Status: Progress Completed :)

UpSide Down Alice

Mitchell's Tale

My biggest regret in life was coming down this rabbit hole, I chased a strange cat and fell head first into this place. I have wandered for days trying to find a way out of here. I just wanted to go back home, to my family and life. Even on my worst days it was better than this complete isolation I now found myself in. On a day like the others filled with frantic searching, I found a girl who looked eerily like my twin. Her long black hair was covering her piercing green eyes just enough to obscure her other facial features. She cocked her head to the side and smiled manically at me. I ignored the slight shiver caused by the wind that picked up with her presence. By her side was the very cat I chased her, a grin stretching across its face, unnaturally pulling at its skin. The girl’s bare feet bloody from walking on the harsh ground endlessly. I wondered if she once got lost here like me.

“Want to be my playmate Mitchell?” The girl said in a low gruff voice.

I backed away in an attempt to get away from this girl. I didn't even bother being curious with how she knew my name, “no I just want to go home.”

“No one ever leaves Wonderland, ever.” She laughs and the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.“Don’t worry Mitchell,” she locked her green eyes with mine, “soon you won’t remember the horror.”

I ran, tearing through the trees, continually ending up in the same spot. I always found the girl and cat never moving, never blinking, and just watching me as I made a fool of myself. Then the cat tore after me, the same grin on its face, the creature caught up to me in a blink. I saw glimpse of inhumane beauty in its eyes.

“Run before Alice gets you. Then she will never let you go, you will never be yourself again.”

I didn't allow myself to ponder on those words; I kept my eyes on what was ahead of me. I kept hoping I would find a way out of here. Nothing was coming up; flowers with sharp teeth pulled and tore my clothes. I began to feel hopeless, like I will would never be able to leave this place. This place was going to be my grave. I struggled to take steps forward and break the flowers grasp on me, when the ground quickly turned into quicksand. I was sinking deeper into the pit when the girl appeared again.

“Ready to give up yet, silly girl?” She stood over me hand out stretched to mine.

A part of me knew that taking her hand would be a fate worse than death but I grabbed her fingers. I didn't want my life to end here like this. I watched her lips curl up again; she was pleased with my choice. She grabbed my hand and I felt the cold burn of her skin. I shuddered as she pulled me out and the ground once again solidified. The cat shook its head and walked away, sending chills up my spine. What have I done?

"Welcome home Mitchell."

“Alice,” I nudged her awake, noting her grin knowing her dreams were sweet.

“I love this place Cheshire,” her grin widen, “I hope we never leave.”
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Please let me know what you think with your comments :) Thank you