Sequel: Painting Virgin Skin
Status: Super Mushy X3

Cracks in Reality

Telling James

There was a long stretch of infinite flower fields, and I could see James stand in the center of one looking around for me. It was a breathtaking view, so many beautiful colors and flowers with my love in the center of it all. I run towards him, so eager to let him know that I received his letter. Silently praying that he won’t think it’s his mind playing a trick on him. I don’t want him to think that this is just a beautiful dream; this was more than that, this was our reality. And our reality had cracked open into the reality that everyone else lived in too. We were what dreams were made of for them.
I want so desperately for him to know, like I now know, that we are a real couple. Not just a fantasy he created but a real love story. He was really my forever. I jumped into his arms when I reached him, and he twirled me around laughing. I could feel his joy flow through his hands into me. I couldn't be happier than in the moment, knowing that soon, it will be ours out there too.

“Hey there is my little lady.” He cupped my chin after putting me down, I blushed.

“Hello Mister Clark, did you miss me?” I ran my fingers across his jaw line.

“Yes, every second I spend without you I miss you.” He kissed the top of my head and I smiled.

“I got your letter James, I am coming to you baby.” He smiled, and pulled me in tight.

“I sure hope so Ruby. I am not sure how much longer I can go without you.” My heart aches a little because I knew he didn't realize what my words meant.

“I promise you won’t have to wait much longer.” I kiss him, treasuring each moment his lips are on mine.

When we pull apart we just stand there staring into each other’s eyes. He runs his fingers across my lips, my favorite gesture of his. I run my fingers into his hair on the back of his neck. We say nothing but we don’t need words for our love to speak volumes. I feel butterflies in my stomach knowing that soon I will be in his arms in the real world too. Then I can always have him, in our dreams and out there. I couldn't think of anything more perfect then that. I couldn't think of anything more perfect then a life with him.

“What time do you get out of school tomorrow?” He gives me a confused lopsided smile and a slight head tilt.

“I have football practice tomorrow; we are on the field by three. I get out from classes at 1 pm through. I usually just hang ‘round campus with the guys from the team to kill time. We already been most everywhere in town, besides they all have girlfriends on the squad, so they like to watch them practice.”

“Can I watch you practice football one day?” He smiled, and placed his hand in my hair.

“Of course you can any day you want. Coach loves when people come to watch us practice. He says it gives us a boast.” I ignore the doubt in his voice and smile.

“I will see you at practice then. By the way, how far is the Holiday inn from Glacier high school?”

“It is less than a mile.” His unsure smile tying my stomach into knots.

“I can’t wait to see the Glacier wolf pack in person.” I kissed him again, hoping the confusion would erase with my touch. “I will see you tomorrow baby. Be sure to look in the bleachers for me.”

“Where are you going? You just got here.” A worried look filled his face, clenching my heart.

“I will be back James. I just have to get off the plane to catch the next fight. Give me a few and I will be back here with you. I love you.”

“I love you too Ruby, more then you will ever be able to fathom. I will be waiting here for you to get back.” He held me tight before my words dawned on him. “Where are you on a plane to?”

I smiled and blew him a kiss.

“You will know soon.”

I felt myself wake up. The plane was almost empty; everyone seemed to have scurried off as soon as we landed. Nicky and Dixie shaking me so we won’t miss our connection. They pulled me off the plane with our bags in tow prepared for flight number two. We ran through the terminal and I had a huge smile on my face. I knew I was so much closer to James then five hours before. That alone was enough to make me endure this long journey. To endure the curses being said in my direction as we pushed past all the people. To endure heavy luggage and rushing to make a connection. He was worth it all. I knew was so much closer to have all of our dreams come true . . . literally.
♠ ♠ ♠
half-dead from four hours of sleep so I am hoping it is good as it seems to me

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