Status: I'm sorry if it's bad. It's my first fanfic so if you have any suggestions feel free to let me know. :)

Stand by Me

Chapter 11 - My Hero

I got the razor and slid it across my wrist. The feeling brought back so many memories. I couldn't fight back my tears. They started flowing freely down my cheeks. I sat in the bathroom floor and slid it across my wrist again. At that moment I heard pounding on the bathroom door. "Marta it's Vic. Are you okay?" Vic asked concerned. I didn't answer him. I didn't want him to see my weak side. "Marta answer me" Vic pleaded. I didn't want to answer him. Ifelt so useless and pathetic. I felt like I meant nothing. "Open the door. I swear if you don't open it I will knock in down." He said. I just sat there like the pathetic fool I am. I heard loud thumps on the door. I didn't react, I just sat there looking at my cuts. I heard more thumps. Then there was this really loud bang on the door. It swung open and I still didn't reply. I felt him observing me, observing the blood flowing down my wrist. "Marta, why did you do this to yourself?" He said with his voice cracking. "I did it cause I was mad. She poured water on me. She called me a slut! She called Jackie trash. What the fuck was her problem?" "I don't know. But don't let this get to you." "It wasn't just her. I used to do it almost every day. I feel like cutting is my escape. My solution for any problem. And today I really needed it. I was craving it" "So you've done this before?" Vic asked. I just nodded. Vic looked at my wrist. He saw old scars. Some fading away and others still visible. "Is this all?" He asked. I shook my head no. He looked at my other wrist and saw more scars. He then lifted my shirt a little bit. He then saw scars and burn marks on my stomach. "Please Marta. Don't do it again" He said looking into my eyes. "I can't promise that I will never do it again." "Marta-" But I will promise that I'll try to stop." I said as I attempted to stop my sobbing. He grabbed alcohol and placed some on my cut. I just observed my sweet boyfriend trying to help me. He attempted to heal my cuts. Then he put a band aid on it. He got up and carried me to his bunk. He sat me on his lap and comforted me. He hugged me tightly and played with my hair. With Vic on my side I automatically felt better. "Babe, go back out there. I'm fine" I told him. "No, I'm not leaving you alone." "Vic I really want you to be here with me. But it's so selfish of me to keep you to myself. Your fans are waiting for you. If you really don't want me to be by myself you can bring Jackie and my friends." "Are you sure?" "Yeah. I'll be fine" "Please don't hurt yourself. I love you" Vic said as his sweet lips was on top of mine. "I love you too"I responded. "I'll see you in a while" Vic said walking out. "Okay" I said as I heard the door shut. I noticed that my clothes were still wet so I changed into dry clothes, a tank top and shorts. A little bit of time passed by and the girls arrived. "Marta, you okay?" Jackie asked. "Yeah I'm fine" I said. "I swear I was about to beat up that bitch. Who the fuck does she think she is talking about my friend like that?" Layla said. Everyone agreed to her statement. "Aww, I love you all too."I told them. "You really should have seen Vic. It looked like he wanted to hurt her for hurting you. But obviously he couldn't cause she was a fan and he would receive a bad image" Yvette stated. "Oh, it's nice to know he cares about me." I said. It got a bit awkward afterwards. "Lets change the subject" Cassidy suggested. "Okay. Lets talk about my barbecue later." Sydni said. "It's gonna be awesome" Wendsline said. "Cool! I hope I get to drink." I said. "Yeah I can't wait to go" Jackie said. "And I can't wait for you to be there." Sydni said. "Guys my brother just texted me. He said we gotta go" Layla said looking at her phone. "Oh okay" Yvette said."We'll see you later. Bye!" Jackie said waving bye. "Bye" Cassidy, Wendsline and Layla said leaving. "Sydni hold up" I said as I pulled her back so no one would hear us. "Do you like Mikey?" I asked her. "Yeah a little. I mean, he's so hot" She said smiling. I smiled back and said "Okay. I'll ask him who he likes and I'll tell you later." "Okay. Bye Marta" Sydni said hugging me. "Bye Sydni" I replied as I hugged back. Sydni then walked out and I sat with Yvette and Jackie in the lounge. "Let's watch tv" Jackie suggested. I turned on the television and Spongebob was on. "Oh my gosh this is my fucking favorite show!!" I said getting happy again. Yvette laughed at my foolish actions while Jackie said "You're such a dork". "Shut up! I have my moments" I told her. We watched tv for a while and then the boys came. "Marta, you okay?" Mike asked. "Yeah I'm fine. Thanks for the concern" I said smiling. "You got us worried. We thought you might have done something" Jaime started. Vic then punched his arm, indicating for him to stop. "Yeah well I guess I'm fine." I said. "I'm glad to see you're okay" Tony said. "Thanks turtle" I said with a smile. I then started to walk to Vic's bunk. I just laid there. Suddenly I felt arms around my body. I turn around to see it's, Mike? "Are you sure you're okay?" He asked. "Positive" "If you need anything I'm here" "Thanks but right now I just want to sleep and forget. I don't want to act like a bitch at the barbecue" "Oh. Okay. Sweet dreams, I guess" Mike said as he kissed my cheek. I really wished he didn't do that. I have feelings for his brother. And Vic was already mad because he thought I liked him back. Does Mike like me? No. I'm thinking this the wrong way. Mike wouldn't hurt this brother over a girl. And he's most likely being nice knowing what happened to