Status: I'm sorry if it's bad. It's my first fanfic so if you have any suggestions feel free to let me know. :)

Stand by Me

Chapter 8 - Hanging Out

I noticed Mike walk in. He stared dead at Tony and Yvette kissing. "What the hell?" Mike asked. Tony and Yvette immediately broke the kiss. "Oh. Hey Mike" Yvette said. "What the hell just happened?" Mike asked. "Me and Yvette are going out" Tony said smiling. "Yeah, so are me and Jackie" Jaime continued. "As well as me and Marta" Vic finished. "Damn. A guy oversleeps and misses a lot" Mike chuckled. "Now I need a girlfriend" He finished. "Don't worry, I got lots of pretty friends" I said smiling. "Haha" Mike said sarcastically. I stuck out my tongue at him and he came to give me a hug. I hugged him back and Yvette asked "So what are we going to do today?" "Well we're going to California but since that is going to take a while, we're stopping by a mall." Tony answered. "What for?" Jackie asked. "You girls need new clothes. You can't be using ours forever" Jaime replied. "That's so nice for you guys to care for us. But we don't have a lot of money." I said disappointed. "That's why you have us" Vic said as he pulled me to the couch. "You're adorable" I said. "Not as much as you are" Vic said kissing me. "Ugh, get a room!" Mike said disgusted. "Don't be jealous because your older brother got a girlfriend and you don't." Tony I noticed Mike walk in. He stared dead at Tony and Yvette kissing. "What the hell?" Mike asked. Tony and Yvette immediately broke the kiss. "Oh. Hey Mike" Yvette said. "What the hell just happened?" Mike asked. "Me and Yvette are going out" Tony said smiling. "Yeah, so are me and Jackie" Jaime continued. "As well as me and Marta" Vic finished. "Damn. A guy oversleeps and misses a lot" Mike chuckled. "Now I need a girlfriend" He finished. "Don't worry, I got lots of pretty friends" I said smiling. "Haha" Mike said sarcastically. I stuck out my tongue at him and he came to give me a hug. I hugged him back and Yvette asked "So what are we going to do today?" "Well we're going to California but since that is going to take a while, we're stopping by a mall." Tony answered. "What for?" Jackie asked. "You girls need new clothes. You can't be using ours forever" Jaime replied. "That's so nice for you guys to care for us. But we don't have a lot of money." I said disappointed. "That's why you have us" Vic said as he pulled me to the couch. "You're adorable" I said. "Not as much as you are" Vic said kissing me. "Ugh, get a room!" Mike said disgusted. "Don't be jealous because your older brother got a girlfriend and you don't." Tony answered for me. I laughed which caused me to break the kiss. "We're here!" Jaime yelled. "Okay" We all replied. We all got our clothes to change into them. I grabbed one of Vic's tank tops and one of his jeans along with a belt. As I started walking into the bathroom, I felt someone pull me. "Vic?" I asked as I jumped. "You know, you can just change here. No one's around but me." He said. I smiled and rolled my eyes playfully. "Not today Mr. Fuentes." I told him. He made a pouting face. I kissed him and went into the bathroom. Gosh, I love teasing him. I took a quick 10 minute shower and started getting dressed. Suddenly, I heard the door open. What the hell, didn't I lock it? I tried to cover my body as quickly as I could but it didn't work. "Woah, sorry I-Oh hey Marta. You have a very nice body" Tony said staring at me and then winking. "Ugh! Out!" I said throwing a towel at him. "Go tell that to Yvette!" I said pointing at the door so he can understand I want him out. "Okay. Yvette!" he yelled as he closed the door. "You have a sexy body" His slowly dimming voice said. "What? Where did that come from?" I heard her say. I chuckled as I put on Vic's shirt and jeans. I walked out and saw almost everyone ready. We were just waiting for Jaime to finish changing in his bed. "Okay turtle you can go now. The bathroom is empty." I told Tony as I sat next to Vic. "Oh I don't need to go." Tony replied. "So why did you walk in when I was change-" I started. "Hold up. You walked in when my girlfriend was changing? What the fuck dude?" Vic said trying to act calm. "Yeah. Sorry about that. It was an accident." Tony said defending himself. "You swear?" Vic asked. "Yeah. I wouldn't do anything to hurt Yvette or Marta" He finished. "Aww" Jackie said. Yvette smiled and I just cuddled with Vic. "Jaime how long does it fucking take to fucking change?" Mike shouted. "Woah Mikey! Calm down" I said smiling. "I'm coming!" Jaime said walking in. "Alright. Lets go" Vic said standing up. Vic walked out followed by me and the rest of the 5 amazing people. "Marta" Vic whispered in my ear causing shivers to go down my spine. "Yes?" I said smiling. "I love you babe." He said putting his arm around my waist. "You love me? Seriously?" I asked. He nodded and I said Aww I love you too" and kissed his cheek. We started walking and I noticed the people around me. I swear, Jackie and Jaime looked like they were married, Tony and Yvette were holding hands and Mike was just looking at the happy couples. "Aww" I said upset. "What's the matter?" Vic asked. "Look at Mike. He's so alone." Vic smiled and said "You're so sweet and caring. One of the characteristics I love about you." I bit my lip so I would keep myself from smiling like an idiot. After