Status: Completed! - the sequel is 18 And Life To Go

Diamonds and Stones

Chapter 12

"That little... Ugh! Pour qui il se prend? Petit salaud, va!"
"Juliette, must you really start speaking in French when you're mad?" Phil and Lizzy sighed.
"Yes. It's easier to curse in French."
They rolled their eyes.
"But I'm serious. I will... Eviscerate him!"
"What does that even mean?" Lizzy groaned.
"Disembowel. To remove his insides, basically."
"Gross," she said, making a face.
"Ladies and gentlemen, my girlfriend!" Phil said, trying to lighten the mood. We all laughed and I blew him a kiss.
"Hey, you at least had the choice," Lizzy said. "I didn't chose to get stuck with this pinhead."
"Oh shut up," I said. 
"I love you too!"
I rolled my eyes. "Seriously though. That little prick. I shall..."
"Juliette, it's not worth it," Phil said.
"Guys, should I call Dan?" Lizzy asked. "I think I should just get it all done in one day."
Phil and I looked at each other.
"So, Lizzy, you're keeping the baby?" I asked.
Lizzy looked down at her stomach. "I guess I am. I don't think I have the heart to... Not keep him. It's..."
"Well. I..."
"Can you both please stay here while I talk to him?"
"I guess," I said, and Phil nodded. "Won't it be beyond awkward though?"
"Maybe, but I need you two around."
"Maybe we could sit in the kitchen," Phil suggested.
"Yeah, okay."
Lizzy picked up her phone and we waited.
"He's coming right now," she announced, hanging up.
We waited a bit more, then the doorbell rang.
"Come on, Phil. That's our queue."
I took him by the hand and we walked over to the kitchen. I grabbed a pack of Oreo biscuits from the cupboard and opened it up.
"Here," I said, taking one and handing the pack to Phil.
"Thanks," he said.
We sat on the kitchen counter silently, eating the biscuits and trying to listen to what was going on. They were talking in hushed voices, which was a good sign. Hey, at least no one was yelling.
"Juliette? Phil?" Lizzy called. We looked at each other, then stepped into the living room.
"You guys were here all along?" Dan asked, confused.
"Yeah," I chuckled. 
"Oh. Well. Um..."
"We're a team. Whatever happens because of this... Situation, we'll all help out."
♠ ♠ ♠
She's keeping the baby :O any ideas on names? ^.^

Soooo this is a bit of a filler.
My life's been really hectic lately, and it's only just starting to slow down...
I'm also going to Warped this weekend! On the 13th and 14th :) who am I gonna meet there?! :D