waiting by the phone every night. I’m sick of tapping at the screen every few minutes, looking at the picture of us when we were happy. Seeing our bright smiles almost hidden behind the sugary pile of cotton candy in your hands brings an unbearable pain to my stomach. The cute and fluttering butterflies that lived within it were long gone. Their remains turned to ash while a dragon breathes roaring flames towards them and every inch around him. It’s flames lick the walls of my organs as it stomps and kicks. It’s tail obliterates my ribs with every flick and twitch while it’s claws tear and tug on my lungs.

Every breath is heavy. They’re deep and cold. Ice chills them from inside out, bursting whenever I dial your number. My voice cracks. My throat burns from the scorching coffee I force myself to drink every morning. The once soft lining is blistered. The cords that once vibrated enthusiastically now tremble, only making enough noise to upset the dragon down below. It climbs up the ladder of bones and tugs on ropes of muscles until it reaches the top. It roars, rattling the very bones it stands on while shooting balls of fire above.

The makeshift ladder broke after months of continuous torture. A numb coldness takes over my upper body as I walk the streets, my eyes scanning every shop and restaurant as I go by. My legs tingle with every step as the dragon slowly ascends a shaking pole. Muscles ache while the back of my head pounds with every inch and tug, the pole swaying under the new found weight. It splinters and gives out, the dragon snatching and banging against the wall until it crumbles. The pain intensifies as it tramples over the area, making a nest of the mass of muscle below it.

Tears leak and fall in the depths of night as my arms wrap around my pillow. The material clings to the salted skin, eyes burning at the bright light emitting from the bright screen in front of them. The pictures… the videos… the comments… they’re all arrows daggers hitting the misaimed target. The hateful words screamed across oceans fuel tanks and torches. They gather together in masses, expressions of hatred and disgust cutting through the chilled air while the target is safe, protected by the arms of her knight in shining armor. Meanwhile the proclaimed victim is hit with full force by the blinded foes, each strike only angering the beast within.

And do you know what?

He’s tired. He’s tired of the pain. He’s tired of the suffering. All the nights walking around the city, eyes looking for you and only you… they were wasted. No more. No. They won’t be wasted anymore. His deathbed drifts on the black ocean hidden in the shadows of the lightless route. The dragon will drown. By the time you read this he’ll be carried off into nothingness. No more pain. No more suffering.
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comments would be lovely.