Status: I'm sorry if it's bad. It's my first fanfic so if you have any suggestions feel free to let me know. :)

Stand by Me

Chapter 14 - My Lazy Day

I woke up to the song Remembering Sunday as it was set in my phone. "What the fuck? I thought I turned that shit off" I mumbled as I pressed a random button on my phone. I fell back asleep and soon enough I heard The Morticians Daughter play, a back up song I put if I click snooze. I groaned and woke up and turned the alarm off. I realized that Vic wasn't on the bed. I figured he woke up and went downstairs. I went to the bathroom to fix my hair and brush my teeth.

I walked downstairs and there I see Vic, Tony, Yvette, Jaime, Jackie and Cassidy awake, sitting on the table. I walked to them and they all told me 'Good Morning'. "Morning" I told everyone. "So what were you guys talking about?" I asked. "Nothing much. Just a crazy dream I had" Said Jaime. "Oh" I said smiling. I could only imagine what Jaime was dreaming about. "Did you guys eat already?" "No. And I'm starving" Tony said pouting. "Alright. I'm going to make pancakes" I said looking for the ingredients. "Can I help?" Asked Jaime. "Sure. The more help I get, the better" I replied. "I don't think that's such a good idea." Said Vic. "Why?" I asked. "Because Jaime isn't the best cook. He'd most likely destroy our breakfast" Answered Tony. Yvette, Cassidy and Jackie laughed and Jaime said "You guys just don't like my cooking." He then looked at me and said "Marta! They're making fun of me" And came to me pouting as if a little kid. I chuckled at his childish behavior and looked at the group and said "No more making fun of Jaime. Okay?" "Okay" They said disappointed and child like too.

I moved over to the fridge and realized that there was no milk and very little eggs. "Guys, I'll be back. There's not enough eggs and no milk. I'm going to go buy some" "No, stay here, I'll go with Jackie" Said Cassidy. "Yeah, we'll be back. Anything else you want from the store?" Asked Jackie. "Umm, no. I think that's all. But if I think anything last minute I'll let you know at the store." "Okay. Let us just change and we'll go." "Okay" They walked up the stairs to change and I stayed there with Yvette and the three guys.

I started talking to Yvette feeling as if we haven't really had a talk in a long time. We talked about the weirdest things ever. We then realized that Jackie and Cassidy left the house and Sydni walked in. "Hey Sydni" Me and Yvette said in unison. "Hey" she answered. "How did you sleep?" Asked Yvette. "Good. What were you two talking about?" "We were talking about Aliens and how we think they exist and one day they will take over the earth and eat everyone but not us cause we got a method" I answered. "You two are so weird" "No we're not" Answered Yvette. I laughed because it's true.

Me and Yvette were basically the 'weird' and 'outcasts' in school. At that time period we really connected with each other. We were both shy and shared the same music taste. We also really bonded because of a situation with our dads. My dad left me and so did hers. The only difference is that she has a step dad and I didn't. She was like my lost twin sister, and I finally found her. Mike then walked in the room. "Morning guys" He said. "Morning" Me and Yvette said. Sydni still wasn't talking to him. I sighed because I really wanted the two to be together. Mike looked at me as if trying to tell me something. I got up and went to him. "What up?" I asked. "I wanna try to settle things with Sydni. I really want her to give me another chance. And if she still wont take me back then I at least want her to be my friend." "Then talk to her now" "But what if she refuses to talk to me" "She's not like that, she'll listen you" "Are you sure?" "Yeah, go get her" I said pushing him to Sydni. "Sydni can we talk?" He asked her. He helped her up and took her to the living room.

I went to Yvette and she told me "I hope they work their shit out" "Yeah so do I" I replied. "Hey Yvette, before I forget do you want something from the store?" "Umm, is there juice?" I got up in the fridge and looked for juice. "There's only orange juice" "I want fruit punch" She said. "I'll call them in a minute" I went to Vic and wrapped my arms around him from behind. "Babe you want something from the store?" He turned around and smiled. "No, I'm fine thanks" "Guys do you want something" I asked Jaime and Tony. "Nope. I'm good" Said Jaime. "I want coffee" Replied Tony. "I want coffee too. Okay I'll tell them" I said walking away. I walked to Mike and Sydni who were sitting on the couch talking and said "Sorry to be interrupting you two but do you want anything from the store?" "You're not interrupting anything Marta. Everything is fine. And no thanks. I don't want anything. You Mike?" "No, I'm fine. Thanks anyways" He replied. "Okay. So you guys are okay now?" "Yeah, we're fine. We solved things out and I gave him another chance" "That's great! I'm happy you two worked things out. I'll leave you two alone now" I said walking away. I walked to Layla's room and woke her up. "You want something from the store?" I asked her. "No. But thanks" "Okay. Go get ready though because I'm about to cook breakfast" "Okay" She said as I walked away. I went to Wendsline and realized she was already awake, just too lazy to get up. I asked the same thing and got the same response.

