My love will you ever come to be?

Chapter 6:She Loves _____

As Amber kept kissing Rob, she realized she couldn't. It wasn't right. "No." Amber said when she took a short breath. When they stopped, "No, Rob I can't. I really, really like Mike, I, I, I just can't. It's not right." Amber said as she was looking down. "I understand" said Rob, his eyes filled with tears, as he tried to hold them back, he started to walk away. As Amber stood staring at Rob walking away, she too started to cry. She fell to her knees.The rain started to poor and thunder crashed. "What have I done? I loved two people, slowly I lost both." She took a deep breath and screamed "Rob, Rob come back, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Amber looked up and saw nothing, her hair was drenched and clothes soaked, but all she cared about was Rob coming back now. As she sat there and cried in her knees, she felt a sudden stop of no rain. She looked up. Rob came back and was shading over her with an umbrella.
"Rob, I'm so sorry. I made a mistake. I knew Mike doesn't like me and I still refused to kiss you. I'm such an idiot. I'm so sorry." Amber pleaded and pleaded for Rob's forgiveness.
As Amber kept on crying in the rain, Rob put out his hand to help her up. He looked into her eyes and said to her, "I do indeed love you, but it's very clear that you don't love me quite as much. When you told me that you liked Mike, one of my best friends, I felt like dieing. I know now that if I am any more than friends with you I'm going to be broken hearted sooner or later. That is why I can't be with you. I'm sorry I broke your heart. And I'm sorry that Mike did the same."
As Rob gazed into Amber's eyes, he started to cry. "I can't be with you, but I really want to" he said under his breath. Amber closed her eyes and put her hands over them, for she did not want to look. Soon she began to feel the rain on her head again, and when she looked back up Rob was gone. She dragged herself inside. She went to the cafeteria and sat alone. She put her head down on the table and began to cry. Everyone in the room heard her tears. They all stared at her in a puzzled but touched look.

For twenty minutes, Amber laid there crying. She felt a hand on her shoulder and thought it was one of her friends, or maybe even Rob. It was a teacher, she asked what was wrong. "Oh I just, its nothing" " OK....well were going to have you move because the janitors have to clean up" "ok" said Amber in a low voice. She went and sat in the lobby, and cried more. When her mom picked her up she saw that she had been crying "What's wrong baby?" "Nothing I just....I've been having a bad day" "Alright you sure you'll be ok?" Amber nodded and looked down at her feet the whole ride home.
When she got home, she said to herself
"Who do I really love?"