Status: Completed! - the sequel is 18 And Life To Go

Diamonds and Stones

Chapter 19

From: Finn

No way in hell.

From: Dan

Are you high or...?

"Brilliant," I muttered to myself, flopping down on my bed. To be honest, I didn't like them ignoring each other either. But maybe that's how things should be. Maybe... God, I don't know! It was all so confusing. Just then there was a knock on my door.

"Yeah?" I cried.

"Can I come in?" Lizzy asked.


She tentatively opened my door. "Did... Did they answer?"

"One asked me if I was high, and the other downright refused," I shrugged casually, still staring at my poster-clad ceiling. "I told you."

"Would you stop acting like a smartass for a minute?" Lizzy snapped, surprising me.

I sat up. "Look, Elizabeth, I TOLD you. You can't expect them to shake hands and make up!"

"You could've at least tried harder to convince them!"

"This isn't any of my business! If they want to ignore each other, then goddammit, let them! You can't stop them just because it doesn't please you!"

"You don't understand!"

"Why don't you explain yourself then?!"

"You know what, I'll do it myself. Thanks for nothing!"

"You're welcome!" I yelled over the sound of my door slamming. Luckily Nancy was out, otherwise we would've gotten into even more trouble.

I didn't leave my room the whole night. I had enough Skittle reserves to replace dinner & last me a few nights anyways. Instead, I was up till 4am watching Doctor Who, as Jack had suggested. He was right, it was most definitely addicting.

The next day was pretty much the same. I crawled out of my bedroom around 1pm, which was a bit later than usual for no one said anything. I hadn't really talked to Lizzy since the argument but I think we got over it. I was still trying to find ways to sneak out tomorrow without Nancy noticing. It shouldn't be too hard...


I was partially right. Getting out of the house wasn't a problem. Getting back in was.

"I don't understand you sometimes Juliette," Phil sighed as he stood with me in front of my bedroom window. "Why are you going through all this trouble?"

"We've been over this before, Phil..." I sighed as well. "A promise is a promise."

"But I'm not worth it," he mumbled.

"Shut up," I said, throwing my arms around his thin figure. "Of course you are. Don't you dare say that again."

He just hugged me tighter.

After a bit, he helped me up through the window and I watched him leave. I closed the window shut once he was out of sight, and was just about to flop onto my bed when I heard a knock on my bathroom door. Curiously, I got up and opened it.

"I covered for you big time. You owe me," she announced, though she seemed amused.

"Uh, right. Thanks," I replied, ruffling my hair awkwardly. "Uh, dude, sorry about yesterday..."

She laughed. "It's fine. Uh, I was just about to watch How To Train Your Dragon, are you in-"

"Do you even have to ask?"