My love will you ever come to be?

Chapter 7: Life as a Loner

It had been 3 months, and the whole time Amber wanted to kill herself. Whenever she saw either Mike or Rob it hurt. She felt like her life had completely been over. She thought she accomplished absolutely nothing. She hated her mom and her mom hated her. When Amber tried to achieve something, like taking up guitar and being in a band, her mother said she played horribly, and said to just stop before she goes deaf. Eventually she just gave up. She let everything go. She stopped practicing guitar and stopped working so hard on her homework and started to fail tests. When she was called to the guidance office, she wouldn't confess anything. Amber lied the whole time she was there and her guidance consoler, Mrs. Pasely, knew that Amber had been lieing to her. Mrs. Pasely told all her other clients to hold off until she was done with Amber. "Why am I still here Mrs. Pasely?" Amber asked with a toss of her blonde hair and a roll of her eyes. "Because I know you are lieing to me and I know there is something that is wrong that your not telling me. Amber you can talk to me about anything, I don't want you to be afraid. What's the matter" said Mrs. Pasely in a soft, calm voice. Amber got very frustrated and started yelling at Mrs. Pasely. "Nothing is wrong with me. Jesus Christ! Why do all you teachers have to pry into our lives all the time? Why can't we keep some problems to ourselves? Why do all of you sound like therapists? Your not a therapist. Besides even if you were, I wouldn't tell you anything that's going on in my life!"
Amber started to cry and ran outside into the hall where she went to the bathroom and locked herself in a stall. She was in that stall the whole day, and refused to come out. When her friends went in and tried to get her out, she just flicked them off and told them to go away and to never come back. When she heard the voices of her parents out in the hall she panicked. She stopped crying and tried to think of a plan to get out of there without her parents, or anyone noticing she was leaving. She finally found that the small group of her parents, the principal, the dean, and the guidance consoler had gone into a office to talk. She soon unlocked the door and tiptoed out. She was outside, walking past the cafeteria when Cristy came running out. "Amber!" She sounded angry. Amber started to run into the nearby field. Cristy went running after her. Amber finally stopped in the middle of the field and waited for Cristy to catch up. "How could you do that to me?!?!?" yelled Cristy."What?" Amber yelled. "How could you flick off your friends and tell them to go away and never return. How many times have I ever done that to you Amber?" "Why are you yelling at me in this kind of situation? Don't you understand?" Cristy looked at Amber in disgrace. Cristy put her hand into a fist and hit Amber. Amber had fallen into the mud. Cristy looked at her and said "Fuck you Amber, I hate you" and ran away.

Amber laid there staring. Soon she got up and ran away. She didn't know where she was going. She did know she was not going home and she did know she was never coming back to anyone in Forest Green ever again.
She lost her one true love, her best guy friend, who also loved her dearly, and she lost all of her friends. All she had left to loose was her life, and that was to be lost as soon as possible.