Status: This story started when my cousin and I had a game. We called it "Connect the Dots!". One of us will make a beginning of a story and the other will continue it. So far... this the product and I hope we can add more.


It started with a BOOM!!!

It is raining hard. I could say that it is the same as the other rainy nights. I am sitting and thinking deeply near the window of my room, my right hand below my chin. It is dark outside, the night sky plus the rain clouds that covered the face of the moon and the twinkling stars made it even darker… and colder.

It is quarter before twelve in the midnight. Raindrops hit the window; the wind blows noisily, the post lights give only a slight scene of the small road, the branches of the tree rustle wildly. “If this will not stop up until tomorrow, then I couldn't enjoy my first day of vacation. It would be very muddy outside”. I said it in protesting manner. Who doesn't want to enjoy his first day of vacation, especially when you plan to have a walk in the woods and have an adventure?

Yes, tomorrow would be the start of my summer vacation. To those who want allowance, vacation is less enjoyable? Of course, no class no allowance, or no class less allowance. But since I saved money and I still have allowance from my parents even in vacation, I don’t think money is a problem to me.

I stared at the rainy scene in my window longer than I expected, hoping to get an answer on how to fix things up… with someone. Before the class ended, my best friend- Althea and I had a fight. You can say I’m weird to have a female best pal, since boys are expected to hang out with guys. But for us, being with each other’s company is just fine. Not until we had a fight. Basically, it is not just the weather that made me not enjoy the moment, but it is because of her, having thoughts on how to patch things up between us. It was the first serious fight we had. It is the first serious misunderstanding that we had, and it made me sick of it thinking. I don’t know if it is me who should make the first move.

Of course, boys should make the first move! They say it is the way of being a gentleman. “What should I do?!” I shouted as I scratch my head forcefully, irritated of myself not having an idea on what will be my next move.

Then I turned my head, I can see that my cellular phone is still in my study table. I left it there when I already gave up calling Althea. I just tried to call her. But it seems, she doesn't like the idea. At first, her phone rang. And on my second attempt, only her voice mail answered me.

“Hello! If you hear this message, I might be busy doing stuff or I JUST DON’T LIKE TALKING TO YOU! Either way, please leave a message after the beep.” Then the beep sounded and I left a message. “Thea, this is Dwight. Sorry for what had happened earlier. I never thought it would end up like that. I hope we can talk seriously. Please call back. Bye.” I hanged up. But I couldn’t get the satisfaction of not hearing her voice. I gave another message after that… and another… and another. Saying the same things.

After leaving a lot of messages to her voice mail, I gave up. I sighed. A deep sigh, it might release a tension inside me.

Maybe this rainy night is not the same as the other rainy nights. I’m just convincing myself it is. The night sky cries sympathetically as I wonder how to explain to her what really happened.

I stood from where I’m seating and headed to my bed to get a sleep and escape from reality. But as I walk, something exploded outside. “What the?!” I said to myself in surprise. The sound of the explosion is louder than the noise made by the heavy rain.

From then on... my life...

I don't know how to describe it.