me today. He's just being friendly. I decided to put my thoughts to the side and go to sleep. I fell into my slumber. After a while of sleeping peacefully, I heard a sweet voice say "Hey, wake up" "Huh?" I asked. "Come on. Go get ready" Said the voice. "No. I don't want to" I said turning my body to the side so I would no longer be facing the person talking to me. "You leave me no choice" He said as he grabbed me and put my body over his shoulder. "Oh my gosh put me down!" I said finally waking up. "No you're so light. I could take you wherever I want" Said the voice as he started walking away from where I was originally at. "What does me being 'light' have to do with taking me to places? Put me down! Who is this?" I asked rubbing my eyes so I could try to see better. "Your boyfriend" He said putting me down. "Vic!" I said as I jumped in his arms. "You really didn't know it was me?" Vic asked. "No. And yes I realize I have my idiotic moments" I said releasing of his grip. "Wow. You look so sexy. Watch someone at the party try to take you away from me" I told him. "Thanks. And that's not going to happen because I'd say I'm happily with you." He said kissing my lips. "You know you should start dressing for the barbecue." He said as he broke the kiss. "Oh yeah" I said as I walked to where my clothes were. "Wait, where's everything? Where's our stuff and where's everyone?"I asked very confused. "At our house." Vic replied. "What? You moved everything without me? I could have helped" "I didn't want to wake you up. You looked so peaceful and cute sleeping, I didn't want to bother you" "Aww I could have gotten my lazy ass up and helped you. I love you" "I love you too. More than you could ever imagine. Want to go see our new house?" "Yes" I said as Vic grabbed my hand and pulled me out the vehicle. "Oh my gosh it's so cold" I said hugging myself. It was windy and I didnt have the appropriate clothing. Vic then hugged me for warmth. "How did I get so lucky to be with you?" I asked in his arms, smiling. "I want to ask you the same thing" He said pecking my lips. I then smiled and Vic started to talk about Warped Tour and that it's one of the best tours he has done because he met me and that he feels like it went by so fast. I agreed to what he said and we then arrived to a house."This is our new house. Our home" Vic said. We walked in and the first thing I heard was Jackie saying "Finally, sleeping beauty woke up" "Oh my gosh, shut up" I said hugging her. "Bella durmiente" She said mocking me in Spanish now. "Stop!" I said "Oh Hey Marta" Yvette said walking in. "Hey Yvette" I said letting go of Jackie. "Wow. I'm the only one here looking horrible. You all look so nice while I look like a piece of shit" I said. "Then come to our room and change" Vic said pulling me to a room. We then entered a room with a bed and furniture in it. "Your clothes are here" Vic said pointing to a corner. "I wasn't sure where to put it so I decided to wait until you woke up before putting them anywhere" Vic finished. "Okay. Thanks babe" I said kissing him. "You're welcome" Vic said as we released. "Oh Vic. Where's the bathroom? I want to take a shower before we go." I asked. "Across the hall" He answered. "Thanks once again" "No problem bella durmiente" "You too?" I asked as Vic walked away laughing. I then went to where my clothes were and got a black shirt with a cross on it and shredded in the back and dark red skinny jeans. I got my clothes and walked to the room across the hall. I opened the door, walked in and realized it's not a bathroom. I then saw Mike half naked, changing. I jumped and Mike then saw me. "Oh my God!! I am so sorry" I said as I started to leave the room. "It's okay. I enjoy company" I heard him say. I was so embarrassed, my cheeks were bright red. I walked out and went to the next room, the bathroom. I stripped off my clothes and took a shower. The whole time I was thinking about the incident that happened. Why does stuff like this happen to me? Mike is a great guy. He's amazing, talented, good looking, got a nice body and so on. But Sydni likes him and I know they're meant to be. They have so much in common! They would make such a cute couple. And I love Vic, so much. If something happened to him, I think I would die. I hopped off the shower and changed into my clothing. I then put my hair up and out my eye shadow and lip gloss on. I went to my room, put on deodorant and perfume. I started to walk down when I heard someone say "You look nice". I turned around to see Mike standing there changed as well. "Oh my gosh! You're wearing what I bought you! That made me happy!" I said as I hugged him. He had on the shirt I bought him with black jeans. Mike hugged back and we then released. I walked downstairs to where Vic, Jaime and Tony were. "Someone looks sexy" Vic said looking at me. "Aww thank you. You look stunning as well Mr. Fuentes" I said kissing him. We stopped and I looked over at Jaime and Tony and said "You guys look great too" with a smile. "Correction, I look fucking hot. Tony looks, ehh." Jaime said judging Tony. "Sure Jaime." Tony said sarcastically. Yvette, Jackie and Mike then walked in. "Lets go guys. Can I drive?" Yvette asked. "Sure" Is all we heard with one "No" from Jaime. We all looked at him and he just looked down smiling. "Yeah you can drive" Said Vic handing her the keys. We walked out in a group and went to our car. After a short while, we arrived at Sydni's barbecue.
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I hope you guys liked it! Sorry it took a while for me to update. Comment what you think! And for those of you who don't know, Bella Durmiente is Spanish for Sleeping Beauty. Thank you!! :)