My love will you ever come to be?

Chapter 2:Her Life Is Going Perfect

It hadn't been the best day of Amber's life. She had made a fool of herself in front of her love Mike. And she was down a dollar for her snack on the way home. But on the other hand, she did talk to Mike. "Do you want us to walk home with you today Amber?" " No thanks guys, I kinda want to be alone to think." "OK than Amber but you will be on tonight right? I mean its Friday you have to be on!" "Yea I think I will, well I got to go guys, bye!" "Bye!"
Five minutes after the last bell, the school was empty. Amber was taking the long way home, and tripped and dropped all her books. "Great! Another bad thing to add to my Friday!" Just then a tall shadow blocked the sun out of her eyes. It was Mike. "Do you need any help Amber? It looks like you scraped your knee up pretty bad." "Oh I did, I hadn't noticed." Amber hadn't yet known it was Mike talking to her and when she looked up and saw him, she gasped. "What, whats wrong!?!" said Mike with a soft voice as he flipped his slightly long black hair out of his eyes. "Um, nothing it's just that my knee hurts really bad." "Oh well I got a band aid in my backpack." When Mike was putting the band aid on Amber's knee he knelt forward and his hair was up against Amber's nose, she could smell his conditioner. It smelt fresh and like a nice ocean breeze. Mike had finished and helped Amber up. "There that should help it. Do you want any help on your way home?" "No I think I'll be fine for now...." "OK well my friend's house isn't too far from your house, so I'll walk with you, just to make sure you don't fall again!" Both had laughed a little. Amber had thought to herself, wow I'm actually walking with him! He insisted on walking with me!

It is about a half hour walk home from school for Amber, and Mike was with her the whole time. She didn't have anything really to talk to him about except what his interests were, and Mike wasn't much of a talker about himself. Every time Amber was talking she felt she was talking too much so she would stop and calm down. Usually she would end her statement with , yea, so, or but.
When they did reach her house, she said goodbye to Mike and walked inside. When she turned around to get another glance of him, he was already half way down the block riding away on his skateboard. Amber sighed and turned around. Her mother was right behind her and asked "What are you looking at honey?" "Nothing" said Amber in a nasty remark.
Amber hated her mother. She wasn't quite sure why but she knew she did. Maybe it was just one of those teenager things. Whatever it was she wanted nothing to do with her mother. She didn't want to talk about anything with her, love, music, not even what happened in that day.

As soon as Amber got to her room she through her book-bag on her bed and got into her favorite pajamas. She immediately turned on the computer and called up Rose. " I walked home with him!" "OMG! Really? Tell me EVERYTHING girl!" As Amber told Rose the whole thing, her mother walked in and saw her on the phone "Get off the phone, do you see this bill?! It's ridiculous, if you want to talk to your friends talk to them on the computer. I don't ever want to see this kind of bill from you AGAIN young lady!" As her mother stomped out of the room, Amber hung up the phone and got on her screen name. She finished telling her story to Rose and Rose told the rest of Amber's friends. Soon all of her friends knew about it.

Around 9:00 at night Amber flipped her blonde hair into a high pony tail, when Liz IMed her and said:
Lizzinator: I GOT MIKE'S SCREEN NAME FOR YOU!!!!!!!!
TheColurAmber: how!?!?!
Lizzinator: you know my friend John, well he's good friends with Mike and he happens to have his screen name! so I asked him for it and now I'm talking to him! I'll ask him to IM you!
TheColurAmber: OMG! LIZ YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When Mike had IMed Amber, her heart jumped up into her throat. After about an hour of talking to him, she had to go. Although they really only spoke every five minutes, it was still the most happiest time of her life, besides walking home with him.
That night while she lay there with her dog in her lap, she dreamed about on there wedding day. Maybe she took it too far, or maybe she took it not far enough. She wasn't quite sure which one it was. She knelt on her knees and bowed her head to pray. She said "Thank you God so much for this wonderful day! Amen." She stood back up fell onto her bed with a smile and said over and over, my life is going great! When she looked at the clock it was 3 AM. She wasn't even that tired. She was appalled and couldn't even close her eyes. When she finally fell asleep, her dreams had turned to nightmares.