I called Jackie and said "Hey! You paying yet?" "No, we decided to get more mix and now we're getting the milk and eggs." "Oh, okay. Yvette wants Fruit Punch juice and me and Tony want coffee." "Okay is that all?" "Yeah, unless you guys want something" "I'll ask Cassidy. We'll see you in a while. Bye motherfucker!" "Bye!" I said. I went back to Yvette who was next to Tony and the guys.

I sat next to Vic. He put his arm around me and even with the guys around we continued talking about the alien takeover. When it was Yvette's turn to talk I realized it was quiet where we were. I turn over to the guys and they were just sitting there listening to the conversation. "The fuck?" I said. "Weren't you having your own conversation?" Asked Yvette. "Yeah but we found yours more interesting" Said Tony. "Yeah and an Alien invasion would NEVER happen. If we did get invaded it would be by zombies" Added Jaime " "Zombies?" Asked Yvette. "Yeah. And me and Jaime got the best strategy to protect our self from them" Answered Vic. At that moment, Jackie and Cassidy walked in with grocery bags.

"You're back! Thanks for buying the stuff" I told them. "Anytime" They said in unison. I got the bags and set them on the counter. I saw Jaime and Tony walk in helping me take out the stuff from the bags. Jaime you can get the mix ready. Tony do you want to help?" I asked. "Okay" Jaime replied and Tony said "Sure" Jaime turned the mix into batter and Tony was assisting me in getting the stove heated and stuff. I got the batter and said "Thanks Jaime" I poured some batter on the pan and told them "When making pancakes do not put a lot or a little" "But how do we know when to flip the pancake?" Asked Jaime. "When you think its ready turn it around. And if you see it didn't fully cook, you can flip it back. Just make sure you don't burn it" "Ugh, this sounds like so much work" Tony said. "Then what are you going to do?" "Make us coffee" "Okay, make some extra just in case someone else wants" "Okay" He said walking away. I turn back around and saw Jaime already made some pancakes. "Good Job Jaime" "Thanks. I might have burned some though" He said upset. I laughed and assisted him in making the pancakes. Before we knew it, we had enough pancakes for everyone. I set the table for everyone and Tony called out "Get your asses down here to eat!" He then put juice and coffee on the table followed by toast that I assumed he made and pancakes.

Eventually everyone was downstairs eating. "Alright, I'm sorry if you get one of the burnt ones. But it wasn't my fault" said Jaime. "It actually was" I replied. "Shhh" He told me. I laughed and continued eating my food. We all ate and talked about everything and nothing. I decided to have a lazy day today. I didn't really want to go out. I just wanted to stay in. When we were all done eating I put away the dishes and went to the couch. I sat there staring at the tv when Jaime came. "Wassup Marta?" He asked. "Nothing. Watching tv" "Can I watch with you?" "Sure" We just sat there watching the tv. Then we just got into a really deep conversation. Then I told him I see him like one of my that best friends. He agreed and we were just thankful for the fact that we met each other and that we're really good friends. Me and Jaime had that brother sister relationship.

Vic walked in and said "Jaime, no funny business. I don't think your girlfriend would appreciate that." "We're just talking Mr.Fuentes. Nothing is going on" "Good, stay that way." "I wouldn't cheat on you." "I know babe" I kissed him and Jaime said why don't you stay here and participate in the conversation we're having." "Alright" We started talking about Vic and his ways. I've known Vic for a while now but Jaime still knows him better then I do. Then everyone came into the conversation. Before we knew it we were ordering pizza at 9:30 still talking. It's surprising that we don't get tired of each other and that we stayed in the house all day talking. It was weird. We changed the subject really fast. By the time the pizza arrived it was basically confession hour for us. We all said something really deep. Tony explained his experience in high school. Vic told us his times in school and his self harm. Jaime explained how he always felt unwanted and Mike said he used to feel segregated and an outcast. It was surprising how we all said something.

"Guys I'm tired. I'm gonna go sleep. I love you all and good night." "Night" They answered. I got up and walked to my room. The door was shut and I turn around to see Vic there. "Hey babe" he said. "Are you really tired?" "Yeah" I answered. "Or did you leave because you started getting emotional?" "You know me so well. It just shocked me how all of you went through similar things as me. As I said I used to get bullied all the time and everything and just remembering all these assholes that used to pick on me and shit, I don't know it just hurt. And knowing that you used to self harm and your high school experience" "I know. When you told us your story it hurt me too. I never knew you used to get harassed and beat by guys. Just imagining that hurts me" I felt tears swelling up as I was talking to Vic. He comforted me and reassured me that everything was fine. "Babe think of it like this. Those assholes aren't gonna bother you anymore. In fact, no one is going to bother you. Do you know why?" I nodded no. "Because love, I'm here. No one is going to hurt you as long as I'm here. I promise. Never again. I'll protect you till the end" I smiled and kissed Vic. "I love you baby" "I love you too. Remember when you're with me you're going to be just fine. Now lets go to sleep. Shall we?" "We shall" I chuckled. We got in bed and I wrapped my arms around him. I truly do love Vic. Just being with him mad my day and night a lot better.
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Sorry this chapter is really boring. It was a filler. But the next one is gonna be crazy. I promise that.