Status: Completed! - the sequel is 18 And Life To Go

Diamonds and Stones

Chapter 22

"I freaking hate you," I grumbled at Dan, who just laughed at me. "You're giving me less than a day to get this done?"

"Yep," he nodded. "I know you can get it done."

"It won't be easy," I sighed, thinking through what he had just asked from me.

"Get Phil and Jack to help you!"

"There's an idea! I'll call them right away."


"You want me to do what?"

The four of us were standing in Dan's backyard, discussing my instructions to the two newcomers. Jack hadn't taken them that well.

"It isn't that hard!"

"No, difficulty doesn't seem to be a problem, I just don't know what the fuck you're talking about."

"To think you take robotics."

"Yeah, well..."

"I shall leave you to the technical stuff," Dan nodded. "Good luck!"

And with that, he flounced away.

I groaned. "Argh!"

"I've got an idea," Phil said. "Forget the strobes or whatever Dan had in mind, and let's just get some fairy lights and drape them over the trees or something!"

"There's an idea!" I grinned at Phil.

"That's smart," Jack agreed.

"So, Phil, I'm putting you in charge of getting the fairy lights. Jack, can you bring those huge speakers of yours?"

"I'll call Finn to drop them off," he nodded.

"Okay, awesome! And I'll get started on all the cables and technicalities and stuff."

We got to work, making sketches of what had to go where and all the equipment we needed. We pulled out Dan's intricate metal table into the yard, then a couple chairs. Phil found a rose somewhere and we dumped it in a vase, dead centre of the table.

"Now," I said, ruffling my fringe. "Phil and I need to go to the shop. Jack, are you gonna stay here and wait for Finn?"

He nodded.

"Okay, cool. Be back in a bit!"


"Damn, it looks great."

We had completely rearranged Dan's backyard; from the fairy lights hanging from the trees and the speakers hidden carefully, softly playing all of Lizzy's favourite tracks, it just seemed perfect.

"Now, the three of you, get dressed," he ordered.

"Damn, someone's got their bossy pants on," Jack pointed out.

"Sorry," he apologised, ruffling his hair. "I'm just a bit..."

"Stressed?" Phil offered.

"Yeah, stressed."

"It'll be fine!" Jack laughed, thumping him on the back and almost making him fall over. "You have nothing to worry about."

"I sure hope so," he sighed. "But I'm serious. Get dressed!"


I had just pulled on my red skinny jeans and black button up shirt (Dan and his stupid color-code for the night, I tell you!) and was ready to get out and get Lizzy when there was a knock on my door.

"Yeah?" I hollered.

"Do I have to come with you?" Lizzy sighed, stepping into my room.

I shook my head at her dress choice: she was wearing the simplest clothes ever. "Lizzy, what are you wearing?!"

"We're just going to the movies, why should I dress up?"

"No, come on, let me get you something."

I walked over to her room and pulled out the best clothes I could find without making it too dressy: we didn't want her getting suspicious.

"Wear this," I stated, handing her the clothes. "And god, do your hair properly!"

"Juliette, what's gotten into you?"

I sighed, waving her off. "Nothing of importance. Hurry up, we're gonna be late."

15 minutes later, the two of us were walking down the all too familiar path to the movies, but also to Dan's house. Lizzy had obviously no clue as to where we were going, and god, had it been hard to hide it from her.

"Where were you all day?"

"Erm, at Dan's place, with the guys..."

"Why do you need the multiple adapter? Like, seriously Juliette, what are you up to?"

"We're working on a project."

"Right. You're acting weird."

"I know."

"Okay, Lizzy, this is gonna sound weird but... Close your eyes."

"Juliette, this is getting ridiculous!"

"This is the last thing I need you to do! I promise!"

"This better be, I'm getting real sick of this."

She put her hands over her eyes, and I made sure she couldn't see a thing before guiding her to Dan's house.

"Where are we going?" she inquired.

"You'll see. Now wait."

I stood her in the middle of the yard. "Don't open your eyes until someone tells you to, okay?"

"Uh.. Okay?"

I took up my spot behind my laptop, and started playing "Happy" by NeverShoutNever. I had found out that it was Lizzy's favourite sappy song, and Dan insisted we play it first.

"Where's that music coming from?" Lizzy asked, her voice laced with excitement.

I didn't answer her. Instead, I texted the guys (even though they were right there, inside the house), telling them that I had got Lizzy and everything was ready.

Dan stepped out of the house, and Jack and Phil followed him but then stopped at the doorway, beside me. We watched as Dan took a deep breath, then said, "You can open your eyes now."

She did so, slowly. At first, she was slightly confused, but then she grinned, her eyes wide. "Wow! This place is beautiful!"

"And it's all for you," Dan replied, smiling shyly and blushing. I grinned, and looked over at the two boys who were grinning as well. We exchanged a look, knowing it was all a job well done.

"For me?" Lizzy asked, surprised. "Why?"

"Because, my dear Elizabeth," he started, sounding a bit like me when I had something sarcastic to say. I think he realized that, and so he started again. "Because, Lizzy, I have something really important to tell you..."

"Okay..." she replied, still a little confused. "This is a bit weird."

"Aha!" I whispered to Jack and Phil. "You both owe me five pounds."

"Ah shut up," Jack whispered back, slightly amused.

He took another deep breath and started his well-rehearsed speech. "Well, we're all a little weird, and life's a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them an fall in mutual weirdness and call it love. Would you like to fall in mutual weirdness with me?"

I had to bite my knuckle to keep from laughing. Ah, Dr. Seuss. What a genius.

Lizzy had no idea what to say. She had her hand over her mouth but her back turned to us, sadly. I would've liked to see her expression!

Finally, she giggled, and Dan visibly eased up. "Yeah, Daniel, I guess... I guess I'd like to fall in mutual weirdness with you, too."

"Did someone order a pizza?" Jack whispered. "'Cause I've got one here with extra cheese!"

"That is so lame," Phil whispered back to him.

"Tell me about it," I whispered as well. "I think this is our queue to leave."

We softly filed back into the house, trying to be as quiet as possible so neither Dan nor Lizzy noticed us. To be honest, we could've been sat between the two of them, wearing rainbow colored clothes, and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have noticed us then, either.

The night passed by well. Jack and Phil doubled as waiters, and I was the "dj". I giggled each time either of them passed by me with their plates in hands and they'd just give me a look.

As the night was reaching its end we left, giving the two of them well deserved "alone time".

"Well that was a success!" Jack stated as we began walking down the road to his place.

"You can say that," I grinned, sliding my hand into Phil's.

"Dan's speeches were way too cheesy," he laughed.

"I'm sure Lizzy didn't mind."

And I was right. She reached home barely ten minutes after I did, a huge grin on her face. When she saw me, she gave me the biggest hug possible.

"Had fun?" I asked, hugging her back.

"It was awesome. Dan told me how you and the two boys helped out. Thanks, Juliette."

I laughed. "What are sisters for?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Wrote this so freaking long ago, I can't even remember what happens in this chapter...
ANYWAYS I hope you like it! :D