

I finally arrived at my friend Louis’ house in Doncaster after an agonizing train ride. I didn’t know whether to call her now or wait until we got back into the states. Should I text her instead? It was all so new to me that I didn’t know exactly how to approach the situation as a whole. It wasn’t that I had never had girls numbers before, I just never really wanted to make things work in my favor more than I did right then. I figured I could wait until I saw Louis, because if there was anyone in the world I should be asking for advice from it would be him.

I wasn’t three steps into the door before I was attacked by a lanky body and greeted with a mouthful of over-hairsprayed hair.

“Niall it’s been so long, I can’t believe it’s really you! How’s Cali been treating you? Any sunburns yet? Did you snog any well-endowed ladies? Gone surfing? Rollerblading on the pier? Have you--”

“Louis!” I pushed him off of me and readjusted my shirt. “No, Louis. I’ve only been there a few months, can you calm down?” His face skewed a bit, and he raised an eyebrow at me.

“Something’s wrong with you. What did California do to you? You’re telling me to calm down?” I shook my head and laughed, picking up my luggage handle and walking by him. There were a few seconds of silence before I finally spoke.

“I need your help-”

“I knew it! There is something wrong! What do you need, pal, I’m here for whatever you need.” He ran up behind me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I kept walking towards the guest bedroom and he followed me all the way there.

“I met this girl--”


“Louis, please. Let me talk because I’m freaking out over this okay?” Louis pulled his fingers across his lips, as if zipping them shut. He pretended to lock them and tossed the imaginary key to the floor. “Anyway, I met this girl at the airport. Well, more like, I met her on the flight, but I saw her before then. I let her have my window seat. But she’s really gorgeous, but she didn’t really talk much. But she did give me her number-” I showed him the palm of my hand, “-see? But do I call her? When do I call her? What do I do, Louis?” I put my luggage in the corner as Louis dramatically assessed the situation.

“Don’t call her yet. Wait a day or two, and text her. She didn’t talk much on the way there, she’s not going to want to talk right away, so give it time. Why was she going to London?”

“To visit family.” He nodded again.

“Mmhm, mmhm. Right, well, definitely give her time. Play hard to get, my friend, and she’ll be crawling on her hands and knees to you in no time. Take that as figuratively as you like.” He patted my shoulder and I couldn’t help but laugh. “Now, El’s making some pasta for dinner and the other boys are coming to welcome our favorite Irishman home, so let’s go downstairs, yeah?” I nodded and followed him out of the room.

I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to wait more than 24 hours before I talked to her, but I was only going to be out of the country for a week or two. I’m sure I’d see her soon, right? She wouldn’t have given me her number unless she wanted to talk to me.


I had to make my way through dinner tonight and a day out tomorrow, and then I could send her a text. I had to learn more about Ashley, no matter what it took.

It’s just extremely hard to enjoy yourself with your mates when your mind is in a completely different place.

I managed to make it through dinner and a few pints before the anxiety got the best of me. I pulled out my phone and put her number into my contacts while the boys sat around, laughing at something stupid Liam had said.

I stared at her name for what felt like hours, but it was probably only a few minutes. I had been so anxious to talk to her, but I still had nothing to say. I could feel my palms sweating and I wasn’t even in the same town as her. This was ridiculous.

“Niall, you alright?” My gaze shot up from my phone to seven pairs of eyes staring back at me, a pair for four boys and three girlfriends. I shot them a toothy grin and sat my phone down.

“Of course, I’m fine, why?”

“You look a bit shaken..” Liam said. I shook my head, maybe a bit more aggressively than was really necessary.

“You’re not texting her now are you? You little shit, I told you to wait!” With the outburst from Louis and with the added slap to the bicep, the questions came pouring in.

“What’s her name?”

“Where is she from?”

“How did you meet her?”

I eventually stood up. “Guys, guys, stop. Her name is Ashley, and she lives in San Francisco, but I met her on the flight here, okay? It’s not that big of a deal.” Louis huffed loudly and crossed his arms, still upset that I wasn’t taking his advice.

“What are you going to say to her?” Zayn asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

“Tell her you’re already hard for her.”

“No, Harry.” That got a slap from Liam.

“Just say hi, how difficult is that?” he suggested.

“I say you should wait a day or two, but you’re not going to you stubborn little--”

“Louis, stop it.” Eleanor hushed her boyfriend who was still mumbling every name he could think of.

“Just don’t worry about it, okay? I’ll figure it out.” After that, dinner went back to normal (besides Louis’ sour attitude, which eventually he forgot about after 5 or so minutes) and I didn’t pick up my phone for the rest of the time. I waited until I was alone, about to go to bed before I even thought about texting her.

I retyped essentially the same message multiple times before settling on a simple, quick message.

Hi, it’s Niall, from the flight?.xx

I hit send and waited patiently. It felt like ages before I finally got a reply, and I almost fell off the bed when my screen lit up and it vibrated across my chest.

Hey, you actually managed to form a sentence. Impressive.
I wish I could talk more, but I probably (read, definitely) wont be able to talk while I’m here. I should be back in Cali the middle of next week, though. I’ll talk to you then.

I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces.
But she still wanted to talk to me, right? I just had to wait a week.

A week that was more than likely going to feel like a month.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another chapter already! Hope you all enjoy it, because I finally have a plan for this story (thank god) but hopefully you'll all love it! Thanks for subscribing!
Leave me love, xx