Arranged Marriage

Finding out and First meeting

I walked down the marble corridors, the heels of my boots tapping loudly on the floor as I hurried back to my room tears blurring my vision. Reaching my bedroom door I flung it open, stepped inside and slammed it shut behind me and slid the lock shut. Walking to my desk I slammed the crumpled letter in my hand on to the wooden surface, dropping in to my chair I re-read the letter, the feeling of dread once again breaking over me, as my tears dripped on to the page.

Dear Melissa

I'm writing to inform you of a deal our family made when you were born, you see an American family came to your grandparents for help, in return for their help they agreed that their eldest child would marry one of theirs, however as you know after me your grandparents didn't have any more children. Their eldest child will be turning 36 shortly and as your their eldest grandchild the responsibility now falls to you, he will be arriving at the house on the 1st at about midday. Apparently he's a member of a band in America and according to your grandfather you should know who he is. Once you have gotten acquainted your father and I will be expecting you at your sisters birthday celebration.

Hope to see you soon,
Your darling Mother.

Turning to the clock on the mantle, a sob forcing it's way out of my throat as the doorbell rang, soon followed by Mrs Allen’s foot steps and the door being opened. Rising from my seat I re lined my blue eyes in the mirror, straitened out my hair and clothing and left my room. Walking back down the corridor I stopped at the top of the stairs taking a deep breath I descended the stairs.

Mrs Allen exited the drawing room and closed the door behind her “Ah Miss Black, Mr Way has arrived and is waiting for you”
A look of shock must of crossed my face because she laughed “Mr Way? Not Gerard Way?”
“Why don't you take a look for yourself”
Opening to the door to the drawing room Mrs Allen held it open as I stepped inside before she closed it behind me. Standing in front of the fire place was Gerard Way “Miss Black?” he asked as he closed the distance between us “I'm Gerard Way, I believe you've been expecting me”
“I know who are Gerard, I'm Melissa, shall we sit” We walked over to over to one of the couches at sat down just as Mrs Allen entered the room with a tray of cakes and two steaming mugs “I thought the two of you might like some tea and cakes”
“Thank you Mrs Allen”
“Your welcome Miss, dinner will be ready eight o'clock” She left the room.
Reaching for the mugs Gerard handed me one of them, taking a long drink from my mug I set it on the table and turned towards my future husband, a smile made it's way on to my lips as I watched him drain his mug. “What?” He asked slightly self-conscious, reaching out I moved a strand of vibrant red hair behind his ear “I'm just admiring the man who saved my life that's all”
“What do you mean”
“When I was fourteen my grandmother died and my parents decided it was time to move away from my grandfather, you see my grandmother favoured me over my parents and my sister and my grandfather still does, my parents hate me for it and being stuck with the three of them for four years wasn't exactly good for my mental health. When I turned eighteen my grandfather moved me in here with him and the Allen's, but for those four years it was you and your band that got me through the mental abuse.

He pulled me in to his arms and wiped away the tears I didn't know were falling.
“Shh, don't cry it's okay I've got you”
“Jesus, I must look a mess” I said pulling away wiping my cheeks, he grabbed my hands and held them in his “Your beautiful” I dropped my head, a blush spreading across my cheeks “Hey” he said lifting my head and placing a kiss to my cheek “You look cute when you blush” Fire once again burned through them “Tell me more about you life” Nodding my head I launched into a story from my childhood.

At eight o'clock a knock sounded at the door of the drawing room and Mrs Allen's head popped in “Miss your grandfather is home and dinner is ready”
“Thank you Mrs Allen”
Grabbing Gerard's hand I pulled him up from the couch and from the room Mrs Allen lead us down one of the many long corridors in the house and opened the door at the end, pulling Gerard inside I smiled at the look of awe on his face as he took in the extravagant dinning room “What do you think?” I asked as we sat down at the oak table “It's amazing” He said with a grin.

“Lissa” A booming voice called from the door way, jumping up from my seat I span around “Grandad” He pulled me into a hug, pulling away from me he looked over at Gerard who had stood up “You must be Donna and Donald's eldest, right” he said extending his left hand “Yes sir” He said shaking it before we all took our seats. Mrs Allen then entered with a cart of steaming food “Mr Allen made your favourite tonight sir” She said as she laid the plates of fish pie and mash potato in front of us. “Tell him thank you, would you Mrs Allen” My grandfather said as she left the room “Please dig in”. So we did.