Itchin' on a Photograph

Come Closer Now

You know it's funny. I don't think anyone ever sets out to fall in love with a person. It's not as if they can just simply go to a grocery store and tell themselves, "Okay that girl in aisle 2 is going to be the love of my life."

No, with love, it's much more complicated. You don't get to pick who or how you fall in love. It just happens without you ever expecting it. Like one moment, you're just talking to this girl and suddenly she smiles at you, and it's not some sort of new smile. No, it's the same smile she gives you every time you're around her, but somehow this smile is life changing. It's like as soon as the corners of her mouth begin to spread this heavy load of bricks falling on top of you feeling hits you, and you suddenly find yourself looking at this girl with this new perspective.

Now everytime she smiles you notice how beautiful it is, or just how perfect her eyes are, specially when she begins to laugh because they seem to shine brighter than any other time. And it's so many other things about this girl that you would have never noticed until now. Because now you know how you really, truly feel about this girl. You love her, and you'll never look at her the same.

Lucy Tyler was that girl. She was the girl I fell hopelessly and completely in love with. She became my every and only thing in the world. She was the one thing that was always on my mind as soon as I woke up to the moment I fell asleep, and even then she was always in my dreams. It was the most terrifyingly perfect feeling. It's almost indescribable, really. It's like you feel sick to your stomach and at first you think, you're going to throw up but then you realize it's just those damn butterflies playing tricks on you again.

But I didn't always feel this away about her. She used to just be an ordinary girl that I randomly decided to ask to dance with. She used to just be that girl that accepted my invitation and stepped on my toes because she didn't really know how to dance very well. She used to just be a girl that had no other sort of significance to my life besides having mutual friends in common.

Because once upon a time, Lucy Tyler and I had never been anything. This is our story. This is our story of how two different people can bring two completely different worlds crashing into one another and turn it into one of the most beautiful events. This is the story of how the two of us came to be where we are today. This is our love story.
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I'm really excited for this. I'm still not sure if I'm going to keep this an original fiction or switch it to a fanfiction though.

Let me know what you think!