I stopped blushing I stared at the only current single member of the band. "Mike!" I yelled. "What?" he asked walking towards me. "You look lonely. Stay with us." I said. "No, I don't want to get in your way." He replied. "You're not." I said grabbing his hand. "Fine" he said smiling. We continued walking until we reached the mall. We entered the mall and we all stopped walking "Okay so this is what's going to happen. Girls, you'll go your own way and we'll go ours. We'll then meet up at the food court to eat." Vic stated. We all agreed to his plan. Then, the guys called their girlfriend over. "Here's your money" Vic said handing me money. I looked at it and my eyes were wide open. "Three hundred dollars?" I said shocked. "Yeah." Vic said as if it was nothing. "It's too much Vic. I can't accept this." I said giving him his money back. "Yes you can. I'm not taking it back Marta." Vic said. "Vic. Please? You're so generous. Please at least take back 200" I said pleading him. "Babe take it." Vic said staring into my eyes. After a while of pleading and begging I gave up and said "Okay, fine. Thank you so much.". I hugged him tightly and he did the same. He pecked my lips and I smiled. "Okay well thank you so much. I'll see you around three?" I said. He nodded and said "Bye beautiful". "Bye babe" I said waving and catching up with Yvette and Jackie. "How much did Vic give you?" Jackie asked me. "Three hundred" I answered. "Jaime gave me the same thing even though I begged for him to take some back." Jackie stated. "How about you Yvette?" I asked. "The same" she replied. "Our boyfriends are so generous" Jackie said. We all nodded in agreement and I said "That's why we should buy them something". "Yeah! What do we get them though?" Yvette asked. "What about clothes?" Jackie suggested. "Yeah why not?" Yvette said. "Okay so we'll buy something for our boyfriends. Marta you for Vic, Yvette you for Tony and I'll get something for Jaime. "But I don't want Mike to fell left out." I stated. "That's true. It's bad enough he doesn't have a girlfriend. Marta, why don't you get him something." Yvette said. "Okay sure!" I said as we continued to walk. "To Hot Topic we go!" Jackie said. We arrived at Hot Topic. I got a shirt that I think Vic would like as well as red skinny jeans. I got Mike a similar shirt with dark blue gym shorts. I got myself a Pierce the Veil shirt, a Sleeping With Sirens shirt, a Asking Alexandria shirt, purple ripped skinny jeans, light blue shorts and a Black Veil Brides bracelet. I walked over to the cash register. "That would be $85.00" said the guy behind the counter. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah I gave you a discount" said the guy. "Okay? Thank you" I said handing him the money. "No problem cutie" he said as I started walking away with the bags. I wonder if he gave me a discount because I was 'cute'. What the hell do guys see in me? I shrugged it off and walked to Jackie who was already waiting outside. "What did you get?" I asked her. "I got Jaime black skinny jeans and a t-shirt. Then I got myself an Avenged Sevenfold shirt, an Of Mice & Men shirt, an All Time Low bracelet and a Falling In Reverse shirt." She answered. "That's cool. He's gonna like it and your going to look great in the stuff you bought. I hope Vic likes what I got him. "Marta, Vic will like anything you give him." Jackie replied. Yvette walked out and said "I couldn't find anything for Tony". "So what's in the bag?" I asked. "A Motionless In White shirt a Suicide Silence shirt, a Chelsea Grin shirt and a button that says ' I'm Not Ant-Social, I Just Don't Like You'. " she said showing them to us. "Wow, those are pretty I didn't see them!" Jackie said. "Haha! But on a serious note, what should I buy him?" Yvette asked. "How about a bracelet or a necklace or something?" Jackie suggested. "Yeah I'll get him that, thank you" Yvette told her. "No Problem" Jackie said. I looked at my phone and realized we only had two hours left. "Guys we should really get going. We're kind of in a rush to get our and Tony's shit" I stated. We walked around the mall and Yvette got him a necklace with a black cross on it along with a black bracelet. After we went to Sears, Hollister, Macy's, Forever 21, Aeropostale, Victoria's Secret, The Converse Store, The Vans Store and Foot Locker. When our time was up, we rushed to the food court and we saw the guys there waiting for us. I walked up to Vic and he said "Hey baby. I missed you" I smiled and said "I missed you too babe" "Gosh, you all have a lot of bags" Mike said. "Well we do have our new clothes and some stuff other stuff. We got presents." Jackie replied grinning. "For who babe?" Jaime asked her. "For you guys!" She exclaimed. "For us? Why?" Tony asked being curious. Vic then looked at me and said "What did you get me?". "You'll see when we get to the bus." I replied. He nodded and we all ate at a Panera shop. Then we headed to the bus with our bags.
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I am sorry I haven't updated in a while. A lot has happened. But I hope you guys enjoy it. Please tell me what you think. If you think it sucks, let me know what you think I should change. If you think it's good, please tell me!! Also, please continue reading and give my story a chance. Thank you to the people that have read it! You guys are awesome! :D <3