Status: I'm sorry if it's bad. It's my first fanfic so if you have any suggestions feel free to let me know. :)

Stand by Me

Chapter 13 - Drama

I woke up with soreness all over my body. It reminded me of what happened last night. A smile appeared on my face as all the memories that just happened hours ago, came back to me. I slowly got up so I wouldn't wake Vic up. But my attempt failed. Vic held me back and kissed me passionately.

"Good morning baby" "Morning love" Both of us got up at the same time. I told him "I'm gonna take a shower". "No. Stay here with me". He pleaded. "But I feel sticky" "Yeah, so do I. Okay go ahead" "Thank you" "But hurry up because I have to take a shower too okay babe?" "Okay" "Or..." "Or what?" "Take a shower with me" "Uhm.." "I mean, I've already seen you sexy body naked. And it'll save us time" "I guess. Why not. I'll get the shower ready" "Okay"

I grabbed my clothes and started running the water. I got in and felt the water run down my bare skin. Minutes later, Vic came in. The very first thing he did was pull me really close to him, so close that there was no room between our bodies. I giggled and he smiled. He stared intensely into my eyes, as did I. He leaned in and I did so too. Our lips collided and I felt butterflies in my stomach. Every time I kiss him, it feels just like the first time. He makes me feel special, like no other boyfriend I've had ever had before. We released and I looked up at him. "I love you Marta. And I'm not saying it just because. I actually mean it" Vic told me holding me tight. "I love you too Vic. So much" I replied with my arms around his neck. We released from each others grip and helped one another take a shower.

After we were done, we got out of the shower. I put on my clothes, dried my hair and put it in a messy bun. I slipped on my socks and headed downstairs. I was headed to the kitchen when I noticed Sydni sitting on the kitchen table crying. "Sydni? What the hell? What happened?" "Mike" She said in between sobs. "What about Mike?" "He cheated on me" "Are you fucking serious?" "Yeah" "It hasn't even been a full day in your relationship and he wants to cheat on you already? Who was it?" "Layla" "Layla?" "Yeah. I was going to bed and I found Layla in bed with him. They were having sex. Mike looked at me and was about to say something but I just left the room angry and upset." "You should've told me. I would've helped you and comfort you last night." "I didn't want to bother you" "You wouldn't have. You never bother me. I'm your friend and I'm here for you. Now, do you mind if I have a little talk with Mikey?" "No" "Okay babe, I'll be right back" I said getting up. "Okay" I heard her say as I walked away.

I walked up stairs to Mike's bedroom and I slightly opened the door. Mike looked at me and I asked "Can I come in?" "Yeah go ahead" he replied. I walked in and sat on the bed. "Why? Why would you do that? And with one of her best friends?!?" "Look, it seems wrong but I can explain. And I honestly do feel bad for not FULLY stopping what happened. But I swear I didn't have sex with Layla. And Layla was the one that came to me" "What are you talking about?" "Okay, here's what happened. Last night I left the group and I was going to sleep. Then Layla came out of nowhere and just got on top of me. She started making out with me and I pushed her. Layla got off of me and she started to take off her clothes. After she was fully exposed she came in the bed and that's when Sydni walked in. We didn't have sex but I also should've yelled at her to stop immediately or push her away harder. I really do like Sydni but she didn't even let me explain. I don't know how to make her believe me." "You're not lying to me about not having sex right?" "No, I swear" "I'm going to talk to Layla and see her side of the story and I'll see what to do from there. I'll talk to you later" I said getting up. But before I left, I punched his arm as hard as I could. "What the fuck was that for?" He asked. "Mike, I told you if you hurt her or made her cry, I would hurt you. I love you and I see you as my bro but I always do what I say" I said leaving his presence.

I was about to go down to look for Layla when I saw her coming up. "Layla! I need to talk to you" I said pulling her and dragging her to a corner. "Did you have sex with Mike last night?" I asked. She sighed and said "No. I didn't have sex with him. I tried to but Sydni walked in when I was trying to make him have sex with me" "Layla. How could you?" I said as nicely as I could. "I really like Mike. And I wanted him for myself. Sydni came in the picture and I got mad so I did that. But Marta, you don't understand how upset and bad I feel. I regret it so much. I would do anything to take it back. Sydni is such a great friend and because me and my stupidity I might have lost a great friendship." "All I can say is try to talk to Sydni. Hopefully she's not that mad at you and you two can still be friends and everything." "Okay. Thank you for understanding and for the advice. I'll talk to her later" She said hugging me "Okay. Well I gotta go talk to her now" "Alright" She said releasing me.

I walked downstairs and there I saw an upset Sydni eating cereal. I sat next to her on the table and said "Good news. They didn't have sex" "But I saw-" "No, you saw Layla naked in the bed with Mike. He still had his boxers on. Yes, in a way he cheated on you cause Layla made out with him but at least they didn't have sex. And it was Layla that got on top of him, not Mike. And both feel extremely bad" "Oh. I can't believe Layla did that. How come Mike didn't push her off?" "Mike said he feels bad about that. He did push her off but not hard enough. They're both sorry. I think they're gonna talk to you later. So right now you should forget about it and be happy" "Okay. Thank you so much for being there for me Marta. I love you so much" "I love you too Sydni. And I'll always be there for you" I said hugging her.

