Status: I'm sorry if it's bad. It's my first fanfic so if you have any suggestions feel free to let me know. :)

Stand by Me

Chapter 10 - California

I woke up really early in the morning. I stayed in bed with Vic and grabbed my charging phone. I started to miss my friends and family. I decided to text an old friend of mine named Sydni. I missed her because she was so nice to me and so kind and a really good friend.
Me: Hey Sydni.
About a minute later she texted back
Sydni: Hey Marta. Where have you been?
Me: Having the time of my life!!! But missing you. :(
Sydni: What do you mean 'having the time of my life'? Are you drunk?
Me: No, I'm sober. And what I'm trying to say is that I have such a great boyfriend.
Sydni: Well then I miss you too Marta, so much!! And who's your boyfriend? Do I know him?
Me: You may not know him but millions of other people do. He's famous Sydni.
Sydni: What?? Are you playing with me?
Me: Nope I'm dead serious. Do you know Pierce the Veil. The lead singer is my boyfriend.
Sydni: No, who's that? And congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you!
Me: That, is the man of my dreams!! :) And thanks!
Sydni: Awww!!! :) No problem! Are you using him for his money? And where are you? I swear you just disappeared!
Me: Umm...I'm arriving California. And why would you ask such a question? I truly love him. You know I'm not like that.
Sydni: I know, sorry just wanted to make sure you're not a bitch :P And you're arriving Cali? I'm in L.A. You?
Me: I honestly don't know. I'm in a tour bus with Yvette, my cousin Jackie and four other guys. Buy Vic, my boyfriend, said they would play there.
Sydni: Wtf? Yvette is there with you?
Me: Yeah. A member from the band is her boyfriend too. Along with my cousin.
Sydni: Really? And here I am single :/ Anyways I'm having a BBQ later today. Wanna come?
Me: YES! I WANT TO SEE YOU! And can I bring guests? What time?
Sydni: Yeah you can bring anyone. And you can come after me, Layla, Wendsline and Cassidy come back from something. Layla's older brother wants to go somewhere and we're all going with her.
Me: Yay! All of ,my close friends are in California! I can finally see you guys! Okay. I'll see you later. I can't wait until you see Jackie's, Yvette and my boyfriend.
Sydni: Lol. Okay bye! :*
Me: Bye! :D
I put my phone to the side. I then turned over to see Vic still sleeping. I can't believe it. The famous Victor Vincent Fuentes was my boyfriend. He can have any woman in the world and he picked me. I smiled and kissed Vic's cheek. I then untangled myself from him. I walked into the lounge. After five minutes of being by myself Jackie walked in. "What up?" she asked. "Nothing. Tired, bored, waiting for everyone to wake up. You?" I answered. "Pretty much the same. Hey do you know the plans for today?" "Yeah. Warped Tour and Barbecue." "A Barbecue?" "Yeah. An old friend of mine invited us and I said yes." "Oh okay." It got quiet for a minute. I decided to break the silence and said "So, how are you and Jaime doing?" "Really good. Jaime is the second best thing that has ever happened to me" "What's the first?" "Being related to you" "Awww" I said as I hugged her. "I love you" She said hugging back. "I love you too. That's why if Jaime hurts you, I will kill him." "Oh, shut up! Don't even say that" Jackie stated. "Hey sexy" I heard someone say. It was Tony. "Who are you talking to Tony?" "You of course. There's no one else in here." "Umm.....hello?" Jackie said. "Oh hey Jackie. Sorry I didn't see you there." Tony replied "I'm not invisible Tony." Jackie said. "I know" Tony said. "One, I'm going out with Vic. And two, you're going out with Yvette also known as my best friend!" I told Tony. "Okay, okay. I'll stop. Now if you two will excuse me, I'm going to make something to eat" He stated. "Okay" Me and Jackie said. "Marta I'm going to go take a shower." Jackie said. "Okay but hurry up" I told her. "Okay" She said walking away. Later on I saw Vic walk in. "Hey baby" he said. "Hey sexy" I replied. He sat next to me and kissed me gently. "Can I ask you something?" I asked. "Anything" He said looking at me "After Warped Tour can we go to my friends barbecue?" "Yeah of course." "Yay!" I said sitting on his lap. "Ugh, get a room" Jaime said walking in. "First of all Mr. Preciado, we weren't doing shit so be quiet." I said sticking my tongue out at him. "Jackie! Your cousin is being mean to me!" Jaime yelled. I just laughed, got off of Vic's lap and hugged