My love will you ever come to be?

Chapter 8: Where Does She Go Now?

Amber ran as far as she could. She ran across a highway, and through an apartment building. When she thought she was far enough she stopped and sat on a bench in a nearby park. She began to rest. She figured out that she couldn't stay in her hometown anymore. She had to get a car somehow. She looked around and in front of an alley she saw an abandoned car. It was in good conditions all she needed was a way to start it. She remembered how her dad taught her how to hot wire a car and began the short process. She started it up before anyone could see. She drove away.
The first place she went to was her house. She gathered her belongings and went down to the kitchen where she gathered a stack of food so she wouldn't have to stop anywhere that much. She also wrote a goodbye letter:
"Dear all who are reading,
I am off to a place where I can begin a new life, where there are none of you lousy bitches around me. If that doesn't work out, I am going to die. Please tell all this:
To my friends: you did nothing but hurt me and whenever you tried to help you always pushed me farther into the ditch I was , and still am, in. I knew that if I ever told any of you what I really liked then you would all be afraid of me or make fun of me. Don't say you wouldn't because I know you would. You hate bisexuals and you never let me tell you how I really am. So ,if you are smart, you now know.
To Rob: I'm so sorry I hurt you so bad. I did love you. I'M SO SORRY ROB!
To Mike: I love you. I don't care if you don't like me more then a friend, I love you. And now your too late.
Dad: Daddy I love you so much. The one thing I ask you is in my memory, PLEASE stop smoking!
Mom: I hate you, and I'm not your little girl.
Cristy: you don't understand........FUCK YOU!
When you find me I will be dead. Goodbye."
As Amber finished her letter she took a kitchen knife and slit her finger and signed her name in blood. She looked around and made sure she had everything needed. She got into her new car, and went downtown. Why you ask? To get a fake I.D.
When she got her "I.D" she got in the car. "Where to go? Florida!"
As she started her way down to Florida, she looked back and said goodbye. Suddenly her phone rang. Amber jumped and when she figured out it was her phone that startled her, she threw it out the window, seeing it was her mother.