"What up with all the loving?" Jaime asked walking in. I looked over and saw Jaime and Tony standing there. "Yeah. I want some of that love" Added Tony. I smiled and let go of Sydni. I then went over and gave Tony a huge hug. Right when I was going to give Jaime a hug Tony carried me and took me to the living room. "TONY! PUT ME DOWN!!" I said. He dropped me on the couch and he just stood there smiling at me. I couldn't help but laugh too. Then Jaime came and said "My hug?" I got up and hugged him tightly too. Eventually everyone was in the living room.

"Guys, what should we do today?" I asked. "I don't know what you guys are gonna do but I have to go home. I don't want to bother you anymore" Answered Cassidy. "Yeah. I need to tell my family I'm not dead" Said Wendsline. I looked over at Vic. I walked towards him and said "Babe, is it too much to ask for the girls to live here with us?" "If you really want them to live with us, why not? We have plenty of space" "Really?" Vic nodded. I hugged him and said "Thank you! Thank you so much!" "No problem baby" I walked away and said "Sydni, Wendsline, Cassidy and Layla! Do you want to live with us?" "Yes! We could be with each other all the time. But we don't want to disturb you guys" Cassidy said. Everyone added to her statement agreeing and such. Then the guys came in and said "You guys would never bother us. We want you to be here. Its up to you" After a while of discussing they finally agreed to stay over. We already had food, furniture, beds, etc. All they needed was clothes.

We decided to go get some of the clothes they already had and later on go shopping to get new ones. We finally arrived to the mall.The girls decided they were going to go shopping and do our own thing and the guys would do their thing. We went shopping for hours. We then decided to confess our 'secrets'.

"Guys I have to tell you something" Said Yvette. "What?" I asked drinking my coffee. "Me and Tony. We uhh....kinda....umm.. had sex last night" She answered. I swear, I almost spit out my coffee and everyone looked at her shocked. I already knew they were planning on having sex but I didn't expect them to actually do it. "Really?" Asked Jackie. "Yeah" She said looking down. "How was it?" Asked Wendsline. "Uhh... it was good. I mean it was my first time and it hurt but it felt so good" "I also had sex with Jaime" Said Jackie. "Oh my fucking gosh really?" Said Cassidy. "Yeah. It was good. I also lost my virginity last night. It was great" Jackie said smiling. Aww. "I also lost my virginity last night" I said blushing. I felt everyones eyes on me. "And how was it with Vic?" asked Sydni. I laughed and smiled a little bit and said "It was fucking awesome. Honestly, I couldn't ask for a better first time""I wonder if Mike had sex last night" Asked Cassidy. I gave her a look and she was very lost.

Sydni looked at Layla and Layla said "I almost had sex with him" Everyone looked at her and
Cassidy now understood why I gave her that look. "How could you Layla? What the fuck did I ever do to you to go ahead and attempt to have sex with my NEW boyfriend? You were on of my best friends, someone I actually trusted. What did I do?" Sydni blurted out "Sydni, I am so sorry. I swear we didn't have sex. All that happened is that I kissed him but he didn't want to kiss back. I forced him to. He tried to fight back. If I could go back in time and had a possibility to prevent something, I would prevent that moment. I was jealous of you and how you got a guy I wanted. I am so sorry. Please Sydni, forgive me." Layla said hugging her. Sydni hugged back and said "Its alright. At least Mike isn't someone who I absolutely LOVE. I guess I was just really mad that you would do that and that in such a little time being together, Mike would cheat on me." "I know. I'm so sorry. I love you bestie" "I love you too" They said hugging each other tighter. "So, no hard feelings?" Asked Jackie. "Nope" They said in unison. "Okay well we should go continue shopping, I got a text from Vic to meet us in a while"

We shopped at stores like Hot Topic, Forever 21, Victoria's Secret, Macy's, American Eagle, Hollister, Aeropostale etc. We met at the front entrance. There they were waiting for us in the car. We opened the trunk and there we put our bags and we noticed were some bags from the guys. We drove home and settled our things in our drawers and stuff. I told everyone it was a long day today and that I'm going to sleep. Sweet dreams I said as I walked away. I changed into comfortable sleeping clothes and laid on the bed. I started dreaming, but I wasn't asleep. I felt arms wrap around me and hugged me tightly. "I love you baby" I heard Vic say. I turned around and said "I love you too babe." "I thought you were sleeping" "I was trying to" "Sorry" "Its fine, don't worry" He kissed me and said "Go to sleep angel. Someone as beautiful as you deserves her beauty sleep" I kissed him passionately and said "Night sweet lips" I put my head on his chest and arm around his stomach as he wrapped his arm around me. I slowly fell asleep listening to the music being played by Vic's heart.
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Alright so thank you to the lovely readers reading my story. It makes me so happy. Any suggestions you guys have for me? I promise I will try to apply them to the story. Also there are about two more chapters until this story is over. BUT I made a part 2 called Bulletproof Love. Please let me know if you want me to put it up. Thank you guys!!! Love you all! c: <3