Status: Completed! - the sequel is 18 And Life To Go

Diamonds and Stones

Chapter 4

Saturday evening. A day since I had talked to Phil, and I couldn’t shake off the feeling I had gotten.

I was sitting on my bed, staring at a blank wall and trying to figure out what to put on it, when Lizzy walked into my room.

“Yo, hoe.”

“What, bitch?”

“What are you up to?”

“Ey, trying to decorate my wall.”

“Doesn’t look like it…”

I sighed. “I know. My mind keeps wandering.”

“To where?” she asked, grabbing my bean bag and plopping herself down on it.

“To… Everything, really.”

“New events, old ones?”


We sat in silence for a bit. Then, she broke it. “So, who was that guy you were talking to, in the park yesterday.”

“Phil,” I replied.

“Okay, and?”

“He likes Buffy,” I grinned.

Lizzy rolled her eyes. “Are you serious? Is that the only thing you know about him?”

“Well, yeah… Apart from the fact that he’s definitely hiding something.”

“Don’t go poking your nose into other people’s business.”

“Come on, man. He’s stick thin, and sad. I don’t like seeing people like that.”

“If you went around helping every sad person in this world, by the time you die you wouldn’t even have helped half of them!”

“I know, Lizzy,” I sighed.

She sat in silence, thinking. “I guess…”

“You guess what?”

“I don’t know. Just… I don’t think you should push it.”

“I don’t understand.”

“I’m not too sure what I’m saying either.”

We both laughed, and changed the topic.

“So you and Finn hunh?”

“Shut up!” she cried, throwing a pillow at me and blushing.

“Lizzy and Fiiinnn, sitting in a tree!”

“Juliette, shut up!”

By that time I was laughing too hard to continue the song, and I had forgotten all about my brooding


At lunch time on Monday, I grabbed my tray with a quick, “See ya next period” to the guys.

“Oi, where you off to?”

I turned around. “Erm, gonna go eat with someone else.”

“You don't like us?” Finn pouted.

“No no no! I didn't mean it that way!”

They laughed and Dan said, “Okay, see you later.”

I walked over slowly to the place where Phil was sitting, all alone. I put my tray down across the table from him and said, “Hey.”

He looked up, seemingly surprised.

“Can I sit here?"

"Um, I suppose..."

I sat down in front of him. He had chosen one of the rectangular tables to the side, isolated from most of the school.

"You're not eating?"

"I'm not really hungry," he said, pulling at his sleeves and looking down, avoiding my gaze. "I had a... Big breakfast."

I didn't really believe him, but I didn't push it. "Oh, well. I won't force you to eat, don't worry."

"Thanks.... Um, Juliette, right?"

I smiled. "You remembered?"

"Well, what do you mean? Shouldn't I?"

"No, I mean, well, I'm just use to people forgetting my name, being another face in the crowd."

I looked up to see him studying me, frowning slightly. He quickly looked away, and I blushed slightly, and he met my gaze once again.

"I know what you mean," he said softly.

We sat in silence for a minute, then he asked shyly, "But... Why are you sitting here?"

"Oh, um, if you want me to leave, I can go..."

"No, no! I didn't mean it like that. I meant... You've got your friends over there, why sit here? With... Me?"

"Because, Phil, I... I don't know. I want to get to know you, I guess."

"But why?"

I shook my head, smiling slightly. "You're acting as though I've committed a crime."

He smiled slightly as well. "Sorry."

"It's alright... So... What music do you like?"

"Uh, a bit of everything, to be honest."

"That's good. An open mind..." I looked out at the lunch room.

"You must have an open mind, too?"

"Why'd you say that?"

"Well, you're sitting here, aren't you?"

I smiled. "Yeah, I'm here. Get over it."

He just shook his head, smiling a bit.

"So, Buffy. What other tv shows do you like?"

"Um, Doctor Who."

"Oh, I know Doctor Who. Do you know Supernatural?"

"Supernatural?" he asked, tilting his head slightly.

"No! Don't tell me that!" I said, gawping slightly. "You don't know Supernatural?"

He shook his head, almost looking afraid.

"I'm going to have to get you into Supernatural! Are you busy, uh, Wednesday?"

"Um, no, but-"

"Do you have a phone?"

"Yeah, but-"

"Here, give me your number."

I pulled out my phone and handed it to him.

"Here. Um, but wh-"

"Okay, awesome. I'll text you the details. Only five minutes left to next period, crap!"

"I don't ge-"

"I'll talk to later. It was really nice talking to you. Bye!"

I got up quickly, hearing him protest, and walked away, grinning. I dumped my tray's contents in the bin and stacked it, then made my way to the lockers.

From: Juliette

To: Phil

There's a reason I never let you finish

"Why me?" Well, cause you're awesome. :)


I was grinning like a retard, and I didn't even know why.

Oh well, didn't matter, did it?
♠ ♠ ♠
So hey guys! :D What do you think? :) let me know, alright! I love you! <3