Status: Completed

The Cashby Redemption


"Austin what do you think of th-" Alan stopped halfway in the living room.
Austin was cuddling that damn octopus again. More like octopussy.
"Whose my Squidgy, whose my Squidgy" he said as he nuzzled it "That's right, you are!" he continued to tickle it like a new parent would their child.
"Austin!" Alan shouted, grabbing his attention.
"What?" he said, not looking away from 'Squidgy'.
Alan sighed "Austin, you never pay attention to me anymore, you spend all your time drooling over that Chine factory toy."
Austin gasped, covering the toy's non-existent ears. "Don't say that."
Alan's face began to heat up as he grew angry.
"Austin it's a piece of fabric and stuffing! I'm your boyfriend!"
"I know you are b-"
Before Austin could get another word out, Alan lunged at him.
"Alan!" Austin squealed as they wrestled for the animal.
Alan eventually got a hold on the colourful pink claw game prize and began to rip it apart, tentacle by tentacle.
With each one Austin cried.
No matter how much he begged, Alan didn't stop. He laughed at he watched Austin begin to cry at the torture that his precious little baby was going through.
"I'M IMPORTANT! NOT THIS PIECE OF SHIT" He screamed to the older boy's face as he threw the torn item to the floor and began to jump up and down on it.
A knock on the door hardly stopped him from jumping.
"Police! Open up!"
"WHO FUCKING CALLED THEM?!" he raged at Austin, who was blubbering and couldn't speak.
The door was knocked down and Alan was tackled to the ground.
"You are under arrest for the attempted murder of Squidgy Fa la la la la Carlile. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say may and will be held against you in a court of law. You have the right to a lawyer..."
The monologue went on, but Alan thrashed as he tried to kill the remains on the creature.
"Get the poor thing to a hospital." he heard one of the officers mutter to another.
Austin cried harder as Alan was loaded into the back on a police car that soon drove off. He was left to watch the remainders of his baby get loaded onto a stretcher before he too was taken away. He was alone.