Status: Completed! - the sequel is 18 And Life To Go

Diamonds and Stones

Chapter 7

And my stupid phone had to ruin the moment.
"I will kill this person," I mumbled, twisting and letting go of Phil to pick up my phone. "Hello?!"
"Hoe! Where are you?"
"Bitch, I'm busy!"
"Get your asses over here!"
"Wait, you're already there?"
"Okay, bye."
I hung up on Lizzy and turned to Phil.
"What is it?"
"A party, tonight. And I want you to come."
"But, I-"
He looked at me, bit his lip, then said, "Fine."
He grabbed some clothes quickly and disappeared into the bathroom. I sat on his bed, looking around at all his posters for the millionth time.
"Do I look alright?"
I looked over at him and had to force my jaw to not drop.
"Phil, you look good."
He blushed slightly. "You think so?"
"I know so. Come on."
I pulled him by the arm, out the house and down the road to mine.
"I need to change as well," I told him. I rummaged through my cupboard, and pulled out my favourite pair of black jeans and a nice top.
"I'll be out in a minute," I said, and scurried into Lizzy and my shared bathroom that separated our two rooms.
"Finally!" Lizzy said as we reached.
"We got lost," I answered sheepishly.
"Only you," she rolled her eyes.
Phil and I walked around, each grabbing a can of Coke in the process.
I spotted Finn and dragged Phil along to talk to him.
"Hi Finn!"
"Hello there Juliette, Phil," he nodded. He seemed nervous. And he was rather nicely dressed, might I add.
"What's up?"
"Oh, um, well, I.... Do you have any advice on how to tell someone how you feel about them?"
I raised my eyebrows and looked at Phil. His facial expression mirrored mine.
"Go for it," I said, looking at Finn once again. "She's in the kitchen."
"Don't pretend like you don't know what I mean!"
"No, but seriously, what ar-"
"My sister's crazy about you, too. Go for it!"
He took a deep breath. "Okay."
"Good luck!" Phil cried to his retreating back.
"I have to witness this," I said, grabbing Phil's wrist and following Finn discreetly.
"Uh, Lizzy. Hi."
"Oh hey, Finn!"
"Uh, can I- I talk to you?"
"Yeah, sure, go ahead."
"Um, okay."
We followed them out the back door. They sat down on a bench in the backyard and we hid behind a tree.
"Yeah, what is it?" Lizzy asked.
"Well, look. There's this thing I've wanted to tell you for a while now but..."
"Finn, you can tell me."
"Okay, here goes," he said, taking a deep breath. "Lizzy, I... I really like you. Like, a lot. And uh, would you... Be my... Girlfriend?"
Lizzy sat quiet, gawping slightly, then said, "Finn, I like you too."
He grinned. "Really?"
"Yeah, really."
"So Juliette wasn't lying, then!"
"What!? She told you?! That hoe! I can't be-"
But Finn cut her off with a kiss. I giggled slightly, then looked up at Phil. He was smiling softly, and turned his gaze to meet mine as well. For a moment, I could've sworn I saw sadness in his eyes, and a pang of disappointment hit me.
"Phil? You okay?"
"Yeah, yeah... Just happy for them."
He was definitely upset. What was wrong?
I tried to side-step him to get back into the house, but we both fell, one next to the other. We turned to look at each other and burst out laughing.
We rolled onto our backs, just to be met with two pairs of eyes.
"Oh, hi," I said to Finn and Lizzy. "We can explain."
"Eavesdroppers," Finn said, rolling his eyes.
I extended my arms, grabbing out for them to pull us up.
"Nope," Finn said.
"Hey! That's unfair, I encouraged you to tell her!"
"Fine, he said, rolling his eyes again and pulling both Phil and I up at the same time. "Now, if you two doofuses will excuse me, I'm going to dance with my lady."
And with that, he put his arm around Lizzy's shoulders and walked off.
"Well, that went better than expected," I said.
"Did you expect him to beat us up?" Phil laughed, but his laugh was sad.
"Eh, maybe. Anyways, let's go back in."
We danced for a bit (or acted like awkward, retarded penguins, if you want), then left about two hours later.
"We're like, the first ones to leave," Phil said as we walked home.
"I know," I giggled. He sighed. "What's wrong?"
I stopped, and he turned around to face me. "Don't lie. What's going on?"
"I guess, I'm jealous in a way."
"Wait, what?"
"Don't take it the wrong way, I don't like Lizzy... Or Finn, for that matter."
"I just.... I wish I had the guts."
"To tell the person you like how you feel?"
He nodded.
"I didn't know that you like someone," I said, walking beside him once again.
"That's good, at least, it isn't obvious."
"Who is it?"
"Just someone."
I decided not to push it too much.

"Good night, Phil," I said, hugging him on my doorstep.
"Good night, Juliette," he replied, smiling slightly, then walking off.
I watched him leave, sighing, then opened the front door and stepped in. Nancy was sitting in the kitchen with a cup of coffee in her hands.
"You're still up?"
She nodded. "Where's Lizzy?"
"Oh, she'll be along," I replied, trying not to grin. "The party isn't close to finishing yet."
"Then why are you home?"
"You know me. Phil and I aren't really party people... Or people people, in general."
She smiled. "You and Phil are pretty close, aren't you."
"Yeah," I smiled, sitting down opposite her with the chocolate bar I had just fished out of the fridge.
"That's good. I'm glad to see Lizzy and you adjusting..."
I laughed. "It's been three months."
"I know, but..."
I hugged her. "Don't worry about us. We'll be fine."
♠ ♠ ♠
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