Status: Completed! - the sequel is 18 And Life To Go

Diamonds and Stones

Chapter 24

"It's been a year since we moved here. Can you believe it?"
Nancy had just spoken as we were sitting around the table, having breakfast.
"I can't," Lizzy mumbled.
"It's been a hell of a rollercoaster," I nodded. "A year already..."
"Time flies!"
"Speaking of time, what's the time right now?"
"Erm... 7:48."
"I better head. I don't want to be late for the first day of my last year!"
I slung my bag over my shoulder, said my goodbyes to the two of them, and began walking down the road to the spot I was supposed to meet with Phil and Dan... And maybe Jack and Finn, if they wanted to come with us. I had offered, but... We'd have to see.
Dan was already there when I reached, which was a huge surprise. He was always late. ALWAYS.
"Someone's up early this morning!"
He just shrugged. "I'm excited, I guess. Finally, our last year here!"
"Maybe our last year together..."
"Shut up! Don't talk like that. It's only the beginning of the year!"
"I'm sorry!"
We waited another couple of minutes for Phil, then decided the two others weren't going to join us and left.
The three of us took a deep breath at the school doors, but went through and got our timetables.
"Hey, would you look at that!" Dan cried out as we compared them. "We're all in the same Math class!"
"Well that's good," I nodded. "It'll at least make the class bearable!"
"Yep," Phil agreed. "What classes have we got now?"
"I've got English."
"I've got... Urgh, Science," Dan groaned.
"I've got Chemistry," Phil sighed. "Oh well."
The day was going great. I met this girl, Carrie, during English, and she was literally the friendliest girl I had ever met. We didn't have a lot in common apart from our tastes in music, but hey, that itself was enough for the two of us to get along.
Lunch break was also great. The twins sat with us, with Dan and Finn throwing each other nasty looks throughout the whole meal, but we ignored them. It was all good.
When I got home, I found Lizzy sitting in her room and doing absolutely nothing productive with her time.
"So how was it?" she inquired.
I sat down on her bed and told her about everything that had happened. She then smiled sadly at me. "I wish I could've been there!"
"Aw, I do, too. You would've liked Carrie! And hey, maybe you can meet her one day."
"I'd like that!"
"Girls!" Nancy called. "Dinner time!"
"Coming!" we yelled.
Once at the table, I told Nancy about my day, too. She told us that Jake would come to visit sometime next month, which got us both very happy.
Here's to a great year!
♠ ♠ ♠
Head's up: there's drama coming up!
Hope you like it :)