Status: Completed! - the sequel is 18 And Life To Go

Diamonds and Stones

Chapter 10

"I don't know how I'm going to tell him, though," she sighed. It was the day after she had told me, and we were sitting in a park, a cool breeze enveloping us. "Tell them."

"Well, you're going to have to..."


"And you're forgetting one very important person."



Her face fell. "Fuck," she mumbled. "You're right. I did forget. Dammit, what am I going to do?"

"Lizzy, Nancy loves you. Yeah she'll be upset, but what's the worst that can happen?"

"She can kick me out, that's what!"

"Nancy wouldn't do that."

"How would you know?"

I pulled out my phone. "Do you want to bet?"

"What are you planning?"

"You shall see."

I scrolled through and found Nancy's number. She picked up on the second ring. I activated speakerphone.


"Hey, Nancy. I have a question..."

"Okay. What's on your mind?"

"You see, Lizzy and I were having this argument and we wanted to know your opinion."

"What's it about?"

"Teen moms."

She was silent for a second, then said "That's a strange topic to want to discuss with your mom."

"I know, but since you're a mom, you can give us an, uh, answer based on experience, I suppose."

"I suppose. What's the question?"

"Is it right for mothers to kick their daughters out when they find out they're pregnant?"

"Hm, well, I guess it depends. I don't believe I would, that's for sure. That's the time a daughter truly needs her mother, in most cases... It all depends on the situation."

"I see. Well, let's put it into context. Say either Lizzy or I turn out to be pregnant. What would you do?"

"I'd be disappointed in you, at least for a bit. I'd try and help you guys through it, though. I wouldn't kick you out."

"That's all we needed to know. Thank you, Nancy."

"What is it you're not telling me?"

I sighed. "I think we should talk about this when we get home."

"Alright. Bye girls..."

"Bye Nancy..."

I hung up and looked at Lizzy. "You see! She won't kick you out."

Lizzy bit her lip nervously. "I don't know, man."

"You have to tell her. Let her be the first person to know."


"Lizzy, shh, it's okay," Nancy said, rubbing her back.

"I don't know what to do," she sighed, wiping her eyes. I stood in the doorframe of the living room, and sighed. Just then, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it," I said, and walked over, opening the door. "Yeah?"

"Hey Juliette!" a cheery Phil said, standing on the doorstep.

"Phil, hi!" I said, hugging him tightly. I pulled away and simply held his hands in each of my own. "What brings you here?"

"Just thought I'd stop by and visit," he smiled.

"Juliette, who is it?" Nancy called.

"It's Phil!" I replied.

"I don't want to see him!" Lizzy exclaimed.

I was confused, and I glanced over to see Phil mirroring my expression. "But I don't think Phil's here to see you, Lizzy..."

"Wait," Lizzy said, and I heard her footsteps. "Phil or Finn?"


"Oh," she said, then started laughing. Phil and I rolled our eyes but laughed as well.

"You're stupid sometimes Lizzy," I laughed.


"Oh, right. Sorry. You're stupid in general, Lizzy."


We all laughed. I was glad to see her smiling a little.

Nancy stepped into the hallway and smiled. "Hello Phil, how are you?"

"I'm good, thank you! And you?"

"I'm doing alright."

Just then, someone knocked on the ajar door. We all turned to look at the newcomer.

"Ouch," I mumbled under my breath. "Oh hi Finn! Come to see Lizzy?
♠ ♠ ♠
How's Finn going to take the news? :o


I'm sooo sorry I haven't updated in forever!
But now that my summer break has started, hopefully I'll update faster! :)