Status: Completed! - the sequel is 18 And Life To Go

Diamonds and Stones

Chapter 20

"Finally! The last week of school!" I cried happily as Lizzy and I walked to school. "I can't wait for this year to be over. Hey, I just realized! You can already get your driver's license!"

"Yeah, well, I've really got other things in mind..."

"Oh, right. But anyways, summer's here! It's going to be so awesome. No more house arrest!"

"For some of us..."

"What a bundle of laughs you are," I rolled my eyes. "By the way, Jack's having a small get-together at his place today. You're invited. Will you help me convince Nancy to let us go?"

"Ugh, do we have to?"

"Well I don't know man, I wanna go! Video games, music and Coca-Cola!"

"Since when do you call it Coca-Cola?"

"I didn't want you getting the wrong idea..."

"Ugh, whatever. You go. I don't want to..."

"It's not like you've got anything better to do, Elizabeth. You should take advantage of this last month of thinness!"

"You just had to remind me."

"Come on man. You were implying that since the beginning of this conversation."

Luckily we reached before she could answer. I pushed the school doors open and walked off to my locker. Phil, who was standing beside it, grinned when he saw me. "Hey!"

"Hey Phil! What's up?"

"Not much... You going this evening?"

" If I can convince Lizzy... and Nancy, of course."

He nodded to something behind me. "I think Dan will take care of that..."

I turned to see what he was nodding at. Lizzy was walking down the hall with Dan.

"Well, I hope he manages. I doubt I'll be allowed to go without her."

We walked to our respective classes: him to French, me to Spanish. As Dan entered the classroom, something struck me. Why was he trying to convince Lizzy to go to Finn and Jack's place?

He took his usual seat beside me, sliding his skateboard under the chair. "Hey!"

"Hey Dan!"

"So you going today?"

"To Jack's?"

He nodded.

"Normally, if I can convince Lizzy to go... And Nancy to let us, obviously. You?"


"But I thought... You and Finn..."

"Finn won't be there," Dan shrugged. "Jack told me he didn't want to."

"Oh, okay!"

"And Molly and Rachel are invited, too."

"They are?"

"Yeah. They're cool, plus it was a way to make sure Lizzy would show... Say, do they know?"

"Know? About... Lizzy?"

He nodded.

"I don't know," I answered, shaking my head. "I don't think so."


"Why do you ask?"

"Just curious."


After being home for an hour, we left for Jack's place. I had managed to convince Nancy to let us go by practically begging. Since it was pretty much summer already, she agreed, though somewhat reluctantly. She insisted on us getting home earlier than I would've liked, but hey, at least she let us go.

They were all already there when we reached: Jack, Dan & Molly playing video games, and the other two sitting on the sofas, watching.

"Hey!" I said, plopping down between Rachel and Phil.

"Hey!" She smiled at me. I didn't know her very well, but one thing I knew was that she was very loud.

Phil didn't answer me. I shot him a glance which he met with a half smile.

He had been acting off the whole day, and even disappeared for three hours, lunch period included. I didn't know what was going on, and I was starting to get incredibly worried.

"Phil?" I whispered. "Is everything okay?"

He looked at me and nodded. "I'm fine."

I was about to protest - I mean, he was obviously NOT fine - but I was yanked by my arm into the ground.

"Ow! Putain! What's your dilemma?"

"Sorry! But it's your turn," Jack laughed, handing me Dan's controller. Dan went and sat down beside Lizzy, immediately striking up a conversation.

Somewhere along the line, Phil stood up.

"Hey guys... I think I'm gonna head back."

"Already?" Dan asked as Jack paused the game, and we all looked over at him.

"Should I accompany you?" I asked tentatively.

He bit his lip in hesitation, then finally said "You don't have to... I'll be fine."

"I'm coming," I said flatly, standing up beside him. "I'll be right back, guys."

"Okay," Lizzy nodded. "Get well soon, Phil!"

"Yeah," Rachel agreed. "Get yourself better."

Phil smiled slightly, but I immediately recognized it as fake. "Thanks guys. See you later..."

I followed him out and fell into step beside him. No one said anything for a minute, but then I broke the silence. "Phil..."

"I'm fine," he said, rather harshly.

I drowned at him, and stopped working, watching him go. Suddenly, he stumbled slightly. I took a step forward, concerned. He shook his head and kept walking for a few more steps until he stumbled again. One more step, and he didn't only stumble, but he fell.

“Phil!” I cried (a bit dramatically, if you ask me), and ran towards him. I dropped down onto the pavement beside him as he rolled over onto his back and opened his eyes, blinking a few times.

“I'm fine,” he mumbled, sitting up and rubbing his forehead. “I'm fine...”

“Stop lying!” I demanded, a bit louder than I had originally wanted. “Sorry... I didn't mean to yell... Oh, Phil...”

I brushed his fringe to the side of his face, then slipped my hand down to his cheek. He sighed, and rested his hand on mine.

“I'm so, so sorry,” he whispered, not meeting my gaze.

“Hey,” I said, moving my hand to under his chin, lifting his head up so that he'd be looking back at me. “Phil... You've gotten so... Weak. I hate to see you like this. When was the last time you ate a proper meal?”

“I... This morning.”

I gave him a look, and he sighed. “Two nights ago.”

“Eat, like properly, Phil... So that it actually stays in your system?"

He stayed silent for a while, looking away. I let him go, and sighed as I stood up.

I let him go, and sighed as I stood up. He looked at me, and I could've sworn I saw a glimpse of fear in his eyes. But I didn't act upon that suspicion. I extended my hand to him to help him up. "Come on you, let's go."

"Go?" He inquired, taking my hand and standing up.


Keeping my hand in his, he followed my lead as I began walking down the street once again. "So... Where are we going?"

"The park. We need to talk."

"But... What about the others?"

"Well, what about them?"

"Don't you have to go back?"

"I'd rather be here with you right now," I answered, looking at him with a slight smile which he returned. "Are you okay?"

"A bit dizzy, but I'll be fine."

I stopped and hugged him quickly. "Okay."
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this soooo long ago, I forgot it even existed :o Hopefully by the end of this month I'll have posted all the parts up!!! Really really sorry for the delay, I love you all!!!!