Jaime. "Sorry Jaime" "It's okay Marta" Jaime said hugging me back. Mike then walked in with his hair messed up. "Morning sleepyhead!" I said hugging him. "Morning beautiful" Mike said kissing my cheek. Vic got really annoyed and said "Marta, can I speak to you?" "Sure" I said as Vic dragged me to the bunk. "Marta, do you like Tony or Mike" Vic asked me. "Of course I like them Vic. Why do you ask?" "Are you serious? You like them and you're going out with me?" "Oh my gosh Vic! You mean do I like them in that way! No! I don't! Tony is going out with Yvette and if he hurts her I will go to jail for murder. And how can I like my boyfriend's brother? I'm surprised your asking me this. Do you not trust me? I only have eyes for you. I love you Vic, only you." It was quiet for a moment. Vic then said "I'm sorry I didn't trust you Marta. I love you so much it hurts when me too see other other guys call you beautiful and sexy." "It's okay Vic. I understand. If I was in your position I would act the same way." "Thank you for understanding." "No problem. But please trust me. I will never hurt you. I won't cheat on you or break up with you because I know if I mess up I would lose something special." Vic than hugged me. I gave him a hug back and said "Go with everyone out there. I want to take a shower. Jackie's going to be out soon. But I'm going to wake up Yvette" "Okay." Vic said as he started to walk out. I began looking for clothes when Vic called out my name. I looked at him and he said "I love you Marta" "I love you too Vic". Vic then left. I got some clothes and put them to the side of the bed. I then went to Yvette's bunk. "Wake up" I said shaking her. "Mm-kay. What are we doing today?" She asked sitting up. "First Warped Tour then a barbecue. Sydni, Layla Cassidy and Wendsline are in California too. Sydni invited us to her Barbecue and we're going" "Oh that's so cool. We're finally going to see them again" "Yeah I know. Can you please do me a favor and tell the rest? I have to go take a shower." "Okay" "Thank you" I said hugging her. Yvette then got up and walked to where the guys were. Jackie walked out the bathroom and I told her "It's about time". Jackie rolled her eyes and went to the lounge. I got my clothes from the bed and entered the bathroom. I undressed myself and entered the shower. I took a fifteen minute shower, I then got out and dressed myself. I got out with my hair still dripping and I noticed everyone was waiting for me. "Come on! I'm hungry!" Jaime cried. "I'm sorry, I'm here" I said arriving to the table. I took a seat next to Mike because it was the only seat available. We all ate the food that Tony cooked for us. "Thank you Tony" I said getting up. We all got up to get dressed for Warped Tour. Since I was already dressed with black skinny jeans and a blouse from Forever 21. I put on my Vans and went to the bathroom. I decided to put only a little make up. I then did my hair. I walked out the bathroom and realized I was the first one done.I then saw Vic, he looked so cute! "Where do you think you're going looking so cute?" I asked playfully. "What are you talking about? You're the one looking sexy!" "No I am not" "Yes you are" Vic said slapping my butt. "Oh My God Vic!" I said laughing. I sat down and waited for everyone to finish. "Wow Vic, even your girlfriend is faster than you" Mike said teasing his brother. "Haha, very funny" Vic said sarcastically. Jackie and Yvette finished doing each others makeup while the guys finished looking good. They were all finished and we walked outside. Me and Vic's hand entwined with each other as we walked to our table. As soon as the gates opened people came to our table. I sat down and played games on my phone. After a while I got bored and looked around to see if there was a band I could go up to. Then I saw a white girl with have blonde hair and a nose piercing. "Layla?" I asked myself. "I'll be back babe" I told Vic. "Okay, don't be long." he said signing a poster for a fan. "I wont" I said walking away. I went running to see if that was my friend."Layla!" I yelled. She turned around and looked shocked. I tackled her with a hug and she hugged back. "Oh my gosh Marta! I thought Sydni was lying when she told me your conversation in the morning." Layla said happy to see me. "Nope, I'm here" I said smiling. "Sydni, Cassidy, Wendsline come!" Layla yelled. "Marta!" Cassidy yelled running towards me. Cassidy threw me to the ground hugging me. "I missed you so much" She