Status: Completed! - the sequel is 18 And Life To Go

Diamonds and Stones

Chapter 5

Lizzy and I pushed the door open that evening, giggling.
"So you got his phone number!"
"Oh shut up, I don't think of him like you think of Finn!"
"Who's Finn?" a voice asked from the kitchen.
We looked at each other and ran into the kitchen.
"Jake!" I cried.
"We didn't know you were coming to visit!" Lizzy exclaimed.
We both hugged him and he laughed, ruffling his light brown hair. "I meant to surprise you guys," he smiled.
"We've missed you," we both said together.
"And I've missed my little pests too! Now, how about we go out for ice cream or something?"
"Sure!" Lizzy agreed.
"Where's Nancy?" I asked.
"Oh, she went out. Anyways, let's go! You guys are gonna have to show me the way to the place, though."
We dropped our bags on the kitchen counter and followed him out the door.
Okay, so let me explain. Jake is Nancy's son, her only biological child. He's three years older than us, and studying music at the Brooklyn College. His dad is the person who I guess would've been our adoptive dad, if he hadn't died in war five years earlier. Lizzy and I never got to know him, but according to Nancy and Jake, he was courageous and proud of his achievements. He loved his family, but never really approved of Jake's dreams of becoming a musician.
"So, who's this Finn guy?" Jake asked as we walked down the street.
Lizzy blushed furiously and I laughed. "A friend of mine that Lizzy's taken a liking to."
"I see the story," he chuckled. "You haven't 'taken a liking' to him too, have you?"
"No! Oh no!"
"Juliette likes Phil," Lizzy giggled.
"I do not!" I cried, and Jake just shook his head, laughing.
"So seems like school's good. Otherwise, you two doing okay?"
"Yeah," we said together.
He put an arm around each of our shoulders, and said, "I know it's hard. But hang in there, alright?"
We nodded.
We walked a bit longer, making detours here and there until we finally reached the mall.
"Oh, look Lizzy, I see someone who's name rhymes awfully well with fan, and that sounds like LOOVERRBOYYY!" I said, starting to sing the You Me At Six song.
"Hush!" she cried, slapping a hand on my mouth.
"Where's this famous Finn?" Jake then asked, wiggling his eyebrows. I pulled Lizzy's hand off and subtly nodded towards Finn.
"The guy, next to the one with the weird hat."
"Dan and his llamas," Lizzy said, rolling her eyes.
"I don't get it. Why would he walk around with that on?"
"Because he likes it?" Lizzy said. "Let's get our ice-creams and leave."
"No," I said. "I want to talk to Finn."
"I do, too!" Jake agreed.
"Guys!" she whined, but we ignored her and walked in his direction.
"Finn!" I said, high-fiving him in greeting.
"Sup?" he said, looking from me, to Lizzy, lingering a bit, then looking at Jake.
"Not much. Oh, this is Jake, by the way. Our older brother. Jake, this is Fiiinnn."
"Hey man," Jake smiled.
"Nice to meet you," Finn smiled. "Oh, Lizzy, I wanted to ask you something about History class."
They started talking, and I said, "Well, I'm going to show Jake around. We'll be back."
I grabbed his arm and pulled him away from the pair of them before Lizzy could protest.
"So that's Finn," I laughed.
"How'd you know?"
"Oh, I can tell..."
"Okay? So...?"
"He seems like a cool kid."
I looked around the crowd of teens, looking, or more like hoping, to see Phil's face.
What color eyes did he have? I know they're light, but...
"Juliette?" Jake said, snapping his fingers in front of my face.
"Hunh, what?"
"Is that a music store?"
He pointed to my most favourite place on Earth, and I grinned. "Why yes, yes it is."
"Come on, then!"
Now, it was him dragging me away.
We spent the end of the day roaming around. By the time we got back home, we were so exhausted that we dragged ourselves to our respective rooms and fell asleep almost immediately.
Well, Lizzy and Jake did. I stayed up for a while, drawing, playing a few scales on my bass, but mainly thinking.
Finally, I picked up my phone.

From: Juliette
To: Phil
I hope Wednesday is still on..

I waited for a bit for his answer, then left my phone on my bedside table and decided to write a bit.

"Dear Diary,
So, it's September 26th. Jake came to visit us today, as a surprise. It was awesome. :)
But let's get to the point. It's been three weeks since we came here, three weeks that feel like nothing when merged into the past two years.
It's been two years. 356 x 2 + some odd number of days, yet it's no easier than it was during my first days over... Over there.
Yes, I've made friends here: Dan and the twins, Jack and Finn, Lizzy's soon-to-be boyfriend ;). Yep, they're real twins, not like us, hehehe.
But all in all, it's hard. I'm trying to push away the thoughts that, one day, they'll leave as well, leaving yet another hole in my heart.
Anyways, enough of the depressing thoughts. Good night :)

Ps: Wednesday, I'm hanging out with Phil!

I smiled and shut my journal. I was going to turn off my lamp when my vibrating phone caught my attention.

From: Phil
To: Juliette
Yeah, if you still want to....

From: Juliette
To: Phil
That's such a stupid thing to say. Of course I still want to :)

From: Phil
To: Juliette

From: Juliette
To: Phil
Well, I'm gonna sleep. Good night Phil, see you tomorrow :)

And that night, I fell asleep with a smile on my face.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys!
So what do you think? :3 Please leave some feedback! I feel so awkward posting this, not really knowing if people care or just read it for the laughs... .-.