Sequel: Painting Virgin Skin
Status: Super Mushy X3

Cracks in Reality

Kalispell Cafe

I was blown away by the beautiful sites I saw as we flew over Montana. I was glad I grabbed the window seat so I could look at everything; this was the place James’ called home after all. I wanted to memorize the landscape so I could picture him there in the vast beauty. I still had the image of his confused face burned behind my eyelids as we parted mere minutes ago. He never allowed himself to grasp that I was headed his way; I was really going to see him. I smiled just at the simple thought; I was going to see James.

The butterflies in my stomach swarmed as the plane started to descend. I could feel the touch of James’ lips on mine and I blushed just at the thought. I know that soon I will share my real first kiss with my love. Unfortunately it’s only seven in the morning which means I have eight hours of waiting to do. Check in is at eleven, and the hotel was less then fifteen minutes away from the airport, so we have to kill time before getting settled in. So we decided to eat breakfast at Kalispell Coffee shop and Cafe, a place recommended by a local who works at the airport. I pick up the car from the rental place, which was thankfully still within the airport. In the meantime Dixie buys a town map and guidebook leaving Nicky to lunge around our three bags.

I pull up in the car to the front of the airport and honk at them. Nicky threw the bags up top of Dixie who climbs into the backseat. She yells at him as he climbs into the front chuckling the whole time. I just can’t help but laugh, Dixie resigning to her own laughter. Finally, Dixie starts navigating us to this café which was great because I am starving.

“Hurry up Rubz, I need my coffee.” Nicky yawned.

“Yeah well I can eat a horse.” I poked him while pulling into the place, grateful it didn’t take forever to find.

There was nothing special about how it looked but the smells coming from inside made my stomach grumble. I barely remember to lock the doors before running into quaint restaurant. My eyes swept the place to see all the good food the other people were eating. I wanted everything.

“Good morning, what ya’ll be having today?” The girl behind the counter smiled at us.

“Let’s start with three cups of your favorite cups of coffee ma’ma, for me and my two friends here.” She eyed Nicky appraisingly as she placed the drink order.

I couldn’t help but notice Dixie give her a dirty look as she smiled in a flirty manner at Nicky.

“Oh my, everything looks so good.” I practically drooled over the menu.

“I want the steak and eggs, that’s a good man’s breakfast.” Nicky winked at Dixie and she laughed.

Am I missing something? Since when did Dixie laugh at a stupid joke like that?

“I want the Big Sky.”

Who could say no to grilled potatoes piled with black beans, fresh avocado, two scrambled eggs, two strips of bacon and Monterey jack cheese? Plus it’s served with homemade salsa and toast, yummy. I am getting hungrier by the minute just thinking about it.

“I will just get the Trader Taters.”

“Split all three, three ways.” I say and they all nodded, sharing food is always more fun.

The same girl gave us our orders then we headed to a spot on the patio. I wondered to myself how many times James’ may have eaten here. I could picture him sitting with us at the table laughing at holding my hand as he ate. Nicky made sure our huge breakfast plates we equally split into three parts so when the plate pass came up we would be ready. (That’s how we always shared, the plate pass. Pretty much we eat what we could handle then call out plate pass and ready or not you pass your plate to the person next to you. Clockwise of course.)

I felt the coffee warm me up, even though I was unaware that I was cold. I was so grateful for how delicious it was. (I am very picky with my coffee.) I made a mental note to thank that guy who recommended this place if I see him again.

“Everything is so perfect.” Dixie said after one bite of her food. “I wish I could come here every day.”

“Almost perfect,” I mumbled.

“Don’t worry,” Dixie smiled at me, “you’ll be with your James’ soon.”

It really was a beautiful morning, the warm sun rays with a slight breeze kept us cool. Ideal fall weather, plus this food is amazing and I have my friends with me. I know that he is the only thing keeping this from being an idyllic moment. I always know that soon, that won’t be a problem anymore. I munched on as much of my portion as I could before yelling plate passing. I was thrilled to bite into the steak Nicky was having, yum times ten. (Okay I really do enjoy food, maybe a little too much.) The time flew by here and just like that we were headed to our rooms at the Holiday Inn. I hope the rest the day follows that pattern until I get to James, then it can slow down.
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This chapter is for my readers, I ♥ you guys. Thank you so much for the continued support ♥

Sorry it a bit filler like she had to do something to kill time before football practice :)

Tell me what you think.

By the way, the cafe is a real place and what they eat are real menu items.