Status: In progress

A Whispered Blessing


}Gerards P.O.V{
"Hush now babay, don't say a word. Mama's gonna buy you a mocking bird. And if that mocking bird won't sing, daddy's gonna a buy you a diamond ring. And if that diamond ring won't shine, daddy's gonna—" lynz's beautiful voice had been cut short. Screams took over as our car was hit by another car. That was
the last time I ever heard her voice.
"Mommy?" Bandits worried voice called out of cell phone held
in the the now unconscious hand of my wife
"Mommy?" She calle out again. MOVE GERARD! MOVE! I swung my arm over to the phone andput it up to my ear.
"Bandit, hi baby." I wince as she happily said hi.
"Listen sweetheart, daddy's got to go now, but I'll talk to you soon, say hi to grandma Iero for me." Franks mom was looking after our kids.
"I love you, bye!" I close the phone and blacked out.

I woke up a few minutes later. I was veing careied on a strecher. Frank was nowhere to be seen. Jamia was being pulled out of the car and Lynz was also out of sight. I silently prayed that everyone was okay. When Finnally inside the ambulence I was sedated. Everything became fuzzy, and man was talking but i couldn't make out the words. Finnaly i blacked out.

Awakening in a hospital isn't exactly on the top 100 things to to do on my bucket list. I forced my eyes open. Frank and Mikey were sitting in chairs deep in converstation. Frank was wearing a sling and had scratches and bruses everywhere.
"Mikey, what if he doesn't wake up?" He was saying.
"Frank, he will. We won't lose all three of them!" Mikey answered.
"But what if he—" Frank looked over to me. "doesn't?" He looks back to Mikey, the. Wips his head around back to me
"Gerard!" He screams and jumps up and stumbles over to me, where he wraps homself in a big hug. Tears stream his face Mikey sits flabbergasted in his chair, bit soon jumps up and joins in on the hug, shedding a few tears of his own.
"I told you Frank." He says smiling frank nodds. Still holding me. Two men in white coats enter the room. They introduce themselfs as Dr.Toro and Dr.Bryar. The. They ask frank and Mikey to leave the room. Frank reluctantly lets me go and mikey gives me a smile before they both leave
"yell if you need me." frank says. I nodd.

"Gerard Way?" Dr. Bryar says " you have a broken wrist, a concussion and had to have stitches." He said pointing to each part of my injured body. Dr. Toro smiles . "Now for the bad news." He begins. "How should I put this?" He says searching for the right words. Dr. Bryar soon steps in. "Lindsay Way was your wife correct?" I nod, but wait WAS? She IS my wife. I gulp with realization and my heart stops. "Was?" I say.
"Lindsay Way suffered sever head trama and died within minutes of impact." He said reading off a paper attached to a clip board. He shows me the page as I'm in denial. They spelt her name wrong.
"I'm sorry for you're loss mr way". Dr. Bryar says.
I look up at him his white coat is stained with crimson while Dr. Toro's is preferably white.
"Jamia?" I ask quietly, looking at Dr. Toro.
"I'm sorry Gerard, she died in surgery." Dr. Bryar said.
"Is that her.." I point to his stained coat.
"Maybe you should go Bryar!" Dr. Toro calmly suggested, as I cried out. Frank came rushing in, followed by Mikey. Tears stained his cheeks. He collapsed in my bed and we wrapped our arms around each other instantly.
"Jamia!" He cried.
"And lynz"
"Com'er guys." Mikey said taking a seat on the bed. Frank and I grabbed hold of him for dear life, and cried until there was nothing left

Visiting hours came to a close, Dr. Toro came back to the room to tell Frank and Mikey the had to leave.
Frank refused, and Mikey agreed to go to let frank stay.
"I shouldn't be doing this, but Gerard say your good byes." Dr. Toro said
"I'll be back in the morning to pick you two up. Night boys love you." Mikey said, then gave both of us a hug and walked out the hospital room door.

"What are we gonna tell the kids Frank?" I asked after a while.
"I donno Gerard... The truth" he sighed "They deserve that." He said.
"God Frank why! Does the universe utterly hate us?" I asked nuzzling my teary face into his shoulder.
"Everything happens for a reason Gee, but I don't understand why either." He said trying not to cry again.
"Come here." I said. We got under the covers and pulled each othe as close as humanly possible. Frank put his head onto my chest.
"I'm so sorry Frank!" I say quietly, as tears escape his closed eyes.
"Me too Gee." He says, and hugs me tighter. And for the first time since the accident I will my self to close my now tearing eyes.
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Sorry guys kinda short xøxø