Status: Completed! - the sequel is 18 And Life To Go

Diamonds and Stones

Chapter 15

A month later, things weren't any better. Finn and Dan wouldn't say a word to each other, and Jack and I decided it would be better off if we all sat at separate tables. Dan sat with Lizzy and her friends somedays, and other days with Phil and I. Jack and Finn sat at a table across the lunchroom from us.
"You know what sucks about this situation?" I said to Jack as we walked into our Math classroom.
"Tell me?"
"We don't get to hang out together, at all."
He sighed. "I know. What can we do though?"
"Nothing much really."
"This sucks."
"I know."
We sat down, getting ready to endure the next hour.
"Jake knows?" Lizzy asked Nancy, that evening.
Nancy nodded. "Yep."
"He should, right?"
"Of course, of course. That isn't a problem."
"Then what is, honey?"
"Well... What did he say?"
"He didn't see that coming..."
"No one did," I said.
"That's true," Nancy agreed. "But stuff like this happen. We can't always predict it..."
We nodded. Her face turned pensive. "We need to talk about a few things."
"Like what?" I asked.
"Some, ah, rules."
"Rules?" I repeated, frowning.
"Yes. The two of you aren't kids anymore, I understand. You're almost adults. In two years time, you'll both be in college. Do you even know where you want to go?"
"Of course," I said. "Everyone knows where I want to go to college."
My tone was firm. Don't get me wrong: I love and respect Nancy so much. Without her, Lizzy and I would still be stuck in that orphanage. We wouldn't be here in Manchester, amongst so many amazing people.
But I didn't like her question. I didn't like how the conversation started and where it was going.
"Then you girls need to really get your heads straight. No more of this. We're in March already! Lizzy, you're turning 17 at the end of this month! I mean, look at the two of you. I'm not... Look, I love you two, a lot. But I'm scared for your future."
"Where is this going to?"
"From now on, I'm setting a curfew."
"A curfew?!"
"Yes. Both of you, home by 10."
I looked at Lizzy, aghast, but she simply looked down and started fiddling with her hands.
I slumped back into my chair. "Fine."
"Good. And, um. No more parties."
That one didn't bother us too much. Lizzy had completely lost taste for parties and I was usually too lazy to go to them.
"Alright," I said, standing up. "I'm going to bed, I suppose. Is there anything else?"
Nancy shook her head.
I dumped my plate in the sink and went up to my room.
I walked up to my desk. Taped to the wall in front of it was a worn down brochure. I ran my fingers over the creased paper, sighing slightly.
Lizzy and I had visited Columbia University during our 10th grade, our second and final year at the orphanage. I fell in love; Lizzy, not so much I suppose. I was determined to get accepted there, to go back to New York. I loved it here in England, but...
My mind started wandering. The knock on my door broke me out of my reverie.
"It's me," Lizzy said, stepping into my room.
"What were you doing?"
"Just thinking..."
I sighed. "Just everything."
We sat in silence for a bit, then she said, "I don't want you thinking I'm a whore."
I stared at her, dumbfounded. "What kind of a comment is that? Lizzy, no one thinks you're a whore."
"But... But look at me!"
"Shit happens, Lizzy. It could have been me, or just anyone else. Sadly it's you. But you're not a whore, man!"
"What is everyone going to say? In 4 months, I won't be able to hide it like I can now..."
"Lizzy, did Finn put this idea into your head?"
"No... Why?"
"What exactly did he say that day?"
"Well... He said that he and I couldn't work out because, well, for one he lost trust in me; two, he didn't want the responsibility, and three; it isn't even his so why should he care? I'm using quotes."
"Eh, le petit, il est pas trop... Damn I forgot the word. Never mind."
"Gosh Juliette, you are so strange."
"I know, but that isn't the point right now."
"I... I miss Finn."
I sighed. "I don't know what to say. I wasn't at the party, I don't know what happened, I don't know what story to believe. But if Finn really cared for you, I don't think he would've bailed on you like he did..."
"Though he has every right to."
"Certainly, but... I don't know man."
"I'm confused too."
"Have you thought of names?"
"That is so random."
"I know, I'm sorry."
"Well, I don't know. Uh... Heaven if it's a girl, an-"
"Whoa whoa wait. Heaven? Really Lizzy?"
"But... I like it!"
"But the poor girl! Heaven, honestly?"
"Fine. Either Heaven, or Kayla."
"Now that's a nice name! Kayla. It has a nice ring to it. Last name?"
"We shall cross that bridge when we get to it."
My eyes widened and I began laughing. "Ohohoh, Lizzy's speaking fancy now?" I laughed.
"Shut up, I just wanted to say that before I die."
"Yeah, you can cross that off your bucket list, along with 'Sounding smart at least once'."
"Oh, you hoe."
"I love you!"
♠ ♠ ♠
:O Now what?
I actually don't like this chapter that much. Eh. Let me know!!