Status: Progress Completed :)

UpSide Down Alice

Another Piece of Her Past

Alice ran away from the unknown glow that was chasing her. She didn't know why she was so afraid of it; all she knew was that if it caught her she would be gone. She has her eyes so focused on what’s going on behind her that she isn't seeing what is going on ahead. She collided right into me; the glow vanishes into my presence. She takes no note of where the glow has gone because she was still too busy looking behind. I hissed at her for disturbing my sleep, she looks at me, startled and releases a sigh.

“It’s happening again Cheshire, I am reliving those moments from before.”

I curled against the figure of a beheaded statue. I ignored it semblance to an old nobody and prepared myself for Alice’s story. I knew she had stopped expressing to Wonderland for the fear she felt within, this kept her silent. The fear we all feel here at first. But another fear motivated her to speak, the fear of being trapped in her past. Or perhaps she just assumed there was another to be rid of it all, but there is no other way. Wonderland offers no other way.

“Well at least this recent one is a good one story. Come Cheshire let me share it with you and Wonderland.” She took to petting me and then spoke.

Mitchell climbed onto the bus to the chants of her classmates. They were shouting that her boyfriend was on the bus. Her eyes roamed until they landed on Dante, his black hair a cute mess as his pops up his head to see her. For a moment she remembered how thrilled she was that she had found out he moved to a new school with her. She was determined to make this year better then the last year they shared in school together. She smiled sweetly in his direction. She wasn't the only to notice his actions taken to see her; a chorus of ‘sitting in a tree’ fills the bus and causing Dante to shrink back into his seat.

Mitchell slips into the first empty seat and the children settle down. Well as much as a bunch of seven year olds can be settled down to at least. The bus driver pipes up and asks why she has chosen not to sit with her boyfriend and the bus erupts again with taunts. Dante becomes flustered and yells that he is not Mitchell’s boyfriend, this makes her upset. So she answered him, telling him that he will be her boyfriend, further encouraging her classmates. They started to laugh and shout louder than before. Finally these shouts turned into a chant to kiss him. Dante yelled in protest, telling them to cut it out, saying no. Mitchell shrugged and decided, why not. She got up from her seat and made her way back to him. Her classmates were cheering her on; Dante was squirming about in his seat. She smiles to herself, reaching his side and pulled the guy sitting next to him from his seat.

She has seen enough kisses on television and at home to know what they were supposed to look like. So she grabbed his collar in her fist, balling up the material of his shirt in her hand, and kissed him right on the lips. In those five seconds the whole bus grew silent and Mitchell felt triumphant. The grin on her new boyfriend’s face as confirmation of her victory, and made the whole thing that much sweeter. He cautiously grabbed her hand and she knew she had won.

When she and Dante entered the third grade everyone knew they were a pair. They were no longer intrigued by them sitting together or holding hand while the class took trips. Even with this being well know it didn't stop Whitney from trying her hardest to get Dante to be her boyfriend. Mitchell was get so mad at her rival that the pink and purple cloud would trip her from time to time. Every time it would make Mitchell laugh. She knew that pink and purple cloud well; it was her favorite of all the shadows.

One day Whitney approached Dante with some chocolate chip cookies, his favorite. Whitney had a look of determination and cunning on her little face.

“Hey Dante.” She said.

“Hi,” he looked bored and uninterested in her.

“You can have a cookie if you let me be your girlfriend?” She said placing the cookies under his nose.

“No thank you,” he turned away. “I am already Mitchell’s boyfriend.” He got up and left her standing there pouting and angry.

When he told Mitchell the story she laughed so hard at Whitney’s foolishness. She should have known that Dante wouldn't betray her. She held Dante’s hand and he kissed her cheek.She saw her skin fill with the slight glow over another victory and shrugged it off. No one else seemed to notice the soft light coming off of her skin. She tugged Dante in the direction she wanted to go.

He would be her boyfriend until the fourth grade, and then things would change again. She would no longer be Dante’s girlfriend, she would no longer be a lot of things.

“Wasn't that just sweet?” Alice’s lips curl into a grin.

“Oh very,” I stretch and walk away as the caterpillar approaches Alice.

Certain he would impart riddled wisdom I leave her to the Voice. I walk some ways away before hearing a loud crack in the sky. Wonderland’s sky has flashes of colored lightening filling it with a deadly beauty. I watched each bolt, strike a treetop leaving colorful flames in its wake. I knew then that the worst of Alice’s past was yet to come.