told me. "I missed you too." I said hugging back. We were getting weird stares from people around me so I said "I think its best if we get up". "Yeah" She said getting up along with me. "Hey Marta" Sydni said hugging me. "Hi Sydni" I replied hugging back. "Hey chica" Wendsline said hugging me really tight. "Hi Wendsline" I said laughing. "So this is what you had to do before the barbecue?" "Yeah my brother wanted autographs from these people." Layla told me. "Oh come. I want to introduce you to someone." I said telling everyone to follow me. I lead them to where the boys, Yvette and Jackie were. "Oh my gosh you guys are here" Yvette said hugging the four girls. "Marta who are they?" Jackie asked me. "These are my friends. Layla, Wendsline, Cassidy and Sydni." "Hey" Jackie told them "Hi" The girls told them. "Oh by the way, Jackie is my cousin" I explained to the girls. "Oh okay" Sydni said. "So let me introduce you to Pierce the Veil" I said. "This is Jaime" I said pointing to him. "He plays bass and is Jackie's boyfriend." "Hey girls" Jaime said. "Hey" All the girls said. "This is Tony" I said pointing to Tony. "He plays guitar and is Yvette's boyfriend" "Ooh, Yvette got a boyfriend" Cassidy said teasing her. Yvette just sat next to Tony and he said hi to the girls. "Oh he's cute" Wendsline said. "Wendsline. don't even think about it." I told her. "Oh shut up Marta" She told me. "Wendsline, be quiet so Marta could finish." Layla said. "Thank you. This is Mike" I said pointing at him. "He plays drums and is single." I said. "He's really cute" Layla said "I know right" Sydni replied. "Hey ladies" Mike said flirtatiously. "Hi" they replied. "And finally this is Vic" I said pointing at him. "He is the singer of the band and my boyfriend." I finished. "Hey. You're all Marta's friends?" "Yup" They said smiling. "Nice to meet you" Vic said. "Nice to meet you too" The girls replied. "Aren't I lucky?" I said smiling, hugging Vic. "Yeah" Cassidy replied. "Why don''t you stay out here until Layla's brother is done?" I suggested. "Okay" Sydni answered. We got chairs for them and they sat down, We were all talking while the guys did their thing signing peoples stuff. Everything was fine until I heard a girl say "He Vic, is this slut your girlfriend?" I then looked at her and she was making eye contact with me. "Yes she is but she's not a slut. Don't say that about her." Vic replied. "Excuse me, who are you to call my cousin a slut?" Jackie said. "And who are you?" Asked the girl. "I'm Jaime's girlfriend." Jackie said. "Really Jaime? You realize your going out with trash? You could do better than that." She told him. "She's not trash. She's beautiful and I think you should leave." Jaime snapped. "Okay, I'll go after this." She said as she grabbed water and pour it all over me. "Are you fucking serious?" I asked beyond pissed. I was so angry. There was so much rage in me. Who is this bitch to call me a slut? "You're so pathetic." She told me. "Security!" Mike yelled. "I suggest you leave now or I will beat the living shit out of you" I yelled at her. I started to walk closer to her. She kept backing up and I just headed towards her. Vic left to get the security man and Tony held me back. Shit was going to get real if she didn't leave. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Cassidy and Sydni yelled. "Hold up. I'm about to fight this bitch" Layla and Wendsline said. Jackie was trying to calm me down and Tony was still holding me back. "Tony let me go! I swear this motherfucker is going to get it" I said as I swung at her. It hit her but not hard cause Tony was still holding me. I was so frustrated cause the bitch was still there laughing and calling me stuff. Security finally came and took her away. I was so mad. I am now wet from the water and she called me a slut and Jackie trash. Tony finally let me go and I ran. I ran so fast to the bus. I entered and screamed. I screamed just like Asking Alexandria would in a song. I fell like all the rage was coming out of me. I then walked into the bathroom. There I saw an old friend of mine. I saw the one object that has helped relive stress and helped me when I was upset ever since I was a kid, the razor.
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I hope you liked this chapter! I'm sorry it took a while to upload this. But now that we have meet all the characters, there will be a lot of stuff going on. Thank you for actually reading me story. Tell me what you think! :)